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http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2009/02/10/f-afghanistan.html. Canada in Afghanistan – What Should Canada’s Role Be?. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2009/02/10/f-afghanistan.html. Part One Canada’s Goals Globalization and Sustainable Prosperity for All .
http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2009/02/10/f-afghanistan.html Canada in Afghanistan – What Should Canada’s Role Be? http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2009/02/10/f-afghanistan.html Part One Canada’s Goals Globalization and Sustainable Prosperity for All http://afghanistan-canada-solidarity.org/files/images/TF%201-08%20019-REDUCED.jpg
Instructions for Part One: Canada’s Mission Goals - Afghanistan • For part one of this assignment use the Canadian Government Website: • Canada In Afghanistan Fill in the slides provided with the information requested in your own words. This is at most a partner (1 or 2 person) assignment! • Each slide will also contain a picture of Canada’s war/mission in Afghanistan which you will provide a link to. • See the example on the title page of this presentation and then ask for help if you do not know how to create links. • You pictures cannot all be from the same site.
Priority One: Security • How is Canada Providing Help? • Training, mentoring and equipping the Afghanistan police and army • Building government support • Backing up the police force with reinforcements in the justice and correctional systems • What are two goals that Canada has for this part of the mission by 2011? • The ANA with the support from the ISAF, will show a more secure environment in the province Kandahar. • The ANP will start to demonstrate an increase in their law and order in the province Kandahar. http://hellenic-reporter.blogspot.com/2007/02/canada-in-afghanistan-securitystability.html
Priority Two: Basic Services • How is Canada Providing Help? • Help strengthen the government system and bring confidence to the Kandaharis in the Afghanistan government. • To establish main services to help promote economic growth • Create better health care • What are two goals that Canada has for this part of the mission by 2011? • Government officials will be able to provide its people with more key services in Kandahar. • More buildings, land improvements and teachers will be able to be created. http://www.afghanistan.gc.ca/canada-afghanistan/documents/r01_10/aid.aspx
Priority Three: Humanitarian Assistance • How is Canada Providing Help? • Canada has donated up to $111 million over the last three year to help the government • Food has been sent through the World Food Program to the less fortunate • Vaccinations and promotions of better health have been promoted • What are two goals that Canada has for this part of the mission by 2011? • Afghan refugees will be able to access these humanitarian assistance plans • Afghan institutions will be planned and practiced in emergency situations. People will become more aware through education. http://www.acdi-cida.gc.ca/acdi-cida/ACDI-CIDA.nsf/eng/FRA-92513128-MYG
Priority Four: Border • How is Canada Providing Help? • Training border officials • Have and official border dialogue between Afghanistan and Pakistan • Help provide critical infrastructure and equipment • What are two goals that Canada has for this part of the mission by 2011? • Have a good number of border officials that are educated with the new ideas. • Afghan will cooperate better with Pakistan and have a stronger more managed boarder. http://snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.com/2011/03/harper-we-cant-win-in-afghanistan.html
Priority Five: National Institutions • How is Canada Providing Help? • Establish a national voter registry for the elections • Work with other international donors to provide technical and financial resources to help support their elections • Provided a select national institutions/departments with technical expertise, training and mentoring, equipment, and program support. • What are two goals that Canada has for this part of the mission by 2011? • National, provincial, and local institution will be able to deliberate and delivery of public programs and services. • Afghan ministries will be able to plan, resource and maintain the delivery of the new services put in action. http://foundationfordemocraticadvancement.blogspot.com/2010/09/afghanistan-parliamentary-elections.html
Priority Six: Reconciliation • How is Canada Providing Help? • Canada has contributed up to $14 million over the last three years • Help develop the Afghan government, encourage dialogue • Improve the government ‘s capacity to communicate with its citizens • What are two goals that Canada has for this part of the mission by 2011? • The National and provincial Afghan government will encourage political reconciliation and to receive support from Canada • Improve the communication between the citizens and the government of Afghanistan http://www.afghanistan.gc.ca/canada-afghanistan/stories-reportages/dand.aspx
Part 1A: Signature Projects – Canadian Efforts in Afghanistan • Instructions: Use this link to learn about 3 signature projects that we as the Canadian people have identified as critical for the people of Afghanistan. - Fill in the following slides with information in your own words about these projects. • Place one photo of these projects, different from what is on the linked main page in this box on the following pages.
Signature Project 1 – Dahla Dam and irrigation system • Why is this an important project for the people of Afghanistan? • This will provide a secure water supply for the majority of the people living in Kandahari. It will allow 10,000 seasonal jobs for the citizens and it will provide farmers with irrigated land • What is Canada doing to help? • Canada has invested about $50 million over about three years to help with repairs, fix gate controls, repair canals, support the Arghandab Sub-basin water management body, and to train the local farmers in water management. http://www.edmontonjournal.com/Canadian+repaired+Dahla+ready+rising+waters/4549748/story.html
Signature Project 2 – Education • Why is this an important project for the people of Afghanistan? • By citizens being educated it will strengthen main services and help promote economic growth. • What is Canada doing to help? • About 50 schools will be expanded or repaired • Students will start to get a good quality of education http://www.acdi-cida.gc.ca/acdi-cida/ACDI-CIDA.nsf/eng/JUD-829101441-JQC
Signature Project 3 – Polio Eradication. • Why is this an important project for the people of Afghanistan? • This virus is attacking the people of Afghanistan and with immunization occurring at established vaccination points, seven million children will benefit from it. This virus affects mainly children under five and can leave them paralyzed, mainly the legs but the breathing muscles can be affected as well. • What is Canada doing to help? • Canada has been the largest international donor in the Afghanistan area. http://www.flickr.com/photos/camafghanistancam/3042971333/
Questions What principles of modern liberalism can reasonably be imposed upon non-liberal societies? -Competition: Human are naturally competitive with themselves or with others around them. People are always trying to over do others, or overcome obstacles others could not. Competition can be within a family, your work, a community, and even a society. A nation would benefit from this, because people would always try to do better then the others, allowing things in the society to enhance itself while others are trying to enhance better then the person ahead of them. -Individual Rights and Freedoms: People will always speech out, whither allowed to or not. You will always get the individual that has to speech their opinion out loud. This individual may be punished, depending on the type of government. If you allowed the citizens to speak out then you would be able to improve in aspects that you may be dragging in. -Self Interest: People have the characteristic of being very curious. Humans are always experimenting, and wanting to try or push their individual interests or abilities to the limit. People are always trying to make them selves better and advanced. This could make their country become even more advanced as well.
Which principles can only be embraced through domestic support or instigation? -Individual Rights and Freedom: Some governments do not allow their citizens to have the same amount of rights as other domestic governments do. Citizens either instigate it themselves with a riot, or revolution, or other nations influence others, and the country slowly turns its ways down another path. -Rule of Law: Some governments do not treat every citizen on the same level with their legal rights. Having classes in the society is a main part of this. Even in today’s world you see nations having this problem. Celebrities are always getting off the hook, with only a slap on the wrist while other citizens get the full blow. Other nations and other citizens influence each other on rule of law, nations will look at the other about how to handle certain circumstances with their citizens. Economic Freedom/Private Property: Citizens are always going to want to excel and put themselves or their families in a better light for the future. People will see how other nations are progressing and what has developed in their societies and they will want to be apart of that as well. They are going to want to be protecting what they have, what they designed or their ideas for the future. This is where private property comes in. People will fight for what they want or what they have, the government can either embrace it or the citizens will instigate it themselves eventually.
One example of the failed imposition of liberal democracy during the 20th century: Which principles and why? Germany: Desperate Individual Rights and Freedoms: People were so desperate and needed a change that they gave up everything they had, including their rights. Their desperation soon changed to fear as Hitler led them through in darkness. Rule of Law: People that were not included in the description of the elite race, were either killed or sent to concentration or work camps. Jews, Blacks, Handicaps and people the Nazis or Hitler did not like were “below” all the others. These people had no rights or freedoms, so that meant they were not true citizens so they did not deserve to be treated legally equally like the others. Private Property: Everything belonged to Hitler so it belonged to Hitler’s people as well. People that were not apart of the elite race were not allowed to own property (including businesses). Hitler figured that everyone should work together, and pitch in to build Germany back up.