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American Isolationism in World War II: Policies and Events

Explore America's stance on non-involvement in global conflicts during the 1930s, key policies like Neutrality Act, Cash-and-Carry, Lend-Lease Act, and the Atlantic Charter, and pivotal events such as the Pearl Harbor attack. Learn how isolationism shaped America's role in World War II.

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American Isolationism in World War II: Policies and Events

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Presentation Transcript

  1. World war 11 By Vladimir & Gladis

  2. 1930s: American isolationism • Isolationists advocated non-involvement in European and Asian conflicts and non-entanglement in international politics. • Although the United States took measures to avoid political and military conflicts across the oceans, it continued to expand economically and protect its interests in Latin America. • The leaders of the isolationist movement drew upon history to bolster their position.

  3. Neutrality act of 1935 • Roosevelt's State Department had lobbied for embargo provisions that would allow the President to impose sanctions selectively. This was rejected by Congress. The 1935 act, signed on August 31, 1935, imposed a general embargo on trading in arms and war materials with all parties in a war. It also declared that American citizens travelling on warring ships travelled at their own risk

  4. 1937 FDR’s quarantine speech • The Quarantine Speech was given by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt. • The speech intensified America's isolationist mood, causing protest by non-interventionists and foes to intervene. No countries were directly mentioned in the speech, although it was interpreted as referring to Japan, Italy, and Germany

  5. 1939 Cash-and carry policy • When Germans fore encoded Poland his change his decision about the notions neutrality laws • The change established a new policy called cash and carry • Under this policy concentrates were allowed to buy American goods as long as they paid in coach.

  6. January 1941: lend –lease act • In the December 1940 president Roosevelt declared his goal to be United states a arsenal of democracy. • A arsenal was a place where weapons were stared. • After that the congress posed a lend lease act. This act allowed the nation to send weapons to great Britain.

  7. August 1941: Atlantic charter • Lies between United states and the British leader Winton Churchill met secretly in a ship in the coast of Canada • There the leader agreed to the Atlantic charter. This agreement shared goals against hitter and his allies.

  8. December 7 1941: Pearl harbor attacked • By the late folly of 1941 American leader were convince that war between Japan and united states was likely • American officials were correct Japan had decided on war. • For months Japanese military leaders were preparing for a surprise attack on pearl harbor Americans weren't react to defend it. They destroyed American pacific battleship fleet .

  9. Period 5 • Gladis Calderon • Vladimir • World war 2

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