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Abnormal Psychology 5.2 Psychological disorders. DP2 Ms Lindstrom. Learning Outcomes. Evaluate psychological research ( through theories and studies) relevant to the study of abnormal behaviour
AbnormalPsychology5.2 Psychological disorders DP2 MsLindstrom
Learning Outcomes • Evaluatepsychological research (throughtheories and studies) relevant to the study of abnormalbehaviour • Discuss the interaction of biological, cognitive, and socioculturalfactors in abnormalbehaviour • Discuss symptoms and prevalence of one disorder from two of the following groups: Anxiety disorders (PTSD) and affective disorders (major depression), eating disorders (bulimia) • Analyze the etiologies ( the cause in terms of biological, cognitive, and sociocultural factors) of one disorder from two of the following groups: anxiety disorders, affective disorders, eating disorders (for example: PTSD and unipolar depression) • Discuss cultural and gender variations in prevalence of disorders
Psychological Tests On paper: Test by human realtionsdepartment • Yale- BOCS Manypsychological online tests: • http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/mind/index_surveys.shtml • http://www.psychologytoday.com/tests • http://www.healthyplace.com/psychological-tests/ • http://testyourself.psychtests.com/ PTSD TEST online: • http://www.healthyplace.com/psychological-tests/ptsd-test/
Introductiontopsychological disorders Symptomology: Refersto the identification of the symptoms. For example by using a diagnostic manual (DSM-IV) FindingoutWHAT the person suffers from Etiology: Moredifficultto do IB coursefocuses on: the biological, cognitive and socioculturalfactors WHYpeoplesuffers from a disorder
Data which assist in the diagnosis Prevalence rate: Is the measure of the total number of cases of the disorder in a given population Lifetimeprevalence: Is the percentage of the population thatwillexperience the disorder at sometime in theirlife Onset age: Is the averageage at which the disorder is likelytoappear
Weare going tostudytwo disorders from two different classifications of abnormalehaviour • Two from: • Anxiety disorders (for example PTSD) • Affective disorder (major depression) • Eatingdisorder (bulimia) Whichtwoarewe going to do? In classwedecided: Major depression and bulimia