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Learn essential grant writing strategies and budgeting techniques for public safety initiatives presented by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety. This guide covers grant writing starters, best practices tips, and resources to help you secure funding for your projects.
Grant Writing Basics and Budgeting for Public Safety Presented by Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety Programs Division
Grant Writing Starters and Best Practices Tips and Resources
Why Write a Grant Application? • There is a documented need to solve a problem/address an issue that is the same as that expressed in the grant solicitation. • Your agency/department is willing to demonstrate innovative ideas, document the ideas, and commit resources for implementation. • You are willing to share results with others.
Planning Phase • Research the funder’s grant making philosophy, program interests, and criteria. • Be aware of the funder’s application process and timetable. • Acquire community buy-in; support from partners/organizations that you collaborate with on this project. • Identify and communicate with staff/volunteers needed to develop grant application and implement project; discuss timelines. • Future plan for sustaining this effort and strategy for building your funding base.
Grant Writing Starters • Read application and follow instructions • Due date? • # of copies needed? • Where to send? • Who is grantor agency contact? • Assign tasks and get support • Who will write application? Prepare budget? Get letter(s) of support? • Who will review? • Who will submit required reports once funding is received?
Blueprints for Violence Prevention Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence University of Colorado 900 28th Street, Suite 107 Boulder, CO 80309-0442 303-492-8465 http://www.colorado.edu/cspv 11 Programs Proven to Reduce Youth Violence, Drug Abuse/Use, Delinquency
Reducing Juvenile Crime, What Works – and What Doesn’t American Youth Policy Forum 1836 Jefferson Place, NW Washington, DC 20036 202-775-9731 www.aypf.org Best Practices in Treatment and Prevention
Preventing Crime: What Works, What Doesn’t, What’s Promising? National Criminal Justice Reference Service Box 600 Rockville, MD 20849-6000 http://www.ncjrs.org/works/index.htm Email: askncjrs@ncjrs.org Effectiveness of Local Crime Prevention Practices
SAMHSA Model Programs • Effective Substance Abuse and Mental Health Programs • Science-based Programs • Consistently positive outcomes • Strongly implemented and evaluated • http://modelprograms.samhsa.gov/
OJJDP Model Programs Guide • Database of evidence-based programs covers the entire continuum of youth services from prevention through sanctions to reentry • www.dsgonline.com/mpg_non_flash/mpg_index.htm
General Application Components Preparing Your Application
Common Grant Application Components • Cover Page • Program Description/Executive Summary • Problem Statement/Needs Assessment • Goals & Objectives • Implementation Plan • Timeline • Activities & Staffing • Evaluation Plan • Budget & Budget Narrative • Certifications & Assurances
Cover Page • Name of Applicant (state agency, unit of local government) • Name of Implementing Agency (private non-profit, police dept., school dept., etc.) • Program & Fiscal Contact information • Amount requested & Match contribution • Project Title and Purpose Area (if applicable) • Name of Authorized Signatory & Signature/Date
Program Description/Executive Summary Purpose: Provides a short narrative description of the proposed project by providing basic facts from other sections of proposal. Include: • Background of agency & ID partners (i.e., law enforcement, education) • Description of activities to be carried out & period • Number & type of clients the project will serve • Geographic location project will serve/take place • Number and type of staff to be supported in project (i.e., 4 FT counselors) • Intent to evaluate program
Needs/Problem Statement • What problem is your program or the program you plan on implementing going to address? • State the Facts: What? Who? Where? When? (trends) Why? • Describe how the program intends to address the problem • Causes of the problem • Approaches that have demonstrated success • Research supporting the program as a possible solution
Needs/Problem Statement Note: • Needs/problem statement must directly relate to your overall goals and objectives. • Describe what may happen if grant funds are not received. • Use graphics to show impact. • Describe why this is an unmet need.
Goals & Objectives Purpose: Identifies what you hope the program will accomplish, and how the program will accomplish it • Clarifies what the program hopes to achieve • Basis for monitoring program activities • Method to document what the program intends to do and what it is actually doing
Program Goal • A broad statement of what the program is intended to accomplish; the long-term outcome of the program. Example: • There is an increasing trend in the rate of juveniles re-offending in your state. • Goal: To reduce the number of juveniles re-offending by helping them understand the impact of their behavior on victims & their families.
Program Objectives • The intermediate effects to be achieved by the program in pursuing goals. Steps that need to be taken to reach a goal. • Objectives should be SMART • Specific • Measurable • Action-oriented verbs (increase, reduce, etc.) • Realistic • Time-specific
Program Objectives Example: • The program goal is to reduce the number of juveniles re-offending by helping them understand the impact of their behavior on victims and their families. • Objective: Within six months, increase by 15% the number of juvenile offenders participating in victim mediation services and hold them accountable to their victims and families.
Program Activities Purpose: Highlights the specific steps through which objectives are achieved and programs are carried out. Activities are action-oriented operations. • What will your program be doing? • Multiple activities required to accomplish a single objective. Examples: • Develop standard eligibility requirements for juvenile offenders to participate in victim mediation services
Implementation Plan & Timeline Purpose: Clarifies proposed project’s purpose by identifying how and when proposed goals & objectives will be accomplished. Who will do what for whom, and when? Include: • Starting & ending dates of key activities • Staffing pattern, or who is responsible for each activity
Certifications regarding Lobbying, Debarment, and Drug-free Workplace Northern Ireland Notice & Certification Certification of Compliance with Regulations regarding Civil Rights/EEOP Contractor Authorized Signature Verification Form A-133 Audit Report or Single Audit findings (Most recent copy) Preliminary MOUs if subgranting all or part of the requested federal funds to an implementing agency or independent contractor Copies of the negotiated fringe rate and indirect rate agreements if federal or matching funds are designated for these cost categories Certifications & Assurances
Final Tips • Read instructions & follow directions, adhere to page limit, meet deadline & format requirements, respond to RFR • Present an organized document • Check for spelling mistakes, incorrect grammar usage, typographical errors, and addition errors in your budget • Obtain all applicable signatures • Have someone else review • Complete checklist
Funding and Fiscal Resources • EOPS Funding Opportunities • www.mass.gov/eopsfunding • National Criminal Justice Reference Services • http://www.ncjrs.org/fedgrant.html (Federal grants & funding) • Office of Justice Programs’ Financial Guide • http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/FinGuide/ • Office of Management and Budget Circulars • http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars/index-ffm.html
Other Resources • Office of Justice Programs • http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ (BJA, OJJDP, etc.) • National Criminal Justice Association • http://www.ncja.org/ (Funding Information, Technology Resources; Financial Workshops) • Institute for Intergovernmental Research • http://www.iir.com/ (Law Enforcement, JJ, Public Safety Training/Technical Assistance)
Developing and Implementing a Personalized Evaluation Plan Program Evaluation and Performance Measures
Conceiving of Research for Program Design • Who is your target population? • Substance abusers • What data/research speaks to their needs? • CALDATA 1997 study shows that economic benefit of treatment outweighs its costs • What research speaks to positive outcomes for them? • Treatment costs were $209 million • Savings resulted from treatment= $1.49 billion resulting from reductions in ER admissions, hospitalization, and crime reduction.
Why Evaluate? • Evaluation can help managers monitor the extent to which progress is being made toward a program achieving its goals. • Evaluation can help managers: • Modify programs based on actual data and information • Better allocate resources • Demonstrate success (and failure) • Improve accountability
Evaluations generally address the following two questions: • Is the program being implemented as designed? • Does the program work and is it achieving its goals?
Performance Measures • Performance measures are the actual data items or pieces of information that will be tracked. • Inputs: How do you spend money? • staff, dollars, materials, equipment • Outputs: What do you do? • treatment, trainings, assessments, outreach • Outcomes: What you are working toward? • awareness, preparedness, behavior, safety
Performance Measures • Performance measures should be linked to goals and objectives. Perf measure Goal #1 Perf measure Goal #2 Perf measure Perf measure Goal #3 Perf measure
Evaluation Resources • United Way Outcome Measures Project • http://national.unitedway.org/outcomes/initiatives/npsector.cfm • BJA Center for Program Evaluation • www.ojp.usdoj.gov/BJA/evaluation/index.html • Juvenile Justice Evaluation Center • www.jrsa.org/jjec/resources/internet-resources.html
Types of Data Sources • Primary data sources: Newly collected information for the specific purpose of evaluating that program. • Secondary data sources: Existing data that is collected for other purposes but could be used for evaluation.
Data Collection Methods • Surveys – telephone, in person, mail back • One-on-one interviews • Focus groups • Case files • Existing computer systems
Selected National Data Sources • Violence Against Women Online Resources • http://www.vaw.umn.edu/ • Bureau of Justice Statistics • www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/ • Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics • www.albany.edu/sourcebook/ • FBI Crime in the United States • www.fbi.gov/publications.htm
Selected National Data Sources • SAMHSA Drug Use and Treatment • http://oas.samhsa.gov/ • Youth Risk Behavior Survey • www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/data/index.htm • Compendium of Research on Violence Against Women, 1993-2004 • http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/nij/vawprog/vaw_portfolio. pdf
Selected Massachusetts Data Sources • Crime statistics from State Police Crime Reporting Unit • www.mass.gov/msp • Corrections statistics from Department of Correction • http://www.mass.gov/doc/research/index.html • Health statistics from Community Health Information Profile (MassCHIP) • http://masschip.state.ma.us/
Selected Massachusetts Data Sources • Substance abuse statistics from Bureau of Substance Abuse Services at DPH • http://www.mass.gov/dph/bsas/data/stats.htm • Injury statistics from Injury Surveillance Program at the Department of Public Health • http://www.mass.gov/dph/bhsre/isp/isp.htm • Juvenile Justice Data and Information Book (EOPS) • www.mass.gov/eops
Application Evaluation Plan • The evaluation plan in an application should describe: • What questions will be addressed? • What performance measures will be included? • What information sources will be used? • Who will collect the information? • Who will analyze the information? • When will it be done and how will it be reported?
Preparing a Clear & Accurate Budget & Budget Narrative Building a Budget that Makes Sense
Goals of Budgeting Purpose: Provide a clear and detailed explanation, by budget category, of how grant funds will be spent. Budget Should: • Support the goals and objectives listed in the proposal; • Correspond with the eligible award amount; and • Be accurately totaled and realistic.
Cost Categories • Personnel • Fringe Benefits • Indirect Costs • Contracts/Consultants • Travel • Equipment • Supplies • Other
Personnel:Definition and Detail • Definition: A full-time or part-time staff member of the agency/organization receiving the grant. • Details: Each employee funded out of the grant should be listed by name, annual salary, percentage of salary charged to program, a brief description of their function relating to the program, and the total cost of their salary anticipated to be funded from the program.
Personnel Example • Put Narrative here as to how program manager relates to actual program.
Fringe Benefits:Definition and Detail • Definition: Employers contributions for employee benefits, such as health insurance, pension and terminal leave costs, Medicare, Unemployment compensation, Workman’s compensation, etc. • Detail: Fringe benefits should be based on actual known costs or an established formula approved by your federal cognizant agency. Fringe costs are for employees listed in the personnel section and only for the percentage of time spent on the program. Fringe benefits on overtime are limited to FICA, Workman’s compensation and Unemployment compensation.
Indirect CostsDefinition and Detail • Definition: costs for an organization that are not readily assignable to a particular project, but are necessary to the operation of the organization and the performance of the project. The cost of operating and maintaining facilities, depreciation, and administrative salaries are examples of the types of costs that are usually treated as indirect.
Indirect CostsDefinition and Detail (Cont.) • Detail: Indirect Costs are only allowable if the applicant organization has a federally negotiated and approved rate. The rate should be provided with the application. The pool of costs the rate is assessed against should be specified along with the approved rate to establish the itemized cost.
Indirect Example • The indirect rate was approved by DOJ, our cognizant federal agency, on XX/XX/XXXX. Attached is a copy.