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Happy Wednesday!!!. Take out your progressive packets so I can come around and stamp them I will be collecting your Progressivism stamp sheet before you take the QUIZ Did you know: your eyeballs are 3.5% salt. Imperialism and WWI. Imperialism and the Spanish-American War. American Expansion.
Happy Wednesday!!! • Take out your progressive packets so I can come around and stamp them • I will be collecting your Progressivism stamp sheet before you take the QUIZ • Did you know: your eyeballs are 3.5% salt
Imperialism and WWI Imperialism and the Spanish-American War
American Expansion • By the 1880s many American leaders had become convinced that the US should join the imperialist powers of Europe and establish colonies overseas • Imperialism is the policy in which stronger nations extend their economic, political, or military control over weaker territories • 3 factors fueled American imperialism: • Desire for military strength • Thirst for new markets • belief in cultural superiority
US Acquires Alaska • William Seward, Sec. Of State under Lincoln and Andrew Johnson was a big supporter of imperialism • In 1867, Seward arranged for the US to buy Alaska from the Russians for $7.2 million • Some people thought it was silly and called it “Seward's icebox” or “Seward's folly” • Alaska didn’t become a state until 1959 • Alaska was rich in timber, minerals and oil
Hawaii • Hawaii was important to the U.S. b/c: • location– half way to China • U.S. wanted to establish a naval base- Pearl Harbor • US military helped overthrow Hawaiian Queen Liliuokalani • Annexation complete by 1898- territory NOT A STATE
Cuba and the Spanish-American War • Cuba revolted against rule by Spain- led by Jose Marti • Yellow Journalism-sensational reporting that exaggerated the new to enrage readers • Used to make American public sympathize with Cuba and fight Spain • U.S. declares war on Spain b/c: • De Lome Letter- insulted US President McKinley- angered American public • U.S.S. Maine- US naval ship that exploded in Havana- 260 sailors killed • Was an accident but reporters blamed Spain
Spanish-American War-1898 • U.S. navy defeated Spanish navy in the Philippines • U.S. army defeated Spanish army in Cuba • San Juan Hill- US victory that featured a cavalry charge by Teddy Roosevelt’s “Rough Riders” • Treaty of Paris (1899) • Cuba received independence from Spain • US got territories in Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico • Spain got $20 million from US • Significance: US = major world power
Back to Cuba… • Platt Amendment- US asserted the right to intervene in Cuban affairs • Significance: US made Cuba a “protectorate”- a country whose affairs are partially controlled by a stronger power
Acquiring New Lands-China • China viewed as potential market for US goods • Open Door Policy (1899)- developed by Secretary of State John Hay, stated that all nations should have equal trading rights to China- China should be “open” to everyone • Goal was to end “sphere of influence” by European powers and Japan
Acquiring New Lands- Panama • US (and Pres. Teddy Roosevelt) wanted a canal across Central America • Goal was the shorten the distance, time and cost between Atlantic and Pacific • US encouraged and supported Panama rebellion against Columbia • Panama Canal- built by US and opened in 1915 • US paid Panama $10 million for the canal zone, leased land for $250,000 each year for 99 years • US paid Columbia $25 million for lost territory • Sig: Canal was success but hurt US relations with Latin America
Teddy Roosevelt • “Big Stick Diplomacy”- use diplomacy when possible but have a strong military to back up your policies if needed- “speak softly and carry a big stick” • Roosevelt Corollary- added to Monroe Doctrine • Said that US would be the police power in the Western Hemisphere in dealing with Latin American countries • Hurt relations with Latin American countries
William Howard Taft • “Dollar Diplomacy”- Taft urged American banks and businesses to invest in Latin America • Promised business interests that the US would intervene in investments were threatened • Significance: hurt relations between Latin American countries and the US
Happy Tuesday!!! • You had no homework!!! • Did you know: Giraffes are unable to cough
Imperialism and WWI US Involvement in WWI
Causes of WWI (1914-1918) • MAIN • Militarism • Alliances • Central Powers ( Germany, Austria-Hungry, Ottoman Empire) • Allies ( England, France, Russia) • Imperialism • Nationalism • Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated
War Overview • New Weapons • Tanks, planes, poisonous gases,machine guns….. • New tactics • Trench Warfare • Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
American Neutrality • For 3 years America, Led by President Woodrow Wilson, remains neutral • Many Americans felt close ties to Great Britain • Common ancestry, language • Similar forms of gov’t • Money invested in GB was greater than Germany
Why the US joined the war • America wanted to ensure allied repayment of debts • Prevent Germany from threatening U.S shipping- German U Boat warfare • Sinking of the Lusitania • May 7,1915 • British passenger ship carrying 128 Americans • Zimmermann Note • A note from the German foreign minister to Mexico that proposed an alliance between Mexico and Germany • If a war broke out Germany would help Mexico recover lost Mexican territory in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona
Why the US joined the war cont. • April 1917 the US enters the war to: • Make the world safe for democracy • Protect American peace and freedom • Significance: US soldiers tipped the balance of the war in favor of the Allies and led to Germany’s defeat
America Mobilizes 1. Selective Service Act- May 1917 • Required men to register with the government in order to be randomly selected for military service • 24 million men registered and 2 million fought in WWI • 400,000 African Americans fought in segregated units • Women were able to serve in the Army of Corps of Nurses 2. Mass Production • Needed food, equipment, weapons and especially transportation • The gov. gave special privileges to shipyard workers • Draft exemptions
America Mobilizes cont. 3. American Convoy System • Needed to a way get past German U-boats • This system had heavy destroyers escort merchant ships across the Atlantic • It worked only 637 lives were lost to U-boat attacks 4. Americans had to get use to the new way of fighting • Doughboys, American infantrymen, were shocked by the new weapons and tactics • Tanks,airplanes,bombs,poisonous gas, machine guns • War brought new hazards and injuries • “Shell Shock-a complete emotional collapse • Trench Foot- only solution was to amputate the foot or toes • Poisonous Gases- blinded , burned and killed
Germany Collapses • The addition of the American troops was too much for Germany to handle • On November 11, 1918 Germany signed the Armistice ( cease fire) • 22 million people were killed total • 48,000 US soldiers were killed in battle, 62,000 killed from disease and 200,000 wounded • Damages estimated at 338 billion dollars
The War at Home • Although we were only in the war for a year, it had a great impact on the homefront • War Industries Board- helped with mass production of war supplies • Food Administration- set up to encourage Americans to conserve food- “meatless Tuesdays” • Liberty Bonds- savings bonds sold to help finance the war • Propaganda- to encourage buying bonds or serving
Attacks on Civil Liberties 1. Anti-immigration Hysteria- • The nasty attacks were mainly against German immigrants • Many lost their jobs • Schools stopped teaching German • Some resorted to violence 2. Espionage and Sedition Acts- June 1917 • A person could be fined up to $10,000 and sentenced to 20 years in jail for interfering with the war effort or by being “disloyal” to the govt. • 2,000 ppl were prosecuted for opposing the war • Mainly targeted socialists and labor leaders • Eugene Debs was sentenced to 10 yrs
Wilson’s Plan • Eleventh day, eleventh hour in eleventh month (Nov. 11) • Met at the Palace of Versailles on January 1918 • Allies met to decide the peace terms • Central Powers and Russia were not invited • Wilson presented his plan called the “Fourteen Points” on January 18, 1918 • Goal was to eliminate the causes of WWI
Fourteen Points included: • Freedom of the Seas- all nations should have equal access to water trade routes • Self-Determination- culturally/ethnically similar people should choose for themselves how to for their own nation and gov’t • Mandate System- process for Allied powers to oversee transition of former colonies and imperial possessions to independent nations • League of Nations- international organization to address diplomatic issues without going to war
Debating the Treaty of Versailles • Wilson’s focus was the Fourteen Points, while GB and France wanted to punish Germany • What was included in the treaty: • 9 new nations created (Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, etc.) • Germany stripped of its army • Germany forced to accept the war guilt clause- accept blame for starting the war • Germany required to pay $33 billion in reparations- payment of war damages • League of Nations
The Treaty’s Weakness • The treaty humiliated Germany and they remained bitter and angry • Italy and Japan are angry b/c they felt like they should have been given more land • Russia was left out of the talked • New communist gov’t under Vladimir Lenin was determined to get taken land back
Opposition to the Treaty • When Wilson returned home many were unsatisfied with the peace treaty • Democrats supported the treaty (Wilson was a Dem) • Republicans were split- strong isolationist feeling • “Irreconcilables”- opposed it outright • Revisionists- opposed mainly the League of Nations
Isolationists • Henry Cabot Lodge- Republican Senator- opposed to the part of the treaty dealing with the League of Nations • Argued that the US would lose the right to declare war for itself, and instead, be dragged into future European conflicts by the LoN
Wilson Refuses to Compromise • Wilson refused to compromise on the League • Wilson traveled throughout the nation explaining why the US should join the League • On Oct. 2, 1919 Wilson suffered a stroke and was weakened • Senate voted against the treaty • The US never joined the League and decided to sign a separate treaty with Germany in 1921
Legacy of War • America emerges as an Industrial Giant • The Treaty of Versailles settled nothing • France and Great Britain got their way and punished Germany harshly • Germany, Italy, Japan and Russia were left bitter