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Highlights. Past producing gold project on highly prospective land within the Nubian Shield of Egypt, host to the 14.5 M oz Sukari Mine . Early mover advantage; only company since Centamin to have project ratified by Egyptian government .
Highlights Past producing gold project on highly prospective land within the Nubian Shield of Egypt, host to the 14.5 M oz Sukari Mine. Early mover advantage; only company since Centamin to have project ratified by Egyptian government. Raising $12 M for Phase II exploration work program. Fawakhir License • 100 km North of Centamin’s Sukari Mine. • Historical U/G workings extend 400m along strike and 400m down dip (50°). • Historical mining targeted high grade main vein. • Ancient surface workings extend 1500m along strike. • SMW Gold to focus on bulk tonnage, low grade open pit potential. • No modern exploration. Um Balad License • 200 km North of Centamin’s Sukari Mine. • Ancient workings on site covering an area of 12 km2. • Bulk tonnage target.
Operational Management Dr. Vladimir Shashkin - Director of Geology Dr. Shashkin has nearly 40 years of natural resources experience in the former USSR and Spain, including the position of deputy head of the Regulatory Department at the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation. Dr. Shashkin has been personally involved in the discoveries of a number of gold and platinum deposits. Dr. Oleg Morozov - Senior Geologist Dr. Morozov has over thirty five years natural resources experience in Russia and in South America and has discovered numerous precious metals and diamond deposits. Currently a Professor at Moscow State Mining University. Gayas Yusupov - Chief Geologist Thirty five years of forecast, prospecting and exploration experience predominantly with gold and silver deposits in Central Asia. Chief geologist of several field exploration expeditions. Important discoveries of one silver and two gold deposits. Mohammed Hadi - Director of Operations Mr. Hadi is qualified metallurgist and mechanical engineer, Mr. Hadi has held managerial positions at a number of oil & gas, manufacturing and service companies in the Middle East, Russia and the CIS during the past 25 years.
Directors William Shor - Chairman Prior to joining Core Carbon Group as CEO, Mr. Shor was Komi Aluminum's (RUSAL GROUP) Chief Financial Officer and Chief Development Officer and acted as the Deputy General Director of the largest greenfield mining project in Russia until its sale to a major strategic partner. Prior he was Managing Director of European Emerging Markets at Solomon Smith Barney. He also spent time at Chase Manhattan Bank focusing on emerging markets trade finance. Bill has a Bachelors degree from Binghamton University and an MBA from Columbia University’s Graduate School of Business. He also has a Masters in International Affairs from Columbia University. Aleksey Petrov – Director General Director of Fleming Family & Partners Russia Real Estate Fund and has previously served as Managing Director of AIG Financial Services, responsible for strategic development in Russia. Mark Lisnyansky – Director Managing Director of SMW Gold since 2007. Chairman of Magnesium.com and of SMW Engineering since 2001. From 1998 to 2004, as Director of Solikamsk Magnesium Works, initiated and coordinated new production facilities - of rare earth carbonates and of downstream magnesium alloy products; subsequently coordinated the merger with Silvinit. From 1995 to 1998 - board member of Silvinit, and in charge of securing new sales channels and associated logistics. In 1993, he founded one of the first stock brokerage and asset management houses in Russia. Graduated from NJIT with BSEE. John Litvinchuk, MBA, PMP. John Litvinchuk is a certified PMP, with over 20 years of experience in the fields of finance, energy, healthcare, insurance and information technology. He managed various types of multi-million dollar projects at Fortune 50 companies. Mr. Litvinchuk served as an advisor on numerous merger and acquisition transactions, as well as facilitating restructuring and reorganization assignments for companies, creditor groups and acquirers of distressed assets. The total project/transaction portfolio under his management and guidance exceeds $3 Billion. Mr. Litvinchuk graduated from Yale University with BA in Economics and holds an MBA in Finance from New York University. He also holds a Master's Certificate from George Washington University in Project Management.
Egypt International Law: Foreign ownership rules and ability to repatriate profits and dividends enshrined in law. Infrastructure: Eastern Desert is most developed part of Egypt with road access and power infrastructure. Low Costs: High skilled/low cost work force, excellent existing infrastructure, low cost fuel. Fiscal Friendly: No tax for 30 years and 4% net smelter royalty. Government 50% carried interest. Egypt
Geological Setting The Arabian-Nubian Shield is comparable with the prolific Canadian and Australian Shields, also of Proterozoic age. Arabian and Nubian shields were joined until 115Ma, when the shields were broken up by the Red Sea Spreading Ridge. The shield hosts numerous significant greenstone hosted gold deposits and remains underexplored. Recent discovery of Sukari by Centamin displays the excellent exploration potential of the Nubian Shield. Source: Exploration Alliance
Exploration in the Nubian Shield Over 100 gold occurrences recognized in the Eastern Desert of Egypt. 215,400 ounces of gold was produced from the region between 1902 and 1958. El Sid (within the Fawakhir license) is believed to have been the largest producer in this period. Gold occurs within vein hosted deposits and in shear zones/contacts at the boundaries of intrusions emplaced into metavolcanic rocks. Map of the Nubian Shield in Egypt, with SMW Gold’s project location, Sukari deposit and known gold occurrences (yellow points). Source: Exploration Alliance
Exploration Projects The Company holds two exploration licenses in eastern Egypt, Um Balad and Fawakhir, for a total of 1291 km2. Fawakhir The Fawakhir deposits display similar geology and mineralization to that observed at Centamin’s 14.5 Moz Sukari deposit, located 100 km south of Fawakhir. Historical U/G workings extend 1500m along strike and to 400m depth. Further exploration along strike and down dip is warranted. Um Balad Um Balad contains over 2000 ancient workings over an area of 12 km2. SMW Gold intends to explore and define near-surface, bulk tonnage deposits through continuing exploration and definition drilling. Potential along strike and down dip has not been adequately tested to date. Source: Behre Dolbear Technical Report; October 2010
Fawakhir License 3 past producing gold mines over 15 km in strike within 641 km2 license Direct access from paved road, 90 km from the coast EL SID MINE Largest historic mine on site. 11 quartz-sulphide veins at granite-serpentine contact. Over 4,000m of historic undergrad development. Produced 100,000 oz gold at an average grade of 27.9 g/t between 1940 and 1957. (Behre Dolbear, Oct 2010) Veins strike ENE – WSW over 1,500 meters and dip shallowly SE. FAWAKHIR MINE Produced 50kT @ 37 g/t gold (~60,000 oz) between 1910 and 1912. (Behre Dolbear, Oct 2010) Historic adit extends 100 meters into mountain side. Mineralization comprises quartz veins at the contact between intrusive and country rocks. ATTALA MINE Quartz – sulphide vein hosted in granite. Strikes NE over 275 m. Vein width varies from 0.2 m to 1 m wide, averaging 0.35 m wide. Limited underground Development. EL SID SOUTH PROSPECT Sheeted quartz vein zone hosted in granite. Historic surface workings on quartz veins in granite over an area of approx. 300 m by 200 m. Only one channel sample taken by previous workers. Low grade bulk tonnage target.
Fawakhir Projects Veins cross cut the contact between granite and metavolcanics. Channel sampling of surface exposures at El Sid displays anomalous gold mineralisation over widths of up to 20 metres. Excellent exploration potential at El Sid South where numerous sub-parallel veins occur over a surface area of 300m x 200m. Only one channel sample at El Sid South and no underground workings. Potential for bulk target with low strip ratio. Source: SMW Gold Granite (pink) intruding metavolcanic and metasedimentary units within the Fawakhir License. Past producing mines re located on a NNW structure
El Sid Mine 1940’s head frame and primary crusher 1940’s Leaching plant and waste dump Historic surface workings Source: SMW Gold
El Sid Channel Sampling • Select assay results. • Intervals calculated as weighted average over apparent width.
Um Balad License 3 ancient gold mines and 6 ancient copper mines within 650 km2 license 40 km from the coast, accessed by dirt track from paved highway • EL URF/UM MONQUL • GOLD-COPPER PROSPECT • 2000 surficial workings over 10 km2. • Multiple sets of shear hosted quartz veins crosscutting felsicintrusives, emplaced into volcaniclastic rocks. • Main area of interest located at the intrusive contact. • 12km2 alteration zone with eight copper anomalies from sampling program. Anomalous molybdenum, including 124, 110, and 159 ppm Mo. (Behre Dolbear, Oct 2010) • UM BALAD PROSPECT • Quartz veins up to 0.5 metres wide. • Previously worked for gold over 300 metre strike length. • Exploration camp and sample prep lab built on site ready for continued use. • 295 tonnes of tailings were reprocessed in 1936 and yielded 183 ounces of gold (equivalent to 19.32 g/t gold) (Behre Dolbear, Oct 2010)
Um Balad: El Urf Target El Urf is the priority target given the extent of historic workings. 342 samples submitted for fire assay, returned maximum results of 2.2 g/t gold and 1.1 % copper. Systematic trenching program is required to define priority areas within the six prospects – Western, Central, Breccia, Southern and Eastern. Source: SMW Gold Source: SMW Gold
El Urf Exploration Target Historic workings at Western El Urf. Note sheeted, sub parallel, shallowly dipping vein zones. Stock work zone in volcanics between historic workings in wider veins.
Exploration Strategy All historic mines and workings targeted quartz veins greater than 30 cm wide. Veins are inferred to form high grade centers to wider, low grade auriferous alteration and stock work vein zones. Further exploration is aimed at defining open-pitable resources for bulk tonnage, low grade deposits with high grade centers. Surface mapping and systematic channel sampling proposed to define priority drill targets. From small scale, high grade to bulk tonnage, low grade. Sheeted quartz vein lets and potassic alteration from waste dump, El Sid.
Concession Agreement Profit Sharing Agreement Preferential tax treatment. Exemptions on income tax, withholding tax and tariffs on extraction, production, export and transportation of minerals, as well as importing equipment. 50/50 production sharing after expense recovery. NSR of 4% to Government. First phase of exploration completed. License ratified into law by Parliament. SMW GOLD LTD (Cyprus Co) 50% of Operating Surplus 100 % Mineral leases: Um Balad / El Fawakhir 50% of Operating Surplus to EMRA 4% royalty on totalproductionto Government
Use of Proceeds • US$5m performance bond per license required by Egyptian government to guarantee exploration expenditures for 24 months. • Channel sampling and 1:1000 scale mapping of priority targets. • License-wide geophysical surveys to include IP and magnetics, with follow-up infill surveys. • High resolution satellite imagery interpretation. • Compilation of all historic data into GIS database. • Diamond drilling of priority targets identified from channel sampling (80m spaced fence lines). • Follow-up infill drilling of priority targets. • Metallurgical test work and microscope gold studies. • Continued 1:5000 scale mapping and channel sampling of new targets defined from work program. US$ 5m expenditure per license over 24 months.
Comparison to Centamin El Sid has geological similarities to Sukari project. Centamin (CEE:TO) currently has a market cap of over $2 Billion. Centamin is currently producing 165,000 oz per annum, and targeting 500,000 oz per annum within 3 years.
Centamin Share Price vs Resource Growth Source: Salman Partners Note: Prior to 2007, the share price is based on the ASX October close exchanged at the AUD/CAD rate of the same day.
Competitive Advantages Concession areas are located in Egypt’s most developed eastern part. Concession areas contain some of the premier ancient mining sites with outstanding potential under contemporary mining technology. Extensive country knowledge supported by a network of well-placed contacts. Good relationships with high-ranking officials and experienced operational management team. Geological similarities to Centamin’s recently commissioned Sukari mine. Map of waste piles of ancient and modern mining at El Sid Mine Deposit.
Contact Information Tel.: 1-973-628-8800 Fax: 1-201-313-9496 E-mail: ml@smwgold.com Auditor: PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Legal Counsel: McMillan LLP
Historical Reference On the photograph below is the map of one of the world’s most ancient mining regions Wadi Hammamat, which is located on the territory of SMW Gold’s El Fawakhir concession area. Wadi Hammamat region is shown on a papyrus map dating back to the times of Ramses II. This map was discovered between 1814 and 1821 by agents of Bernardino Drovetti, the French Consul General in Egypt. The map came from a tomb in the ancient village of Deir El-Medina, near the modern-day city of Luxor (ancient Thebes). This village housed the workers responsible for excavating and decorating the royal tombs of the Egyptian New Kingdom (1539-1075 BC) in the nearby Valley of Kings and Valley of Queens. ‐ With collaboration from James A. Harrell, Professor of Geology, Department of Environmental Sciences, The University of Toledo