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History and Fall of Babylon Part I

History and Fall of Babylon Part I . Revelation 17:1-18. The Seven Bowls (Rev 12:1 – 19:10). Background of the Bowls (12:1 – 14:20) Rejoicing over and Preparation for the Seven Last Plagues (15:1-8) Pouring out of the Seven Bowls (16:1-21) The History and Fall of Babylon (17:1 – 19:10)

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History and Fall of Babylon Part I

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  1. History and Fall of BabylonPart I Revelation 17:1-18

  2. The Seven Bowls(Rev 12:1 – 19:10) • Background of the Bowls (12:1 – 14:20) • Rejoicing over and Preparation for the Seven Last Plagues (15:1-8) • Pouring out of the Seven Bowls (16:1-21) • The History and Fall of Babylon (17:1 – 19:10) • Religious Babylon Destroyed (17:1-18) • Commercial Babylon Destroyed (18:1-24)

  3. The Harlot and the Beast (Rev 17:1-6a) • One of the 7 angels with the 7 bowls is now ready to show John “the judgment of the great harlot.” • The symbolism of harlotry is used widely in the OT as representing idolatry or religious apostasy (Isa 23:15-17; Jer 2:20-31; 13:27; Ezek 16:17-19; Hos 2:5; Nah 3:4). • The harlot’s position is sitting upon the beast and on the shore of “many waters” (cf. Rev 17:15; Jer 51:13). • She has committed fornication with all levels of society, from the kings of the earth to the rest of earth’s inhabitants.

  4. The Harlot and the Beast (Rev 17:1-6a) • The woman sits upon a scarlet beast, the same one which emerged out of the sea in 13:1. • The beast is the ruler who perfectly embodies the spirit of the empire. He controls the political aspect of the Babylonian system, while the harlot controls the religious aspect. Theirs is an intimate and long-running relationship! • The beast openly blasphemes the name of the true God. • As a harlot, the woman is dressed in colorful and expensive clothing and wears flashy jewel. Her appearance is like the greatest queen, and is designed to entice her lovers to her. • She spreads her filthy vices and blasphemous activities by persuading earth’s inhabitants to drink from her cup. • From her own perspective, this cup symbolizes her own glory and greatness, but in reality the cup contains her own self-destruction as the consequences of her sin come upon her.

  5. The Harlot and the Beast (Rev 17:1-6a) • The significance of “mystery” (v. 5) is that the true character and identity of this woman, previously unknown, is now clearly revealed. • Rev 17:18 shows her to be not only a great city, but also a vast system of idolatry through the ages that the great city represents. • It was at Babel that false religion had its beginnings (Gen 11:1-9), and in the future this city will again become prominent as a worldwide religious and commercial center. • Did you read the articles concerning Babylon’s restoration?

  6. The Harlot and the Beast (Rev 17:1-6a) • The harlot’s role as “the mother of harlots and of the abominations of the earth” makes her the source of everything that is opposed to the true God. • In the days just before Christ’s return, this enmity will manifest itself by the harlot’s intoxication with the blood of the saints.

  7. The Significance of the Symbolism(Rev 17:6b-14) • Upon seeing John’s amazement at the vision, the angel offered to explain it. • In his explanation, the angel uses several details from Rev 11 and 13, as well as adding new information. • The beast’s designation as one who “was and is not, and is about to ascend out of the abyss” ties him to the beast with the mortal wound who was healed in 13:3, 12, 14. • Though his final destination is destruction (Rev 19:20), he will cause all those whose names do not stand written in the Book of Life to marvel after him.

  8. The Significance of the Symbolism(Rev 17:6b-14) • The 7 heads and 7 mountains are 7 successive world empires, with the 7 kings of v. 10 as heads and personifications of those empires (cf. Dan 7:17). • These 7 kingdoms are the 7 that have dominated the world scene through human history: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, and the future kingdom of the beast. • The beast is both 1 of the 7 and an eighth. • As 1 of the 7, the beast is a kingdom, but as an eighth, he is the king over that kingdom that sustains a fatal wound and rises again. • When this occurs, his rule will be far more dominant than before.

  9. The Significance of the Symbolism(Rev 17:6b-14) • The 10 horns are 10 kings who have not yet received their kingdom, but will do so in the last days. They will co-rule with the beast in the final Gentile empire. • This is predicted in Daniel 2:44 and 7:24. • They will rule with the beast for one hour (i.e. a short time), giving unanimous and complete support to him. • All of these will wage war with the Lamb in a final conflict, and will be defeated (cf. Rev 19:11).

  10. The Judgment of the Great Harlot(Rev 17:15-18) • The waters beside which the harlot sits represent “peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues,” demonstrating her worldwide influence. • In the end, the beast and the 10 horns (the political system) will turn against this vast religious system. • The devouring of her flesh is a graphic description of her complete desolation. • She (i.e. the city) ultimately will be destroyed by fire.

  11. The Judgment of the Great Harlot(Rev 17:15-18) • The ultimate cause behind this sudden friction between former allies is God Himself. • He has put it into the hearts of the 10 kings and their leader to turn against a religious structure which no longer serves their purpose. • All of this is according to the perfect plan of God!

  12. The Judgment of the Great Harlot(Rev 17:15-18) • Verse 18 identifies the woman as “the great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth.” • This city is both a physical place and the ideology that proceeds from it. • As an ideology, it is the anti-Christian religious system associated with the kingdom of the beast that will seek to turn the world’s population away from the true God. • As a physical city, it is Babylon on the Euphrates. • Thus the woman will be a religious system connected with a material city.

  13. Next Time: The History and Fall of BabylonPart II Read Rev 17:1 – 19:10

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