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Session 3. Every-Day Opportunities. Every-Day Evangelism. 1. Establish a relationship 2. Discover their interests 3. Share spiritual tidbits. 1. Establish a relationship. Spend time together Play basketball Play golf Cookout Attend pool party Cross-stitch.
Session 3 Every-Day Opportunities
Every-Day Evangelism • 1. Establish a relationship • 2. Discover their interests • 3. Share spiritual tidbits
1. Establish a relationship • Spend time together • Play basketball • Play golf • Cookout • Attend pool party • Cross-stitch
2. Discover their interests • Use FORT F – Family O – Occupation R – Recreation T - Testimony
Family • Tell me about your family • How long have you been married? • How did you meet? • How many kids? • Where do they live? • What do your kids do? • How long have you lived here
Occupation • Where do you work? • What do you do? • What did you do before? • How did you get into that? • What’s your major?
Recreation • What do you do for fun? • What are your hobbies? • What relieves stress? • Where’s your favorite vacation spot? • What’s your spouse’s hobbies?
Testimony or Tidbit • Look for opportunity to share a spiritual tidbit • Plant a small seed • Ask a spiritual question
F amily • O ccupation • R ecreation • T estimony/Tidbit Roleplay
3. Sharing a Testimony/Tidbit • Look for opportunities to bring up something spiritual and see how they respond
Tidbits in ConversationMoving conversations in a spiritual direction • You’re walking with a friend and see a beautiful sunset
Tidbits in Conversation • You’re in the car with a friend and hear about more bombings in Iraq
Tidbits in Conversation • A co-worker has told you that a relative in in the hospital
Tidbits in Conversation • A friend says she is scared of another terrorist attack
Tidbits in Conversation • A co-worker reads the newspaper and make a comments about another dishonest CEO
Tidbits in Conversation • Always try to keep literature handy
Types of Literature • Steps to Christ • Amazing Facts tracts • Sharing booklets • Second Coming • Salvation • Sabbath • Death • Discover cards
Christian Record Services provides for the visually impaired: • Braille books and lessons • Large print materials • Audio tape lessons 402-488-0981 www.christianrecord.org
Video/DVD Evangelism • Using videos/DVDs can be an effective way to witness
Types of DVDs/Videos • Revelation of Hope • Discoveries in Prophecy • Revelation of Jesus Christ • All Power
Sharing Your TestimonyBe able to share it in 3-5 minutes… • 1. How you became a Christian • 2. Why you became a Christian • 3. Why it is a blessing
Sharing Your TestimonyBe able to share it in 3-5 minutes… • 1. How did you learn about the Sabbath? • 2. Why do you keep it? • 3. How is it a blessing?
Making A Gospel Presentation • Everyone has sin their life. It’s easy to do wrong. Romans 3:23 • The penalty is death Romans 6:23 • Jesus paid the penalty. He lived a perfect life. John 3:16 • He can be our Savior. We must invite Him. Revelation 3:20 Roleplay
Take Action with the Person • Would you like to invite Jesus into your life? • Invite them to pray in their own words. • You pray in confirmation • Get them to church ASAP • Ask to start a Bible study Role Play
“The one work more precious than any other is the work of soul-saving. The same intensity of desire for the saving of souls that marked the life of the Savior marks the life of His true followers.”-Australian Union Conference Record Aug. 15, 1902
Seminar Info Pastor David M. Klinedinst Personal Ministries Director Christian Record Services for the Blind PO Box 6097 Lincoln, NE 68506 David.klinedinst@christianrecord.org 402-488-0981 ext 246