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- Orlando: Women’s Writing in British Isles -

Explore over 850 British women writers with biographical info, bibliographies, and historical context. An invaluable resource for scholars, students & researchers in literary history. -

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- Orlando: Women’s Writing in British Isles -

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  1. Orlando is a comprehensive electronic textbase relating to women’s writing in the British Isles, from the earliest times to today. It offers a wealth of biographical and critical information on more than 850 British women writers (including over 20,000 bibliographical listings), together with related entries on literary and historical events, male writers and non-British women writers. Orlando also includes entries on living writers and is updated at regular intervals with new information relating to past and present events. Offering Extensive Search Capabilities This wealth of data may be accessed in many ways, and the entries are cross-tagged enabling searches to focus on precise intersections not only of author, date and place, but of genre, topic and theme as well. Users can use these intersections to create their own detailed chronologies. For Scholars and Students of Literary and Cultural History at All Levels Orlando’s rich content and extensive search capabilities will be invaluable for: Undergraduates seeking to further their knowledge Lecturers producing course packs and timelines Graduate students and academic researchers who need precise and up-to-date information relevant to their own interests Orlando Project Directors Susan Brown; University of Guelph, Ontario Patricia Clements; University of Alberta Orlando Women’s Writing in the British Isles, from the beginnings to the present Winner of the Award for Outstanding Achievement, Computing in the Arts and Humanities Society for Digital Humanities/Societe pour l’etude des medias interactifs orlando.cambridge.org

  2. Introduction... • Left hand navigation provides a selection of entry points into the textbase. • From the homepage… • Access individual author entries • or search on names • Construct bespoke timelines • Pursue detailed lines of enquiry • via complex tag searches 1 2 1 Full help options, plus quick tips for new users, available on every page. 2 orlando.cambridge.org

  3. Introduction... Searchfor entries by name alphabetically, or list chronologically. 1 1 Search options allow the user to modify the lists by date or scope. 2 Quick and easy access to authors, by scrolling through the alphabetical list. 3 3 2 orlando.cambridge.org

  4. Introduction... 1 1 Tabs to related screens with further detailed links: Overview: provides a summary of the writer's significance, a few key dates, and headings hyperlinked to corresponding sections of the Life and Writing documents. Writing: the writing document for that individual, with headings. Citations and notes appear in pop-up boxes; lists of Works Cited at the end. Clicking on a hyperlink from within a document replaces the current screen with a Links screen. Life: the biography document for that individual; same features as the Writing tab. Writing & Life: both discussions side-by-side, scrollable so they can be read in parallel. Timeline: all distinct events from within the Life and Writing documents, plus any events from outside the writer's documents which nevertheless name her (or him). Links: all mentions of the writer in other documents, organized by context. Works By: selective lists of works by the writer, chiefly first editions. 2 3 Each author overview screen offers the various ways in which material is organised in Life and Writing entries and other categories 2 Links to related entries 3 orlando.cambridge.org

  5. Each result is coded according to a set of criteria for easy reference: Quill pen - events relating to British women Globe - national/international events Books - general writing People - social climate 4 1 3 Links to scholarly notes available at the end of each timeline entry; again, all entries are coded according to scope 2 2 Highlighted text links to relevant author overview page, with links allowing user to drill further down 3 1 Full citation details for use in coursework and notes 4 orlando.cambridge.org

  6. Bespoke chronology creation by date: limit by date and event type and choose preferred type of results (full or short entries) 1 Limit by date All searches can be performed on a specific range of dates, whether entered manually or selected as a historical period, the reign of a monarch, or the lifetime of a particular author. 1 Scope All searches can be narrowed according to the type of material being searched. The Scope choices vary by entry point as shown. 2 People: search for entries Chronologies Narrow by event type (British women writers, writing climate, social climate, national or international) Narrow by degree of selectivity (most comprehensive, fairly comprehensive, fairly selective, most selective) 2 Results type You can choose the format of your search results. The Results Type choices vary by entry point as shown. 3 3 Chronologies choose between short form and long form results. A further option available on the Tag Search entry point allows you to choose the ordering of your results - chronological or reverse chronological orlando.cambridge.org

  7. Subscriber Services also available… • Access Orlando remotely with unlimited user licences • Usage reports available online to all institutional customers 24 x 7 (ICOLC compliant) • Online viewing of subscription details and account preferences through our Subscriber Services interface • Context-sensitive help, guided tour and FAQs available on site • Online tutorials and sample searches provided • Comprehensive customer services, answering all your queries post-purchase Please recommend Orlando to your librarian. • Institutions may request a free 30-day trial of Orlando. Please contact your regional online sales team for trial requests, pricing and subscription information. Customers within North and South America:By phone: 845 353 7500By fax: 845 353 4141By email: orlando@cambridge.org Customers outside North and South America:By phone: +44 (0)1223 326070By fax: +44 (0)1223 325150By email: onlinepublications@cambridge.org Cambridge Online Visit http://www.cambridge.org/online for more information about our range of online products. orlando.cambridge.org

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