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Arctic Ocean Model Intercomparison Project (AOMIP) 2008-2009 and future plans. Andrey Proshutinsky , Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Arctic System Model workshop III Montreal, Canada, July 17 th , 2009.
Arctic Ocean Model Intercomparison Project (AOMIP) 2008-2009 and future plans Andrey Proshutinsky , Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Arctic System Model workshop III Montreal, Canada, July 17th, 2009 AOMIP is supported by the Office of Polar Programs (OPP) of the National Science Foundation (NSF)
At present, the AOMIP group consists of a core of seven principal investigators, and a large number of co-investigators from different countries. A new web site for the AOMIP project is under construction but can be accessed at http://www.whoi.edu/page.do?pid=29836. Project Principal Investigator: A. Proshutinsky Co-Investigators: There are approximately 25 active co-Investigators from USA, Canada, Russia, United Kingdom, France, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Germany. In addition there are approximately 60 active recipients of AOMIP information who participate in AOMIP activities from time to time or use AOMIP results and recommendations Co-Principal Investigators Eric CHASSIGNET, FSU, USA Changsheng CHEN, UMASSD, USA Chris HILL, MIT, USA David HOLLAND, NYU, USAMark JOHNSON, UAF, USA Wieslaw MASLOWSKI, NPS, USAMichael STEELE, PSC/UW, USA
AOMIP operational mode A. Carry out: • Numerical experiments; • Evaluate/Validate models; • Intercompare model results for parameters or processes for which group is responsible; • Introduce model improvements and test them; • Provide recommendations for other groups and • Repeat coordinated experiments with improved models.
GOAL 1 Model evaluation/validation • The first group of studies has focused on the analysis of differences among model results and between model results and observations. • This was important for determining model errors and model uncertainties, and this was the first step in the process of model improvement.
GOAL 1 Model validation parameters
Model improvements GOAL 1 • Model improvement includes several phases: • - Identification of problems; • - Search for solutions/improvements; • - Testing improvements based on one or two models; • - Recommendations to others; and • - Introduction and testing of new ideas. • Following this scheme, several mechanisms and parameterizations have been applied and analyzed.
Model improvement activities GOAL 1
AOMIP operational mode • B. Collect and organize: • Observational data archives suitable for AOMIP model validation and share these data with other modeling groups. Major parameters include: hydrography (T&S), sea ice (concentration, age/thickness and drift), sea level including bottom pressure data, water transports through major straits, chemistry and active and passive tracers.
Model forcing validation: We analyzed air temperature, humidity, SLP, wind, SLP, cloudiness from NCAR/NCEP versus North Pole stations Data Coverage: 1954-1991 and 2003-2006 Temporal Spatial
SEASONAL VARIABILITY OF AIR TEMPERATURE Note that NCAR air temperature is much lower than observed in Fall and high than observed in spring !!!! Freeze up starts earlier Ice melts earlier Winter Winter Autumn Summer Spring
AOMIP operational mode C. Prepare: • AOMIP reports, manuscripts for AOMIP special issues at peer-reviewed journals, talks at national and international meetings.
AOMIP operational mode D. Participate in: • AOMIP virtual workshops and discussions and attend annual workshop at WHOI to report about findings, discuss future experiments, E. Prepare: • Recommendations for modeling community and decide about publications and future project developments.
AOMIP operational mode • F. Provide: • Consultations and recommendations for modeling groups, individual modeling projects, other MIPs about AOMIP experience and model.
AOMIP 2009-2011: GOALS AOMIP new project was funded by NSF on September 1, 2008. The major AOMIP goals remain without change and include: • Validate and improve Arctic Ocean models in a coordinated fashion; • Investigate variability of the Arctic Ocean and sea ice at seasonal to decadal time scales, and identify mechanisms responsible for the observed changes.
AOMIP 2009-2011: Participants • 25 institutions are involved in AOMIP studies in the next research cycle.
AOMIP 2009-2011: Themes and experiments Realistically we anticipate each group to perform the experiment(s) that most closely follow their already-funded interests.
Major 2008-2009 activities • 12th AOMIP workshop (January 14-16, 2009) • Coordinated experiments • Observational data collection and processing for model validations
Coordinated experiments Bering Strait volume, heat and salt fluxes: M. Steele, R. Woodgate. W. Maslowski This is a collaborative model-observational study of volume, heat, and freshwater fluxes through Bering Strait, an important arctic gateway. This experiment focuses on this strait because of its physical importance for the Arctic Ocean ice and water dynamics and thermodynamics. A set of numerical experiments and model intercomparisons seeks to answer a series of important scientific questions, validate Arctic regional and global models using Bering Strait historical and recently collected data, and to recommend important model improvements allowing reproduction of the Bering Strait – related changes in the entire Arctic Ocean. Circulation and fate of fresh water from river runoff (pathways and seasonal transformation due to mixing and freezing): Ye. Aksenov, A. Jahn A relatively recently published paper “Sensitivity of the thermohaline circulation to Arctic Ocean runoff” by Rennermalm et al (2006) investigates how changes in Arctic river discharge may control thermohaline circulation by a series of experiments with an intermediate complexity global climate model. The study does not, however, study how the arctic river runoff reaches the North Atlantic and how much time it takes for this water to influence the THC. This study will fill this gap and will answer a set of scientific questions about pathways of river water and its transformations.
Coordinated experiments Canada Basin: shelf-basin exchange and mechanisms:W. Maslowski, E. Watanabe, G. Nurser The major science questions for these experiments are: (1) How much of the heat and fresh water associated with the Pacific Water are transported from the Chukchi shelf to the Canada Basin across the Beaufort shelf break by meso-scale eddies? (2) What are the mechanisms controlling generation and development of meso-scale eddies which are thought to play an important role in the shelf-basin mass, heat and fresh water exchanges? Pacific Water circulation (origin, forcing, pathways):Ye. Aksenov, R. Gerdes, A. Nguyen, E. Watanabe, A. Proshutinsky The circulation of Pacific Water may be coherent with the surface currents but its pathways are not known from direct observations. Recently the vertical structure of this layer and its properties have been revised by Shimada et al., (2001) and Steele et al., (2004) where the presence of two types of summer Pacific halocline water and one type of winter Pacific halocline water in the Beaufort Gyre were reported. According to the Environmental Working Group analysis, the total thickness of the Pacific layer in the Beaufort Gyre is approximately 150 m. This thickness is subject to temporal variability (McLaughlin etal., 2003) depending on wind stress and circulation modes (Proshutinsky etal., 2002). Steele et al. (2004) found similar evidence in their examination of data from the 1980s and 1990s. Accordingly, it is important to investigate the variability of the different Pacific-origin water components, their circulation patterns and their role in stabilizing or destabilizing the Canada Basin and the Arctic Ocean climatic circulation.
Coordinated experiments Beaufort Gyre: mechanisms of fresh water accumulation and release (origin of the BG freshwater reservoir, sources and sinks, role of sea ice dynamics and seasonal transformations, Ekman pumping):A. Proshutinsky (ocean), W. Hibler (ice), R. Forsberg, A. Jahn, E. Watanabe, S. Hakkinen Hydrographic climatology shows that due to a salinity minimum which extends from the surface to approximately 400m depth, the Canada Basin contains about 45,000 km3 of fresh water. This value is calculated relative to a reference mean salinity (34.8) of the Arctic Ocean and specifies how much fresh water is accumulated in this region from different sources (ice melting and freezing, rivers, atmospheric precipitation and water transport from the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans via straits). Proshutinsky et al. (2002) hypothesized that in winter, the wind in the Canada Basin drives sea ice and ocean in a clockwise sense, accumulating freshwater in the Beaufort Gyre (BG) through Ekman convergence and subsequent downwelling. In summer, winds are weaker and the BG releases fresh water. At the same time, thermodynamic processes may also be important - in winter, ice growth and subsequent salt release reduce the FWC of the BG, and in summer, ice melt increases the FWC. The interplay between dynamic- and thermodynamic forcing is undoubtedly complex. This problem can be solved by AOMIP coordinated experiments specifically designed to understand the major mechanisms of fresh water accumulation and release in the BG Region.
Coordinated experiments Fresh water balance of the Arctic Ocean: seasonal and interannual variability (sources, sinks, pathways): A. Jahn, R. Gerdes, A. Nguyen, Ye. Aksenov, W. Maslowski, C. Herbaut This research will attempt to answer the fundamental questions: How does fresh water enter the Arctic Ocean system? How does it move about including undergoing phase changes? How does it finally exit the system? First, groups responsible for this activity will evaluate how well models can reproduce pan-Arctic freshwater budget by comparison of model outputs budgets of Serreze et al. (2006). We anticipate that most (but perhaps not all) models will achieve freshwater balance in the upper layers including the AW after several decades. How these balances are actually achieved will provide insight into model physics. Zhang and Steele (2007) have shown how the magnitude of numerical vertical mixing can affect salinity structure within the Beaufort Gyre. Atlantic Water circulation (circulation patterns, variability and heat exchange, model validation based on observations): R. Gerdes, Ye. Aksenov, A. Nguyen, W. Maslowski, C. Postlethwaite, R. Gerdes The cyclonic pattern of Atlantic water propagation along the continental slope, proposed by Rudels et al. (1994) is supported by some numerical models (Holland, Karcher, Holloway, AOMIP, pers. com.). However other models (Häkkinen, Maslowski, Zhang, AOMIP, pers. com.) show anticyclonic rotation of this “wheel”. McLauglin et al., (2004) showed that Atlantic Water as much as 0.5oC warmer than the historical record were observed in the eastern Canada Basin relatively recently. These observations signaled that warm-anomaly Fram Strait waters, first observed upstream in the Nansen Basin in 1990, had arrived in the Canada Basin. The mechanisms that drive the mean and time-varying Atlantic Water circulation require further investigation. The major experiments for these studies can be subdivided on three categories reflecting a) the general circulation of the Atlantic Water layer and causes of its variability; b) investigation the Atlantic Water inflow via Fram Strait in via St. Anna Trough (the Kara and Barents Seas), and c) model validations based on observations from NABOS project along the Siberian continental slope.
Coordinated experiments Ecosystem experiments: K. Popova, M. Steele, F. Dupont, D. Holland, T. Reddy, C. Hill, E. Hunke Recognizing that marine ecosystem modeling is complex and that the ecosystems come in many forms, even in the Arctic Ocean environment, the AOMIP has decided to formulate a set on coordinated experiments to incorporate a relatively simple ecosystem modeling in their regional models of the Arctic Ocean. These experiments are important to our understanding of the changing Arctic marine environment. The arctic ecosystems are often highly complex and are affected by both cyclic and stochastic influences. Computer models, combined with suitable data-collection programs, can help in deepening our understanding of these systems and how they will react to various influences (from climatologic to human).
Coordinated experiments • Observations, state estimation, and adjoint methods: P. Heimbach, F. Kauker and D. Stott • The major goal for this session was to discuss the role of observations for AOMIP, and the need of taking optimal advantage of them through rigorous estimation (data assimilation) methods. It was recognized that depending on the application, very different requirements are placed on the estimation/assimilation system which have to be recognized and respectively evaluated. Another problem was to identify the relevant data (both observational specifically organized for AOMIP model validation), and where and how to archive the data for better distribution among AOMIP collaborators and throughout the Arctic observational and modeling communities.
Coordinated experiments Sea-ice drift and changes in drag: T. Martin, V. Dansereau, B. Hibler, D. Huard, J.-F. Lemieux, M. McPhee, M. Steele, B. Tremblay, A gradual increase in sea-ice drift speeds has been observed over the last 60 years (Hakkinen et al., 2008) raising the following questions: (1) Do numerical models capture this behaviour? (2) What causes/influences the speed change: a) in reality b) in individual models? (3) Does the description of momentum exchange in large-scale models need to be revised? A large part of the observed increase in sea-ice drift speed can be explained by the increase in wind stress on the ice (Hakkinen et al., 2008). As most AOMIP model experiments included atmospheric forcing from reanalysis products, we expect simulated sea-ice drift speed to follow a positive trend. However, the current freshening of the Arctic Ocean's top layers also influences the drag between sea ice and ocean (M. McPhee, pers. comm.). Also, thinner, more deformable ice might explain part of the speedup. A comparison of time series of monthly ice drift speeds averaged for the region north of 80N from various AOMIP models (output from coordinated experiments in 2006/2007) reveals that the response of the models to the increased wind stress in the forcing data differs in strength and even in the sign of the trend for the period 1979-2001 (T. Martin, pers. comm.). In order to answer the questions above, it is necessary to look into the individual components of the momentum balance in each model. And though monthly averaged output can be used to answer questions (1) and (2), high resolution output (e.g. daily) at least at reported buoy locations would be necessary to work on question (3), because the balance of forces in the momentum balance changes with the averaging period (Steele et al., 1997).