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OLATHE EAST HIGH SCHOOL ENROLLMENT INFORMATION. VISIT THE OLATHE EAST HIGH SCHOOL WEBSITE AT http://schools.olatheschools.com/olatheeast/ Find direct link to Online Enrollment and Program Planning Guide o n the OE Counseling website.
VISIT THE OLATHE EAST HIGH SCHOOL WEBSITE AT http://schools.olatheschools.com/olatheeast/ Find direct link to Online Enrollment and Program Planning Guide on the OE Counseling website http://www.olatheschools.com/schools2/programs/high-school/curriculum
It is imperative that students do two things… • 1-Turn in your enrollment form by February 24 • 2-Complete online enrollment by February 24
GUIDELINES FOR CHOOSING COURSES • Satisfy graduation requirements • (Remember that these are the bare minimum)
What comes next??? You have an opportunity to prepare for or take steps toward…. • Military Training • Transferable College Credits • Certifications • Four Year College/University • Bachelor Degree • Master’s Degree • Professional/Doctoral Degree • Technical Program • JCCC-Assoc Degree • Certificate • Community College • JCCC-Assoc Degree • Significant On the Job Training • Apprenticeship • Licensure-paid OJT
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ADMISSION TO *KANSAS BOARD OF REGENTS UNIVERSITIES Emporia State University, Fort Hays State University, Kansas State University, Pittsburg State University, Wichita State University (University of Kansas has more rigorous admission’s standards) Kansas graduates MUST have… ACT of 21 OR Ranked top 1/3 as of senior year REQUIRED 2.0 GPA in QA Curriculum AUTOMATIC Admission To KBOR institution Alternative #1 – university waivers requirements (probationary) Alternative #2 – student transfers in with 24 hours of transferable credit (2.0 GPA)
ADMISSION TO THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS REQUIRED 2.0 GPA in QA Curriculum ACT of 21 PLUS 3.25 cumulative GPA OR ACT of 24 PLUS 3.0 cumulative GPA AUTOMATIC Admission To KU Alternative #1 – university waivers requirements (probationary) Alternative #2 – student transfers in with 24 hours of transferable credit (2.0 GPA)
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TRYOUT COURSES Most tryouts for special courses will not have been held by the time online enrollment is complete. List these classes on the back side of the enrollment worksheet and be sure to identify which classes you want to drop. *cheer and drill Information on tryouts and procedures will be included in the Daily Announcements and will appear in the HAWK TALK newsletter for the month in which they occur.
SPECIAL PERMISSION COURSES Special permission courses are marked with a # on your elective sheet. You MUST get a teacher signature on the back of your enrollment sheet or it will be dropped! Examples AdvComm Tech Advanced Weights Rep Theatre Newspaper Teacher Aide Yearbook
INDEPENDENT STUDY APPLICATIONS Available in August Request form from independent study teacher
DUAL CREDIT ENROLLMENT Juniors and Seniors have the opportunity to take classes at JCCC campus to replace up to 2 hours of their day. It can ONLY count as individual focus. A 3-credit college course (in one semester) equals 1/2 unit of high school credit. Students should complete online enrollment with a full schedule at Olathe East. Students should visit with their counselor about dual credit options and procedures. Refer to the JCCC website for course options.
If you plan to take a dual credit or College Now class next year, apply to JCCC now, take the placement test and send your transcript with ACT scores to JCCC before August.
Center-Based Technical Education Programs(pages 41 -44 in PPG): Olathe Advanced Technical Center -Automotive Collision Technology -Automotive Technology -Welding Technology -Construction Trades Olathe North -Culinary Arts -Health Career Sciences Heartland/Harmony Centers -Early Childhood Career Opportunities
CAREER and TECHNICAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS Center based technical education courses are offered through the Olathe Schools and are open to Olathe juniors and seniors. These programs are scheduled for 2-hour or 3-hour blocks of time. Students must plan carefully to fit a program into his/her course of study. Application is required in the fall semester Students must attend a tour of the program before completing the required application process. Please see Mrs. Shaw for additional information.
Early Graduation • If you are a junior interested in Early Graduation next year, make an appointment with your counselor in May, your parent must attend. • You will still enroll as a full time/two semester student during online enrollment.
Early Release for Seniors If you have a job or an internship, you are welcome to apply for early release/late start in April ∙Maximum of 2 hours release ∙Must provide letters from yourself, employer/internship, and parent/guardian Applications will be available in the counseling office in April For enrollment, you must enroll for a full schedule. If your application is approved, classes will be dropped.
Online Enrollment-Student Vue • If you want to take a class that requires a pre req, you will need to select the pre req and save it, THEN you will be able to select the next class. • When you are done, you should have 14Course Requests and at least 4 Alternate Requests. • You cannot list a class as an alternate that is also a course request! • If you make a mistake, you can Remove a selection.
Things to remember • You NEED 7 full credits (14 course selections) and 2 credits (4 selections) of alternates • You MUST select A and B for full year classes • Do NOT select classes not listed on your worksheet-they will be deleted and your alternates will take their place • You MUST have signatures in order to enroll in special permission courses • If selecting a class that can be taken for more than one semester(i.e. Weights), you MUST select that class twice
Questions??? • Counselors will be available in the lunch room on Wednesday, Feb 15 to answer questions. • Counselors will be available in the Writing Center ALL DAY Friday, Feb 17 if you need to complete your online enrollment.
Things to remember PRIORITIES & BALANCE & COMMITMENT REMEMBER: You only have 24 hours and you must sleep! It is a great idea to make a chart of your time commitments so you can see where your time is going and where you must prioritize. Career Social Academics
Things to remember Most importantly, you MUST enter your requests online no later than Friday, February 24 for current 9th, 10th and 11th graders. Freshmen need to enter their requests BEFORE the OE counselors return to your middle school.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! School counselors will review completed online enrollment with current 8th graders on the following dates: February 27 California Trail Middle School February 28 Frontier Trail Middle School March 1 Pioneer Trail Middle School Please see your school counselor if you have questions!