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DGP Midterm Review. Sentences 1-10. Transitive Verbs. The Two Rules: It must be an action verb It must be followed by a noun or pronoun which receives the action (called a direct object). Transitive Verb Example: Kicked. Silvia kicked Juan under the table. Action verb. Direct Object
DGP Midterm Review Sentences 1-10
Transitive Verbs The Two Rules: • It must be an action verb • It must be followed by a noun or pronoun which receives the action (called a direct object)
Transitive Verb Example: Kicked Silvia kicked Juan under the table. Action verb Direct Object ( he receives the kick)
Transitive Verb Example: Wrote Alicia wrote a love letter on a restaurant napkin. Action verb Direct Object ( what she wrote)
Intransitive Verbs: Two Types of Intransitive Verbs: • Linking Verbs - All linking verbs are intransitive verbs • Action Verbs - If an action verb is intransitive, it will not have a noun (direct object) to receive the action.
Intransitive Examples: Action Verb Huffing and puffing, we arrived at the classroom door with only seven seconds to spare. Prepositional Phrase Prepositional Phrase
Intransitive Verb Example: Sheryl sneezed with violence. Action Verb Prepositional Phrase
Final Tips for Transitive vs. Intransitive: • For Action Verbs: • It’s not really about the verb itself, it is about what comes AFTER the verb. • If you can take the verb, ask the question “what” and find a reasonable answer in the sentence, it is Transitive. • For Linking Verbs: • Make sure you are strictly looking at a linking verb, not a helping verb. Remember, helping verbs are followed by action verbs! • All solo linking verbs are intransitive!
Now You Decide- Transitive or Intransitive? Rosa usually eats whole-grain cereal for breakfast. Action Verb Direct Object This action verb is TRANSITIVE!
Now You Decide- Transitive or Intransitive? Action Verb During cross-country practice, Damien runs over hills, through fields, across the river, and along the highway. Prepositional Phrases This action verb is INTRANSITIVE!
Now You Decide- Transitive or Intransitive? Helping Verb In the spring, Damien will run his first marathon. Action Verb Direct Object This action verb combo is TRANSITIVE!
All the “Predicate” Stuff • The part of a sentence which contains the verb • Usually happens AFTER the subject. • Predicates always state something about the subject: • Describe the subject (an adjective or adjective phrase) • Renaming the subject (with a noun)
Predicate Adjective • Predicate Adjectives follow a formula: Subject+ Linking Verb+ Adjective Called the P.A. All of this is part of the predicate
Predicate Adjective Examples Pie is delicious. Linking Verb Subject Adjective describing the subject
Predicate Nominative • Predicate Nominatives follow this formula: Subject+ Linking Verb+ Noun • The noun in a PN always renames the subject! Remember: Nombre and Nominative have the same root word! Called the P.N. All of this is part of the predicate
Predicate Nominative Example: Pie is a dessert. Linking Verb Subject Noun renames the subject
PA, PN, or DO? Predicate Adjective! Maria is hungry for pie. Linking Verb Subject Adjective describing the subject
PA, PN, or DO? Linking Verb The girl behind Jose is smarter than me. Subject Adjective describing the subject Predicate Adjective!
PA, PN, or DO? Predicate Nominative! The girl behind Jose is a genius. Linking Verb Subject Noun renaming the subject
PA, PN, or DO? Action Verb The girl behind Jose failed the test. Subject Noun does not rename the subject Direct Object!
Different Types of Conjunctions • All conjunctions join/hook together words, phrases or clauses. • Types of Conjunctions we’ve discussed: • Coordinating • Subordinating • Correlative
Coordinating Conjunctions: • The most common conjunctions • Show that items have equal emphasis in the sentence. • Joins two or more main clauses or main together Remember the Acronym: FANBOYS F= For B= But A= And O= Or N= Nor Y= Yet S= So
Coordinating Conjunctions: When I go to the store I want to buy peaches, pears, and oranges. All items on my list are important! Diana stared dreamily at the handsome Mr. McKenzie, but Olivia, who hated economics, furiously jiggled her foot in attempt to ignore him. Both girls are equally important to the sentence’s purpose (to compare)!
Subordinating Conjunctions The THREE Jobs of a Subordinating Conjunction: • To transition between an independent clause and a dependent clause. • To indicate a time, a place, or a cause/effect relationship. • To show that one clause is more important than the other. Don’t confuse a SC with a Preposition!
Subordinating Conjunction Example: Ron begins to sneeze violently whenever the girl next to him sprays her flowery perfume. More important clause (Ind. Cl) SC Less important clause (Dep. Cl.)
Subordinating Conjunction Example: SC Less important clause (Dep. Cl.) Even though Dana persevered at the calculus exam, she was only adding another F beside her name in her teacher’s grade book. More important clause (Ind. Cl)
Other Subordinating Conjunctions afteralthoughasbecausebeforeeven ifeven thoughifin order that once provided thatrather thansinceso thatthanthatthoughunless untilwhen wheneverwherewhereaswhereverwhetherwhilewhy
Prepositions: • Prepositions show where things are in the world • Where things are in space or location • Where things are in time
Other Location Prepositions: • by • near • nearby • above • below • Over • Under • Up • down • around • through • inside • outside (of) • between • beside • beyond • in front of • in back of • behind • next to • on top of • within • beneath • underneath • among • along • against • In • On
Time Prepositions • These are the same as subordinating conjunctions (word wise) but function simply to tell WHEN something occurred, not to link two phrases together. • Before • After • During • At • Since • While • Meanwhile
Prepositional Phrases: • Remember, a phrase means “a related group of words” • Two simple parts of a Prepositional Phrase (PP) • Always begins with a preposition • Always ends with a noun (sometimes pronoun or gerund). • In between part 1 and 2, there may be some added adjectives or other modifiers.
Find the Phrase: The coyote runs after the rabbit. The car stalled despite the tune-up. The team won without the starting quarterback.
Find the Phrases: The old farmhouse stood for years, after the revolution, by the fork in the road, beyond the orange grove, over the wooden bridge, at the farthest edge of the family's land, toward the great basin, down in the valley, under the old mining town, outside the city's limits, and past the end of the county maintained road.
Object of the Preposition • The object of the preposition answers the following question: Preposition + WHAT? = Object of the preposition Example: I am at school. at WHAT? School!
Label the Objects: The old farmhouse stood (for years), (after the revolution), (by the fork) (in the road), (beyond the orange grove), (over the wooden bridge), (at the farthest edge) (of the family's land), (toward the great basin), (down in the valley), (under the old mining town), (outside the city's limits), and (past the end) (of the county maintained road.)
Verbals • Verbals are words that are created using a verb, but which function as a noun, adjective or adverb.
Types of Verbals: Gerunds • A verb which acts as a NOUN. • Key to remember: Gerund sounds like Gerald, a name for a man. A man is a NOUN. Rules: • Verb+ ing • Can either be a SUBJECT , DIRECT OBJECT or OBJECT OF A PREPOSITION in a sentence.
Gerunds in Context Reading is fun. I enjoy shopping. I use pencils for drawing. Gerund as a subject. Gerund as a direct object. Gerund as an OP.
Types of Verbals: Participles • A verb acting as an ADJECTIVE. • Rules: Verb+ ing followed by a noun. OR Verb+ed followed by a noun.
Participles in Context I have running shoes. Frightened, I ran down the street. It’s an unspoken rule.
Types of Verbals: Infinitives • A verb acting like a noun, adjective, or an adverb • Easiest type of verbal to identify: • Rule: To+ verb
Infinitives In Context • I like to eat. • It is the best place to eat. • I need a pen to write a letter. Infinitive as noun (D.O.) Infinitive as adjective Infinitive as adverb
Pronouns • In general, a pronoun replaces or renames a noun with a more simple, general name. • There are many types of Pronouns: • Nominative • Possessive • Demonstrative • Indefinite • Relative • Reflexive • And more! (we aren’t going over more than this though!)
Nominative Pronouns: • Directly rename something in the sentence. • The most common pronouns: 1st Pers. Nom 2nd Pers. Nom 3rd Pers. Nom I You He/She/It Me They/Them We Us
Possessive Pronouns: • Show that somebody owns something, or that something belongs to them. • His • Her’s • My • Mine • Their • Their’s • Your • Your’s
Demonstrative Pronouns • Represents a thing (or things) • This • That • These • Those
Indefinite Pronouns • Refer to something undefined by the sentence. The indefinite pronoun could almost be anything. • All • Another • Anybody • Anyone • Nobody • None • Few • Any
Relative Pronoun • Introduces somebody in the sentence such as: • The person who called me last night was my mom. • Who • Whom • Whose • Which • That
Reflexive Pronoun • Refers to a normal nominative pronoun, but ends in the word “self” • Himself/Herself • Themselves • Ourselves • Yourselves • Itself