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The Story of Mr Tongue

The Story of Mr Tongue. Here is Mr Tongue. Mr Tongue lives in a house, which is your mouth! Your teeth are his windows and your lips are his doors. Stick your tongue out. One day Mr Tongue came out of his house. Point your tongue up. He looked up at the sky. Point your tongue down.

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The Story of Mr Tongue

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Story of Mr Tongue

  2. Here is Mr Tongue.

  3. Mr Tongue lives in a house, which is your mouth! Your teeth are his windows and your lips are his doors.

  4. Stick your tongue out. One day Mr Tongue came out of his house.

  5. Point your tongue up. He looked up at the sky.

  6. Point your tongue down. And he looked down at the ground.

  7. Lick your teeth. He washed his windows upstairs and downstairs.

  8. Wave your tongue up and down. Mr Tongue was so happy he jumped up and down!

  9. Move your tongue left and right slowly. Then Mr Tongue went for a walk. He looked left and right before he crossed the road.

  10. Move your tongue left and right quickly. He saw a dog wagging his tail. Hello dog!

  11. Make your mouth wide and say ‘ee’. Mr Tongue posted a letter in the wide slot of the post box.

  12. Make your mouth small and say ‘oo’. He saw a small hole in the road.

  13. Make your mouth big and say ‘ah’. Then he saw a big hole in the road!

  14. Say ‘Pa papa’. In the park there was a band playing. The bugles went ‘Papapapa!’

  15. Say ‘Ta tata’. The drum said ‘Tatatata!’

  16. Say ‘Ka kaka’. The cymbals went ‘Kakakak!’

  17. Say ‘Pa ta ka’. What a noise they all made together!

  18. Z zZzZzZzZz Say ‘Shhh’. ‘Sh!’ You’ll wake the baby!

  19. Say ‘Phhhhew’. Finally My Tongue got back home. ‘Phew! What a long walk.’ Night night Mr Tongue.

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