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ISAIAH. 716 BC Ch 13. Isaiah 11 (“and while I’m giving signs…”) 11:1 “…a Rod out of the stem of Jesse… a Branch out of his roots:” (PROVE SCRIPTURE WITH SCRIPTURE, especially symbolism!) “Rod” = scepter (Gen. 49:10); strong rule (Ps. 2:9, Rev. 2:27, 12:5, 19:15)
ISAIAH 716 BC Ch 13
Isaiah 11 (“and while I’m giving signs…”) 11:1 “…a Rod out of the stem of Jesse… a Branch out of his roots:” (PROVE SCRIPTURE WITH SCRIPTURE, especially symbolism!) “Rod” = scepter (Gen. 49:10); strong rule (Ps. 2:9, Rev. 2:27, 12:5, 19:15) “stem” = stump = what’s left of David’s kingdom (not much, but still barely alive) (Dan. 4:15, 23, 26; Job 14:7-9, 14) Jesse = David’s father; I think this is meant to minimize the all-time maximum king, and to maximize The One Who made him. So Jesse is mentioned. “The Lord looketh upon the heart.”
Isaiah 11 11:1 “…a Rod out of the stem of Jesse… a Branch out of his roots:” (PROVE SCRIPTURE WITH SCRIPTURE, especially symbolism!) “A Branch” capital “B” = H. netser = a green shoot of sprout; (Luke 23:31; Jer 23:5, 33:15; Zech 3:8, 6:12) “out of his roots” – Rev. 22:16; there’s only one way to be both the Root and offspring of David: you have to be both God and man. No one else qualifies except Jesus of Nazareth!
Isaiah 11 Still giving signs, Ahaz… you numbskull! 11:2 “wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge, reverence, righteous judgment”; hmmm… that’s 7 expressions of the Spirit of the Lord (see Rev 1:4, 3:1, 4:5, 5:6); Isaiah 61:1-3 gives 7 proofs of Christ’s anointing FROM GOD, which He read in the synagogue (Luke 4:16-21), which He also gives to John Baptist as a reminder that He, Jesus, is definitely the one (Luke 7:19-23) 6 things that happened TO PEOPLE. Maybe because 7 is God’s number and 6 is man’s?
Isaiah 11 11:6-9 Millennial earmarks (wolf/lamb; leopard/kid; calf/lion/child) 11:10 sign of the Cross, the Church 11:11-16 return of Jews to Israel, a new nation, a flag, victories over surrounding nations
Isaiah 12 Ch. 12, all six verses, is praise and celebration for the events prophesied in ch. 11.
Isaiah 13 (part of 13-23 “burdens”) • The burden concerning Babylon • Babylon represents man’s rebellion in government, economy and religion. • Nimrod, Babel, Hammurabi, Nebuchadnezzar • World economic system of Antichrist • False religion, mystery religion, priestcraft • Chapter written in layers: • Immediately after the prophecy • During Our time • During Tribulation
Isaiah 13 • Verse 2: “banner on high mountain” • Medes and Persians came out of the Caucasus Mountains • “gates of the nobles” Persians coming in at the Ishtar gate right after the Belshazzar vision of the handwriting on the wall (Dan 5:1-6; 22-18)
Verse 4 “”noise of a multitude…. A great people, tumultuous noise, nations gathered together” I think speaks of Gulf War I Desert Storm. • Bush I was able to make a huge coalition of forces from all over the world to assemble in Saudi to take Saddam out of Kuwait.
Isaiah 13 Verse 5: “From a far country… to destroy the whole land”… Seems to speak more of Bush II’s regime-change
Isaiah 13 Verse 6 seems to speak more of the tribulation, end-times, armageddon scenario “The Day of the Lord” almost always is about the end. Verse 7 speaks of all 3: medes/persians, Gulf Wars I & II, and the Day of the Lord. Whoever is in Iraq at any of those times will be afraid. Verse 8 is definitely fulfilled in Desert Storm. “…woman that travaileth” reminds us of the Iraqis in their bunkers while they were being shelled. See Jeremiah 50:37.
Isaiah 13 They hid in bunkers for 3 months and surrendered immediately.
Isaiah 13 Verse 10 “the sun shall be darkened…” On 2/25/91, Saddam Hussein, the coward, the tyrant, the ruthless, the uncaring, lit thousands of oil wells on fire.
Isaiah 13 Verse 12 “a man more precious than gold…” Iraq lost between 100,000-200,000 young men in Desert Storm, all because Hussein was too stupid to surrender. Lots of ladies had no man to marry. Many others were widows. Verses 14-15 pertain to what Iraq did to Kuwait when they knew they had to abandon it. The Iraqis ravished the Kuwaiti women and dashed their babies into the pavement. No lie.
Isaiah 13 This chapter is joined at the hip with Jeremiah 50-51, which is even more graphically fulfilled in Gulf War I Desert Storm, 1991, and Gulf War II, regime change, Iraqi Freedom.