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Academic Affairs Renewal Process 2013-14

Academic Affairs Renewal Process 2013-14. Kelly Sweet Director of Academic Affairs School of Medicine University of California, Irvine. Overview. Organization Vetting Non Reappointment and/or Reduction in Percentage for 07/01/13 (Less than 8 years, More than 8 years)

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Academic Affairs Renewal Process 2013-14

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  1. Academic AffairsRenewal Process 2013-14 Kelly Sweet Director of Academic Affairs School of Medicine University of California, Irvine

  2. Overview • Organization • Vetting • Non Reappointment and/or Reduction in Percentage for 07/01/13 • (Less than 8 years, More than 8 years) • Discipline or Non Renewal Due To Performance • Renewal Process For 07/01/13 • Renewal Process For • Part Time Faculty, Affiliate Faculty & Recall Faculty • Staff Physicians

  3. Organization Chart Dean School of Medicine Ralph V. Clayman Senior Associate Dean Academic Affairs Alan Goldin Associate Dean Administration Rebecca Brusuelas Associate Dean Veterans Affairs Marc Ofstein Director, Faculty Compensation Plan Jackie Smith Associate Dean Faculty Development Lari Wenzel Associate Dean Graduate Studies Klemens Hertel Associate Dean Academic Affairs/Clinical Wadie Najm Director Academic Affairs Kelly Sweet Principal Analyst Terri Buchanan Principal Analyst Open Position Administrative Analyst Ashley Thomas Administrative Specialist Open Position

  4. Vetting • The purpose of vetting is to identify potential risk in the areas of whistleblower/whistleblower retaliation complaints, discrimination, and sexual harassment areas. Applicable academic titles:-All non-senate non-represented appointments  -Senate titles with end dates (Clinical X and In Residence)  -Postdoctoral Scholars • Vetting is NOT required for:WOS, Layoff/RIT, Recall, Retirement, Voluntary Resignation or Voluntary Reduction in Percentage of appointment. 

  5. Vetting • Procedures http://www.som.uci.edu/academic-affairs/docs/Procedure%20for%20Non-Reappointment%20or%20Reduction%20of%20Perecentage%20for%20Non%20Senate1.docx • Non Reappointment • Reduction In Percentage • Less than 8 years, More than 8 years

  6. Vetting • Discipline or Non Renewal Due to Performance • Please complete individually and work closely with your analyst as these are unique. • Documentation, Written Warning, Outline Performance Issues, Time to Improve

  7. Renewal Process for 07-01-13 • Instructions http://www.som.uci.edu/academic-affairs/docs/RENEWAL%20PROCESS%20INSTRUCT%207-20131.docx • AP21http://www.ap.uci.edu/Forms/APforms/UCI-AP-21.pdf • Applicable academic titles: • Adjunct Series, HS Clinical Series, Project Scientist Series, Researcher Series, Specialist Series, Visiting Titles (2-year max) • Postdoctoral Scholars (Reappointment Process) http://www.ap.uci.edu/postdoc/index.html Keep in mind that not all of your Postdoctoral Scholars have an end date (anniversary date) of 06/30/13.

  8. Renewal Process for 07-01-13 • All Forms can be found at our website: • http://www.som.uci.edu/academic-affairs/appointments.asp • Part Time Faculty • Affiliate Faculty • Recall Faculty • Please complete the applicable forms and send them to your Analyst.

  9. Staff Physicians Renewal Process For Staff Physician Contracts Staff Physicians hold WOS Volunteer appointments, but they are paid on an MSP contract. • Complete forms including SP checklist, SP information form, job description, and other supporting documentation. • Include cover sheet for the department, listing all Staff Physicians. This needs to include information as to the status of all SP positions, including new, continuing, or separating positions. Also included should be the current year salary and percent along with the 2013-14 salary and percent. • The cover sheet is a summary for the department – there should not be individual memos

  10. Staff Physicians (cont) Completed packages are sent to Jackie Smith. Renewals for the school are sent as one package to the EVC’s office for approval. Any requests for renewals after the deadline (May 15) will not be included in the package and will need to be submitted as individual requests with the Staff Recruitment and Renewal Form included. Once budget approval is given by the EVC’s office, departments will be notified, and contracts can be prepared and submitted for approval.

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