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History Matters II: The Origins of Development Underdevelopment & the Global Gap

History Matters II: The Origins of Development Underdevelopment & the Global Gap. POL2 204 Fall 2011. The Global. State 1. Process. State 2. Developed. Development. Traditional Undeveloped Pre-Industrial. Industrial Revolution Colonialism Decolonization. The Global Gap.

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History Matters II: The Origins of Development Underdevelopment & the Global Gap

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Presentation Transcript

  1. History Matters II: The Origins of Development Underdevelopment & the Global Gap POL2 204Fall 2011

  2. The Global

  3. State1 Process State2 Developed Development Traditional Undeveloped Pre-Industrial Industrial Revolution Colonialism Decolonization The Global Gap The Great Divergence Underdevelopment Underdeveloped

  4. The Three Main Historical “Paths” in the Processes of Development & Underdevelopment Note: Years are approximate beginning and ending points Prof. William A. Joseph / Wellesley College

  5. The Industrial Revolution

  6. c. 1770 Gregory Clark, A Farewell To Alms: A Brief Economic History of the World (2007)

  7. "The Day the World Took Off, Part 2. Wheeling and Dealing"

  8. Angus Maddison, "The Contours of World Development," ch. 1 in The World Economy: A Millennial Perspective (2001).

  9. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/31/World_GDP_Capita_1-2003_A.D.pnghttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/31/World_GDP_Capita_1-2003_A.D.png THE GREAT DIVERGENCE

  10. Zheng He 郑和 (1371-1434)

  11. Zheng He 郑和 (1371-1435)

  12. Three levels of causation immediate cause** The final act in a series of provocations leading to a particular result or event, directly producing such result without the intervention of any further provocation. proximate cause* An act from which [an outcome] results as a . . . direct, uninterrupted consequence and without which [it would] not have occurred. . .It is not necessarily the closest cause in time or space nor the first event that sets in motion a sequence of events leading to an outcome. ultimate cause The most fundamental explanation for an outcome; the deepest root of what is being explained; the true origins of something. *Adapted from http://law.jrank.org/pages/9534/Proximate-Cause.html#ixzz0TM7O00Vb **law.jrank.org/pages/7483/Immediate-Cause.html


  14. From Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies by Jared Diamond, 87. Colonialism, Industrial Revolution IMMEDIATE FACTORS SUSTAINING FACTORS e.g. governance; culture; global economy & institutions The Global Gap

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