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Trivia on Coagulation

Trivia on Coagulation. Dr J.R. O'Brien – devised methods of measuring various aspects of platelet function and was one of the first to report that aspirin inhibits aggregation. Trivia on Coagulation.

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Trivia on Coagulation

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  1. Trivia on Coagulation Dr J.R. O'Brien – devised methods of measuring various aspects of platelet function and was one of the first to report that aspirin inhibits aggregation

  2. Trivia on Coagulation The name of WARFarin is a partial acronym for the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation It was initially promoted as a rodenticide It was discovered by veterinary scientists

  3. Trivia on Coagulation There is no Factor VI The roman numeral, VI, was initially assigned to a factor which later turned out to be activated Factor V After that the roman numeral was not assigned to any other factor

  4. Trivia on Coagulation In 1883, G. Hayem, a French biologist showed that puncture wounds in a mesenteric vein of a frog were occluded by white thrombus due to platelet plug .

  5. Trivia on Coagulation The role Calcium plays in coagulation was discovered in 1890 by Arthur and Pages.

  6. Trivia on Coagulation Hemophilia was treated in olden days with citron juice, opium, iron sulfate, magnesium sulfate and egg whites!

  7. Trivia on Coagulation Hirudun, a direct thrombin inhibitor & an anticoagulant is prepared from the saliva of the leech

  8. Trivia on Coagulation Platelets were described only in 1842 by the French histologist Donne, as small globules and being different from red globules or white globules

  9. Trivia on Coagulation Factor IX (Christmas factor) and its deficinecy (Christmas disease), are named after the surname of the person in whom the disease was described first

  10. Trivia on Coagulation The term ‘heparin’ was coined by Howell from the Greek word ‘hepar’, or liver, the tissue from which it was first isolated.

  11. Trivia on Coagulation Heparin was discovered by Jay McLean ,A second year medical student of John Hopkins University in 1916 while working under the physiologist William Henry Howell

  12. Trivia on Coagulation Bizzozero was the first author to use the term “blood platelets”.

  13. Trivia on Coagulation The system of interpreting PT in terms of INR was adopted by The World Health Organisation (WHO) in 1982 which is the PT that would have been obtained if an International Reference Preparation (IRP) had been used

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