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Recent news about SiPM based applications R&D in DESY. Nicola D’Ascenzo University of Hamburg - DESY. Calorimetry at International Linear Collider. The ILC physics requires a calorimeter with: High granularity (Good jet energy resolution) Ermeticity and good missing energy resolution
Recent news about SiPM based applications R&D in DESY Nicola D’Ascenzo University of Hamburg - DESY
Calorimetry at International Linear Collider • The ILC physics requires a calorimeter with: • High granularity (Good jet energy resolution) • Ermeticity and good missing energy resolution • Compactness (The detector has to stay inside the magnetic coil) I Workshop Italiano su nuovi photodetectors
The scintillator tile hadron calorimeter • Sampling calorimeter : absorber stainless steel, active medium plastic organic scintillator. • Along the magnetic field direction it extends in -220 cm < z <220 cm • It covers the detector along the radius in the region 180 cm< r < 290 cm • The test beam prototype: 1 m3 . • Test beam prototype : 38 layers, 216 channel per layer. I Workshop Italiano su nuovi photodetectors
SiPM: a good photodetector for hadron calorimetry • The good SiPM for this application: • Low noise above the suggested cut on the mip spectrum (Controlled dark rate and cross talk) • Light Yield not exceeding the saturation behaviour of the device. • Stable and controlled production I Workshop Italiano su nuovi photodetectors
The scintillator direct readout • The direct readout is easier to extend to • a large scale production. • The solution which respects the required bounds • on the parameters: • Blue Sensitive? • Green sensitive and large? I Workshop Italiano su nuovi photodetectors
The MPPC by Hamamatsu Blue sensitive Silicon PhotoMultiplier, Suitable for the direct coupling I Workshop Italiano su nuovi photodetectors
Direct readout with MPPC • Readout of a plastic scintillator tile directly and comparison with the mediated green fiber • Tile wrapped with a 3M reflector. In case of the direct readout, only a window of 1mm x 1mm is open in front of the MPPC • Source: Ru106 • Integration gate 80 ns • External trigger (Photomultiplier tube) • Reproducibility of the measurement +- 3% • systematic (coupling, positioning etc ...) I Workshop Italiano su nuovi photodetectors
Direct readout with MPPC : Most Probable Value of the mip response spectrum 400 px 1600 px The green dots correspond to the traditional wavelength shifter fiber readout. The performances of the MEPHI SiPMs used are totally reproduced. THe blue dots correspond to the direct readout: a good light yield is obtained I Workshop Italiano su nuovi photodetectors
The direct readout with MPPC: mip collection efficiency 1600 px Cut at3KHz 400 px I Workshop Italiano su nuovi photodetectors
Direct Readout with MPPC: application to electromagnetic calorimetry GLD-CAL group, Kobe University This is the first attempt of using MPPC in the direct readout configuration in the calorimeter design. The study of the impact of this technology in the physics reconstruction is still in progress. I Workshop Italiano su nuovi photodetectors
The direct readout: discussion • The direct readout looks promising for the simplification of the design of the calorimeter and the extension of the concept to a large scale. • Still some conceptual problems: • Uniformity of the light response according to the impact of the particle in the scintillator • Montecarlo studies and experiments will test this soon • What is the effect on the performance of the calorimeter? • What is the best position for the coupling? • The blue sensitive MPPC opened good perspectives to the design of calorimeters: ready to test new photodetectors. I Workshop Italiano su nuovi photodetectors
Application of MPPC in PET: motivations and goals • The calorimeter si just a big PET machine: • The hadron calorimeter has milions of channels • The hadron calorimeter has a very high granularity: imaging detector! • It is only needed to: • Change scintillator (from organic to inorganic) • Change granularity (from 3x3 cm2 to ~1x1 mm2) • The technology and the needs of the photodetector are the same ! • Energy resolution and timing measurements This study is just at the beginning! I Workshop Italiano su nuovi photodetectors
Application of MPPC in PET: setup 2 LSO Crystals of 1mm x 1mm (3mm x3mm) Read out by 1x1 mm (3x3 mm) Hamamatu MPPC No amplification needed!!! & QDC I Workshop Italiano su nuovi photodetectors
Application of MPPC in PET: energy resolution PRELIMINARY PRELIMINARY 3mmx3mm LSO crystal Coupled with a 3mmx3mm MPPC 1mmx1mm LSO crystal Coupled with a 1mmx1mm MPPC Resolution =14 % Resoultion =20 % I Workshop Italiano su nuovi photodetectors
Application of MPPC in PET: timing resolution Cut at 7photoelectrons PRELIMINARY 4 GHz Digital oscilloscope used to calculate the time difference (50 ps precision) Still the system needs to be improved with a lower discrimination. I Workshop Italiano su nuovi photodetectors
Application of MPPC in PET:discussion • The application of MPPC in Positron Emission Tomography looks promising: the blue sensitivity of the photodetectors is excellent. • In DESY we will test different combinations of crystals and photodetectors: YAP, LYSO... With SenSL, new Hamamatsu .... • The enrgy resolution measurement will be continuosly improved in reproducibility and stability of the system • Timing measurement (important also for time of flight) is currently beeing improved. I Workshop Italiano su nuovi photodetectors
After the serious conclusions... The spin off of the technlogical developement around the new high energy Phyics experiments is very important... We are dedicating lots of efforts in order to keep open and fruictful the interplay between high energy physics and medical physics. If we will not find the Higgs Boson, at least, we can tell we were useful for something... I Workshop Italiano su nuovi photodetectors