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Chapter 13

Chapter 13. The Renaissance and Reformation Review Game. When a Protestant group broke away from the Catholic Church, it became know as a religious ___. SECT. The Northern Renaissance began in the thriving trading region called _____. FLANDERS.

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Chapter 13

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  1. Chapter 13 The Renaissance and Reformation Review Game

  2. When a Protestant group broke away from the Catholic Church, it became know as a religious ___

  3. SECT

  4. The Northern Renaissance began in the thriving trading region called _____


  6. The Government run by church leaders in Geneva in 1541 was a _______

  7. Theocracy

  8. Renaissance artists reflected the new ideas of _________ by painting well-known people of the day.

  9. Humanism

  10. Those who believe in _______ think that God has already decided who will be saved.

  11. Predestination

  12. With the support of the Medici family, the city-state of _________ produced many Renaissance artists & scholars.

  13. Florence

  14. In his book “The Prince”, _______ wrote a guide to rulers on how to gain and keep power.

  15. Niccolo Machiavelli

  16. Before airplanes were invented, __________ made sketches of flying machines.

  17. Leonardo da Vinci

  18. The Scientist ___________showed that gravity keeps planets in their orbits around the sun.

  19. Isaac Newton

  20. The sun is the center of the universe according to the theory of what scientist?

  21. Nicolaus Copernicus

  22. A printing revolution began when _________ invented a printing press using movable type.

  23. Johann Gutenberg

  24. The Swiss city-state of Geneva became a model of Protestant morality under what religious leader?

  25. John Calvin

  26. The English renaissance scholar ______ stressed experimentation and observation.

  27. Francis Bacon

  28. Who was the former English Chancellor who was executed because he would not accept Henry VIII as head of the Church of England?

  29. Sir Thomas More

  30. What Renaissance scholar believed that the best way to learn the truth was to use reason?

  31. Rene Descartes

  32. What Northern Renaissance artist was best known for his engravings portraying religious upheaval?

  33. Albrecht Durer

  34. In the 1600’s, Robert Boyle’s work transformed the field of ______.

  35. Chemistry

  36. As a result of the “Peace of _______” in 1555, each German prince could decide the religion for his lands.

  37. Augsburg

  38. The Pope set up the Council of ______ to direct the reform of the Catholic Church.

  39. Trent

  40. What religious sect of the Reformation believed that infants should not be baptized because infants are too young to accept the Christian faith?

  41. The Anabaptists

  42. Renaissance scholars who differed from medieval scholars because they tended to focus more on worldly subjects where known as ________.

  43. Humanists

  44. The age of great change marked by renewed interest in classical learning and the arts is called the __________

  45. Renaissance

  46. The calculations of astronomer Johannes _________showed that the planets move around the sun in oval orbits.

  47. Kepler

  48. During the ___________ ____________ the Catholic church made changes by providing penalties for corruption among the clergy.

  49. Catholic Reformation or • Counter-Reformation

  50. Many scholars agree that between 1450 and 1750 people’s beliefs in both Christianity and magic led to ______________

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