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THE MOUNTAIN TOPPER. Word from the President - Lisa East, Ph: 474-6311, Email: lisaeast@verizon.net
THE MOUNTAIN TOPPER Word from the President - Lisa East, Ph: 474-6311, Email: lisaeast@verizon.net Welcome to another event-filled year with the Mountain Top Welcome Club. It was so nice to see such a big turnout for our first meeting. We have several new members who can’t wait to get involved with our many groups. I’m looking forward to getting to know new people and show them how wonderful the Mountain Top area can be. Thank you to all that volunteered to help with Meals that Heal and our many service projects. If you didn’t get a chance to sign up in September, don’t worry we will have the sheets out at every meeting. I know that there are some open slots for Firehouse Baking. The newsletter has information about our other groups – meeting places and times and the contact person for each. Please contact them if you want to get involved or have any questions about their group. Additional, special events will be scheduled for this year. Just keep an eye out for more information in upcoming newsletters. Speaking of the newsletter, past President, Elaine Bernstein, drafted this newsletter but it will be her first and last. She is handing over the reins to Alexis Saponsky. Elaine and her family have moved to the Harrisburg area but I seem to see her as much as ever. It seems to be truly difficult to leave Mountain Top once you have been here for a while. Luckily, Harrisburg is not far and we hope to see Elaine at many of our events this year. See you on the 20th! And, don’t forget your bear repellent. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1st Vice Presidents – Kerri Fey, Ph: 479-2739, Email: Kfey@varsityspirit.com and Diane Keating, Ph: 474-6166, Email: Mountain92@verizon.net Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, October 20th at 12:00 noon. Topic: Lions and Tigers and Bears--oh my! Well, maybe not lions and tigers, but the bears are part of the scene here in Mountaintop. Our guest speaker this month will be Michael Dinsmore, Assistant Park Manager at the Hickory Run State Park Complex. Mike's topic will be: ”Bears, Snakes and Other Surprise Guests (in our backyards).” Mike will also tell us about all that our local state parks have to offer. We look forward to seeing you there! The Mountain Top Welcome ClubNewsletterOctober 2011 Page 1
THE MOUNTAIN TOPPER ANNOUNCEMENTS (cont’d) 1st Vice President – Kerri Fey, Ph: 479-2739, Email: Kfey@varsityspirit.com Announcement continued from first page Lunch is $8 per person, and babysitting will be available at the cost of $3 per child. *****As we discussed at the last meeting, please remember to RSVP and/or cancel your RSVP to the very best of your ability. We know that last minute changes occur; however, with having to pre-order lunches, it is essential to have the most accurate information that we can. We hate to be in the situation of over-ordering food, or not having enough for all of us to enjoy lunch at the meetings. Thank you for your prompt and continued attention to this.******* 2nd Vice Presidents in Charge of Membership – Pam McGovern, Ph: 905-4098,Email: pam.mcgovern@century21.com and Ashley Gregory Ph: 205-243-0723 • The new season of the Mountain Top Welcome Club is here and we are looking forward to welcoming new members. • We will soon be canvassing the town with a flyer to get the word out. You can help by talking to your neighbors and friends. • Remind them that you don't have to be new to Mountain Top to be involved in the Welcome Club. Many people also have the false impression that the only reason to join is to take part in the children's activities. This is simply not the case, so spread the word to your friends and help increase our membership. • Just think, with more members our special interest groups will be more fun and have better attendance. We will also have more people to help with the charitable activities and hopefully make more money for our charities! • Also, if you have not done so already, please be certain to pay your yearly membership dues not later than at our October Meeting. A membership form is attached to this newsletter, and can be mailed to us at: Mountain Top Welcome Club, P.O. Box 243, Mountain Top, PA 18707. We are aiming to have our Club Directory out in November, and we cannot ensure your inclusion in the original version unless your dues are paid in full by October 20th. Thank you. Secretary’s Note - Amy Rhodes, Ph: 243-1842, Email: amybrianrhodes@mac.com If you know of a member who is in need of a get well or sympathy card, please contact Amy.
THE MOUNTAIN TOPPER ANNOUNCEMENTS (cont’d) Treasurer - Mary Kate Finney, Ph: 717-682-2389, Email: therapy97@yahoo.com Please contact me if you have any club expenses. Thanks! Publicity - Carey Greives- Ph:410-746-4626. . .Email: cabrn5@msn.com Hello everyone! I am new to the publicity position but looking forward to becoming more involved in the Welcome Club this year. I will continue to advertise our upcoming meetings in both the Mountain Top Eagle and Mountain Top Peaks. If available, I will discuss who the guest speaker will be and the caterer for that month's lunch. Please let me know about any upcoming holiday parties or events that you would like me to advertise as well. The deadline for the Mt. Top Eagle is Monday morning (for Wednesday's weekly publication) and the Peaks is Friday before noon for Thursday's biweekly publication (next publication is Thurs. October 20th). So keep that in mind when notifying me. Also remember to take pictures at any club events or outings and send them my way so I can add these memories to our president's album. Also, if you have a photo of a special event or project that you would like me to submit to the newspaper, email me the picture along with the names of all those in it. (as long as all agree to be seen in the paper!) This is a great way to "show off" our club and the great things we are doing. Thanks for all your help and I am open to any suggestions to improve our club's publicity! Services – Donna Smith, Email: dlsmtntop@aol.com and Shannon Falcheck, Ph: 793-3429 Email: sfalc@ptd.net We will begin collecting hats and mittens for the families that utilize the Mountain Top Food Bank at our next meeting, October 20th. Child and adult hats and mittens in new or “like new” condition are greatly appreciated. When you are out shopping for your own family, think about those families that are in need. There are a few slots open for Fire House baking. Please consider signing up to make a snack or treat for one of our volunteer fire company’s monthly meetings. Don’t have time to make something? They will not turn down cookies or brownies from Carone’s or a dozen Dunkin’ Donuts. Page 3
THE MOUNTAIN TOPPER ANNOUNCEMENTS (cont’d) Ways and Means – Mary-Ellen McFarland, Ph: 868-6467, Email: mcfarland12@epix.net and Jennifer Smith, Ph: 847-687-7831, Email: jjmgsmith1@msn.com We will again have a Night at the Races as our fundraiser for the year. It is tentatively scheduled for a Friday night in the month of February. We would like all groups and committees to start thinking/planning ahead for a basket donation. If you have any questions please contact Mary-Ellen McFarland or Jennifer Smith. Meals That Heal – Karin Caporuscio, Ph; 474-1199, Email: kacap66@yahoo.com A long standing Welcome Club tradition, members support each other by providing meals to those who have recently experienced a serious illness, surgery or new addition to the family. Please help us out with this important program. No gourmet cooking skills are required. Simple comfort food is always appreciated, or you could just prepare some extra portions of whatever you are feeding your own family that evening. Also, store bought items such as rotisserie chicken or deli trays work just as well. meals. Please contact Karin to volunteer to be a “meal maker”, or to let her know of a member in need of meals and support.
THE MOUNTAIN TOPPER SPECIAL INTEREST ACTIVITIES Children’s Playgroup and Mom/Tots Outings: Diane Keating, Ph: 474-6166, Email: Mountain92@verizon.net Elizabeth Shipton , Ph: 474-5481, Email: lshipton@verizon.net The next Children’s Playgroup is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, October 27th at the home of Diane Keating. Please watch your emails for further information on this, and contact Diane with any specific questions. Children’s Halloween Party - Maureen Petzhold, Ph. 474-5407, Email: petzmo@hotmail.com The Welcome Club’s Annual Children’s Halloween Party is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, October 25th. Please watch your emails for more information on this fun event, and contact Maureen with any specific questions in the meantime. Page 5
THE MOUNTAIN TOPPER Special Interest Groups (cont’d) Welcome Club Night Out – Amy Rhodes, Ph: 243-1842, Email: amybrianrhodes@mac.com Mary Ellen McFarland, Ph: 868-6467, Email: Mcfarland12@epix.net We welcome ideas for Night Out events! If you have a request, please let one of us know. We are working on planning a social outing for October. Watch your email for details! Dinner Club – Nancy Eckhart at nancy72465@yahoo.com (868-8197), or Roberta Brandreth at rbrandreth@msn.com (678-5069). Dinner Club has gotten off to a great start with our Fall Gathering. Members are now beginning to set up small group dinners. It's not too late to participate. Anyone interested in joining as a substitute is most welcome. If interested, please contact Nancy Eckhart at nancy72465@yahoo.com (868-8197), or Roberta Brandreth at rbrandreth@msn.com (678-5069). Needlework – Jan Pagodin, Ph: 647-3908 , Email: pagodin@pa.metrocast.net The Needlework group plans to meet the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. All types of needle crafters are invited – including beginners. The group does work on joint charitable projects throughout the year. Please contact Jan for October’s times and locations.
THE MOUNTAIN TOPPER Special Interest Groups (cont’d) Book Club – Beth LaMarca . . . Ph. 474-6320 . . . Email bethdoug@ptd.net This month we will be reading The Paris Wife by Paula McLain. We will be meeting on October 28th at 9:30 at Beth LaMarca's (11 Old Orchard Lane in Highland Woods) to discuss this book. RSVP to bethdoug@ptd.net or call 474-6320. Secret Sister – Beth LaMarca . . . Ph. 474-6320 . . . Email bethdoug@ptd.net • If you would like to participate you will be paired up secretly with another person in the group and will swap presents throughout the year and have a big reveal at the end to find out who your SS was. I have attached a form to fill out to give your SS ideas of what your likes and dislikes are. You can bring the form into the October meeting and I will pair you up and mail you your SS. Our first gift will be at the November meeting. The gifts should be no more then $10 and brought in a white bag to the meeting with the name of your SS on it. • Any questions please call me at 474-6320 or e-mail at bethdoug@ptd.net
THE MOUNTAIN TOPPER MOUNTAIN TOP WELCOME CLUB MEMBERSHIP DUES/REGISTRATION FORM • Dues: Yearly $20 Half Year $10 • Begins September/Ends August Begins January/Ends August • Circle One: NEW RENEWAL • Name: ____________________________________________________ • Spouse’s Name: ____________________________________________ • Address: __________________________________________________ • Development/Neighborhood: _________________________________ • Home Number: ___________________ Cell: ___________________ • E-Mail Address: ___________________________________________ • Birthday: (Month and Day) __________________________________ • Children’s Names and Birthdays: (Month and Year) • ___________________________________________________________ • ___________________________________________________________ • ___________________________________________________________ • We are interested in promoting the Welcome Club through photos in newspapers and on the internet. Please indicate your preference whether or not you would like you or your children’s names and photos used. Thank you! • ____YES, myself and my children mayhave our names/photos • published. • ____NO, myself and my children may not have our names/photos • published. • Please send form with a check written to: • The Mountain Top Welcome Club • P.O. Box 243 • Mountain Top, PA 18707
THE MOUNTAIN TOPPER Mountain Top Welcome Club – Reservation Form For October’s General Meeting October 20, 2011 TIME: 12:00pm WHERE: Presbyterian Church, 6 Chestnut Street, Mountain Top LUNCH: $8 per person BABYSITTING: $3 per child • RSVP: Kerri Fey (Ph: 479-2739 …. Email: Kfey@varsityspirit.com) • Form can be mailed to: Mountain Top Welcome Club, PO Box 243, Mountain Top, PA 18707 • Name: ______________________________________________ • Phone Number: ________________________________________ • Email: ________________________________________________ • Are you planning to bring any guests? _____________________ • Thank you for taking the time to RSVP! As we discussed, this information is crucial for lunch ordering accuracy. • We look forward to seeing you!
THE MOUNTAIN TOPPER Officers: President – Lisa East …. Ph: 474-6311 …. Email: lisaeast@verizon.net First Vice Presidents – Kerri Fey …. Ph: 479-2739 …. Email: Kfey@varsityspirit.com Diane Keating …. Ph: 474-6166 …. Email: Mountain92@verizon.net Second Vice Presidenstin Charge of Membership – Pam McGovern …. Ph: 905-4098 …. Email: pam.mcgovern@century21.com Ashley Gregory Ph: 205-243-0723 Secretary – Amy Rhodes …. Ph: 243-1842….Email: amybrianrhodes@mac.com Treasurer – Mary Kate Finney …. Ph: 717-682-2389 …. Email: therapy97@yahoo.com Ways and Means – Mary-Ellen McFarland …. Ph: 868-6467 …. Email: mcfarland12@epix.net Jennifer Smith, Ph: 847-687-7831, Email: jjmgsmith1@msn.com Services – Donna Smith. . . Email: dlsmtntop@aol.com Shannon Falcheck .. . Ph: 793-3429 . . . Email: sfalc@ptd.net Publicity/Historian – Carey Greives- Ph:410-746-4626. . .Email: cabrn5@msn.com Newsletter (Interim) - Elaine Bernstein…. Ph: 814-0286 …. Email: elaine.bernstein@earthlink.net Page 10
THE MOUNTAIN TOPPER Group Organizers: Book Club and Secret Sister Beth LaMarca …. Ph: 474-6320 …. Email: bethdoug@ptd.net Children’s Playgroup and Moms and Tots Outings Elizabeth Shipton …. Ph: 474-5481…. Email: lshipton@verizon.net Diane Keating …. Ph: 474-6166 …. Email: Mountain92@verizon.net Dinner Club – Nancy Eckhart. . Ph: (868-8197). . . Email: nancy72465@yahoo.com Roberta Brandreth. . . Ph: (678-5069). . . Email: rbrandreth@msn.com Meals That Heal – Karin Caporuscio …. Ph: 474-1199 …. Email: kacap66@yahoo.com Needlework – Jan Pagodin …. Ph: 647-3908 …. Email: pagodin@pa.metrocast.net Children’s Parties Maureen Petzhold. . . Ph: 474-5704. . . Email: petzmo@hotmail.com
SECRETSISTER REGISTRATION FORM Name:_____________________________________ Birthday ____________ Address:_______________________________________________________ Phone:_______________________________ Email_____________________ (If Married) Husband Name _________________________ Anniv. __________ Children's Names Birthdays ____________________________ _______________________ ____________________________ _______________________ ____________________________ _______________________ ____________________________ _______________________ FAVORITES Color:___________________ Scent:______________ Food:_______________ Candy:__________________ Dessert:____________ Flower:_____________ Drink:__________________ Snack:______________ Ice Cream:___________ Restaurant:______________ Store:_____________ Game:______________ Holiday/Season:_________________ Song/Type Music:___________________ Movie(s) you dont already have: ______________________________________ Candle:_____________________ Magazine:____________________________ Actor/Actress:_______________ TV Show:____________________________ Book/Author:____________________________________________________ What hobbies do you have? _________________________________________ How do you like to spend your free time?_______________________________ How is your house decorated? (theme, color, etc) _________________________ ______________________________________________________________ What are some things that you would NOT like to get or don’t like? ___________ ______________________________________________________________ Is there anything else you would like your SS to know about you? _____________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ • Please bring this form to the October Meeting, or contact Beth LaMarca at Ph: 474-6320 …. Email: bethdoug@ptd.net to sign up for this fun activity.