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The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer Pilgrimages & Chaucer’s Pilgrims. Learning Objectives I must know what a pilgrimage is and be able to write about a pilgrimage of my own. I should know why people went on Pilgrimages in the Middle Ages.
The Canterbury Talesby Geoffrey ChaucerPilgrimages & Chaucer’s Pilgrims
Learning Objectives I must know what a pilgrimage is and be able to write about a pilgrimage of my own. I shouldknow why people went on Pilgrimages in the Middle Ages. I coulddescribe a group of characters who are going with me on my pilgrimage.
I must know what a pilgrimage is and be able to write about a pilgrimage of my own. I shouldknow why people went on Pilgrimages in the Middle Ages. I coulddescribe a group of characters who are going with me on my pilgrimage.
A Brief Look at Life in the 1300s • Famine: starving eat “dogs, cats, the dung of doves and their own children.” • Black Death • Death: unclean water/bad hygiene and diet - fruit thought to be bad for youand low dairy • Life expectancy below 30 • Monks and nuns run hospitals – leeches! • Shrines - Thomas Becket’scured a girl with crippled fingers and a boy with an intestinal • No dental hygiene = no teeth & smelly breath! • The Catholic CHURCH could save you – more important than the King I must know what a pilgrimage is and be able to write about a pilgrimage of my own. I shouldknow why people went on Pilgrimages in the Middle Ages. I coulddescribe a group of characters who are going with me on my pilgrimage.
Poor old Chaucer lived in these times I must know what a pilgrimage is and be able to write about a pilgrimage of my own. I shouldknow why people went on Pilgrimages in the Middle Ages. I coulddescribe a group of characters who are going with me on my pilgrimage.
Chaucer was a rich boy – he could read and write! His most famous story was … I must know what a pilgrimage is and be able to write about a pilgrimage of my own. I shouldknow why people went on Pilgrimages in the Middle Ages. I coulddescribe a group of characters who are going with me on my pilgrimage.
The Canterbury Tales is about PILGRIMS travelling from London to the tomb of Thomas Becket in Canterbury. Thomas BECKET???? WHO IS HE I HEAR YOU ASK! I’ll tell you. I must know what a pilgrimage is and be able to write about a pilgrimage of my own. I shouldknow why people went on Pilgrimages in the Middle Ages. I coulddescribe a group of characters who are going with me on my pilgrimage.
Thomas Becket The King’s best mate & financial advisor - he was VERY powerful When the Archbishop (leader of the church in England) died, the King persuaded Becket to take over Becket took to it like a duck to water and gave up his luxurious lifestyle – only bread, water and he slept on the floor! I must know what a pilgrimage is and be able to write about a pilgrimage of my own. I shouldknow why people went on Pilgrimages in the Middle Ages. I coulddescribe a group of characters who are going with me on my pilgrimage.
Now, the King had an ‘ulterior motive’ … There were 2 courts in England: Church & Royal The Church court was too soft – he wanted Becket to toughen it up…BUT HE REFUSED. The King had such a temper he shouted that he wanted Becket dead! 4 knights took him literally and went to Canterbury Cathedral where they stabbed him to death, on the ALTAR! The Pope made him a saint and people visited thinking it would bring them luck The MURDER of Thomas Becket • Trailer I must know what a pilgrimage is and be able to write about a pilgrimage of my own. I shouldknow why people went on Pilgrimages in the Middle Ages. I coulddescribe a group of characters who are going with me on my pilgrimage.
Phew! So that’s where we start The Canterbury Tales A group travelling to Canterbury to Becket’s death place. There’s: • the narrator • 30 people travelling to Becket’s death place • the host at the Tabard Inn. I must know what a pilgrimage is and be able to write about a pilgrimage of my own. I shouldknow why people went on Pilgrimages in the Middle Ages. I coulddescribe a group of characters who are going with me on my pilgrimage.
Pilgrim APilgrim is anyone who goes on apilgrimage, a visit to a place of some significance; often religious and a long way away. E.g. a Muslim visiting Mecca a Jew visiting Jerusalem In the Middle Ages, pilgrimages were thought to clear your sins and earn you brownie points, as travel was dangerous and took ages. E.g. Canterbury, England The Vatican, Vatican City (Italy) Modern pilgrimages are a special visit. E.g. Elvis Presley fans visiting his home in Graceland, Memphis, Tennessee
Pilgrim Anybody who travels a long distance to visit a place of personal importance E.g. Christian visiting Rome
Modern Pilgrimages • Musical hero • Ancestors/heritage • Sporting event • Place of interest
If you had to go on a pilgrimage where would you go and why?