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Understanding Mental Health: Causes and Types of Disorders

Explore the concept of mental health, recognize different mental disorders, and learn about their causes. Discover the five main groups of mental disorders, including anxiety, somatoform, eating, mood, and personality disorders.

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Understanding Mental Health: Causes and Types of Disorders

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  1. Unit 4 Mental and Health Disorders and Diseases

  2. Section 1 Mental Health

  3. What is Mental Health: Question • Before we get started, take a minute or two to write down what you think mental health is and what types of mental disorders you know of.

  4. Recognizing Mental Disorder(s) • Most mental disorders are considered to be each of the following: • Abnormal thoughts, feelings or behaviors • Make people uncomfortable with themselves • Makes the person have difficulty with others in social situations • Can be difficult to tell if someone is seriously depressed, sad or has a mental problem. • Today there are over 230 types of mental health disorders, though are placed into different groups, which we will talk about next class.

  5. Causes of Mental Disorders Functional Causes Exact cause is not completely understood. Has three main factors: Inborn Cause: Passed down through family genes. Early Experiences: Unpleasant issues in the persons past (PTSD) Current Causes: Recent events that have changed the persons view. Physical Cause • Can be seen in the persons appearance or looks. • Can be caused my too many stressors • Common type is dementia or anorexia

  6. Class Discussion: Causes Today Cell phones, video games and social media all have proven to affect our mental state. Why do you think that is? Take a minute to talk with your partner next to you on why cell phones, video games and social media affect our minds.

  7. Mental Health Video Analysis • We will watch a brief clip from the Pixar movie “Inside Out.” As you watch, see how the child’s mood is. Make sure to state the following • Is it Functional or Physical Cause • What could be causing her current mental state (Inborn, Early or Current Experiences) • Did the family approach it the correct way? • Has this happened to you?

  8. Independent Practice • Using the graphic organizer that has been provided to you, state the four main causes that we discussed today. • After stating the main causes, describe each of the causes • Then provide an example for how each of the causes may come about, such as Inborn “a child now is prone to being ADD due to the family’s genetic history.” • Lastly, state if you think it is caused by stress or happens naturally.

  9. 3-2-1 Exit Ticket Questions • 3: State three possible causes of mental disorders • 2: State two things you learned today about mental health • 1: State one thing you would like to learn next class about the types of disorders

  10. Types of Mental Disorders

  11. What Is This Cartoon Trying To Tell Us? Take a moment with your partner to write and reflect what is going on in this cartoon

  12. Kinds of Mental Disorders • As discussed last class, there are over 230 know types of mental disorders. • For us, it is important to know of the five main groups of mental disorders. • Anxiety Disorder • Somatoform Disorders • Eating Disorders • Mood Disorders • Personality Disorders

  13. The Three Main Anxiety Disorders • Phobia: When anxiety is related to a specific situation or object. • Panic Disorders: Extreme feeling of anxious, but cannot identify the exact cause. • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders (OCD): The need to behave or think in a certain or rigid way. Video Example

  14. Types of Mental Disorders Continued Eating Disorders Often to help with underlying emotional problems. Anorexia: Person refuses to eat enough food to maintain a normal body weight. Extreme loss of body weight, which can lead to death. Bulimia: Binge eating, followed by throwing up the food afterwards. Somatoform Disorders • Person who complains or experiences physical pain or illness with no actual cause or symptoms. • Hypochondria: Constant fear of disease and preoccupation of one’s health.

  15. Types of Mental Disorders Continued Personality Disorders Behavior that is inflexible and interferes with a persons ability to live a healthy and happy life. Passive Aggressive: Need direct but hate being helped. Antisocial Disorder: Performance of random impulsive acts that are cruel or violent without feeling guilt. Mood Disorders • A person who's moods or emotions become extreme and interfere with their daily life. • Clinical Depression: Caused by numerous stressors over a long period of time. • Bipolar Disorder: Drastic shift/change from one emotion to another. Laughing then yelling.

  16. Schizophrenia Disorder • One of the most serious mental disorders that is included in the personality disorder group. • Unpredictable disturbances in thinking, mood, awareness and behavior. • Have a spilt mind, as they can have various personalities. • Can be harmful to themselves as their voices take control of their actions.

  17. Guided Practice • Did you know, the famous TV show “SpongebobSquarepants” has been known to show numerous types on mental disorders? Before we watch the video, are there any types of mental disorders that we have discussed that you can think of off the top of your head from the show? Lets talk! Spongebob Video

  18. Guided and Independent Practice • Now that we know of the main types of mental disorders. Lets see if we can examine and identify the various disorders together. • We will read about different people, as we do lets break it down and see what type of disorder they may have.

  19. Example 1 • Over the last few months, Linda has become more concerned about germs. Linda will wash her hands at least 100 times a day, wash the doors in her house and insists that all silverware and dishes be cleaned twice before using them. Linda has OCD, an Anxiety Disorder

  20. Example 2 • Jason loves to eat pizza and wings with his friends every weekend. When wrestling season is upon though, Jason can get very nervous about his weigh in and if he will be able to play. Often Jason will feel the need to and pressure to throw up his food after eating them. Jason has now been unable to stop even after wrestling season. • Jason has the eating disorder, Bulimia

  21. Example 3 • Kevin enjoys spending time with his girlfriend. Though recently his thoughts have been telling him that she is cheating on him and that she has never really liked him in the first place. Rebecca tells Kevin that she loves him all the time. Kevin's thoughts and voices though tell him that it’s a lie, contemplating Kevin to harm himself. Kevin also feels that Rebecca is going to break up with him and that their relationship was a joke for her. Kevin as Schizophrenia, a Personality Disorder

  22. Creating a Foldable

  23. Entry Question • What are the five main types of mental disorder groups? • Anxiety • Somatoform • Eating • Mood • Personality

  24. Creating a Foldable • We have discussed numerous types of mental disorders the last couple of classes. To help us review and differentiate them, we will be creating a foldable. • I have a video provided for us to show us how to make a foldable and the overall purpose of it. Video

  25. How I want the Foldable to Look • On the front will be the name of the mental disorder • There will be TWO sections on the inside • On the front of the inside will be the mental disorder description • The other flap, will be the examples of mental disorder in the group. • Please make sure to make it colorful and unique for you. • Lastly, you will be able to use this on your quiz to help you, so depending on how well you make will help you be better prepared for the quiz.

  26. How to get Mental help Therapy and Hotlines

  27. Reflection Entry Question • We have talked about the many types of mental disorder groups and the wide range of effects they have on the person and their family. One question remains, where can they help? • Take the next minute or two to think about where someone could go get help and the importance of it.

  28. Types of Help for Mental Disorders Drug Therapy Psychiatrists • Specializes in treating mental disorders • Look for the physical or nonphysical reasons for their mental concerns. Mental Health Specialists • Specialists that are geared to a single issue. • Hotlines where you can call to get information or someone to talk to • Prescribed by the psychiatrists • Does not cure the mental disorder, but can help relieve the symptoms and allow normal function. • Normally for mood, anxiety and personality disorders

  29. Discussion Mr. Friedrich’s Family Experience with Mental Health and Suicide

  30. When in Doubt ACT: Acknowledge, Care, Tell

  31. ACT: How to Help Someone With Suicide • Know the warning signs. Talk of suicide, changes in social behavior or actions, mood swings, increase of alcohol/drug use. • Keep them safe. Separate them from anything they could use to hurt themselves and take their threats seriously. • Be there and listen to their reasons for feeling hopeless. Listen with compassion and empathy and without dismissing or judging. • Help them connect to a support system —family, friends, co-workers, a doctor, or a therapist — use the hotlines! • Follow up or stay with them. Reaching out in the days and weeks after a crisis can make a meaningful difference — and even help save their life.

  32. Mental Health and Suicide Hotlines Important Types of Hotlines • 1-800-273-8255 (National Suicide Prevention) • 1-866-229-5719 (Depression) • 1-800-985-5990 (Disaster Distress) Websites • Depression Information • Suicide Prevention

  33. True or False Assessment • People who talk about suicide don’t do it — suicide happens without warning. (FALSE) • It’s extremely helpful to talk about suicide to a person who is depressed. (TRUE) • Most suicides are caused by a single dramatic and traumatic event. (FALSE) • If a person really wants to kill him or herself, no one has the right to stop him or her. (FALSE)

  34. True or False Assessment • If a person feels better after a suicide attempt, it means he or she will probably not try to do it again. (False) • Suicide occurs equally as often among rich, middle class, and poor people. (TRUE) • When someone tells you they are going to commit suicide, you should seek professional help for them (HOTLINE). (TRUE)

  35. Independent Practice Directions: • Use the lines below to write a paragraph on what exactly you should do if someone has a mental disorder or is contemplating suicide. State what type of help they can get and what steps you need to take to make sure they are safe. Be descriptive and use your notes to help!

  36. Poster Project • Over the next two classes, we will be creating poster projects. Each group will have a mental disorder to research and discuss. • There will be FIVE groups total • Poster should include (In addition to Color and Pictures): • Three-Four Disorders of that group • Definition of that Disorder • History of the Disorder • Interesting Facts • How can we help treat that disorder

  37. Groups For B and D Days Personality Disorders Christina and Caden Anxiety Disorders PJ and Blake Mood Disorders • Anthony, Jon and Abigail Eating Disorders • Annabelle, Sophia and Seth Somatoform Disorders • Tommy and Larry

  38. Groups A and C days Personality Disorders Seth, Sharif and Josh Mood Disorders • Tyler and Brandon Eating Disorders • Vincent, Jordan, Quincy and Antonio

  39. Section 2 Dealing with Disease

  40. Reflection Question • What do you think of when you hear the word disease? Also, what do you think the difference is between Infectious and Noninfectious is? Use the lines below to reflect.

  41. What is the Difference? Noninfectious Diseases •Not transmitted between people. •Caused by variety of factors such as environment, family history and unhealthy behavioral reasons. •High Blood Pressure, Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes and Cancers are examples. Infectious Diseases •Contagious diseases or illnesses that are easily spread between people/animals. •Micro-organisms that cause disease are called pathogens •Multiply and cause infections •Bacteria, Viruses and Fungi are examples that cause these illnesses.

  42. Infectious or Noninfectious Analysis? Directions: I will be showing various types of disease, and together we will determine if it is an Infectious (In) or Noninfectious (Non) type of disease.

  43. Infectious or Noninfectious Analysis? Common Cold: Infectious Pneumonia: Infectious Cancer: Noninfectious Tuberculosis: Infectious Irregular Heart Beat: Noninfectious Stroke: Noninfectious Arthritis: Noninfectious Measles: Infectious

  44. Diseases: Two-Chart Column Directions:Using the graphic organizer below, describe the differences between infectious and noninfectious diseases. Make sure to state: • The definition for each • Three types/examples for each • How are they spread or not spread? • State how we as humans have tried to avoid theses diseases.

  45. How to Deal with Cancer: Entry Question Directions: Today we will be talking about Cancer and how to detect and avoid it. Thinking of the prior lesson, is cancer an infectious or noninfectious disease? Use detail to support your answer.

  46. What Causes Cancer? • There is no single cause, as it is based around family history, the environment and behaviors. • Exposure to Carcinogens (chemical substance capable of causing cancer in living tissue.) can increase the growth of the cancer. • Carcinogens can be located in a variety of areas such as x-rays, radioactive substances, pesticides and tobacco smoke.

  47. What are some types of Cancer? Work with a partner next to you and come up with a list of cancer types you may know of or have heard of. Use the space on your paper to write them down.

  48. Most Common Types of Cancer • Skin: Often from too much sun exposure • Lung: Smoking use. Leading cause of death • Oral: Tobacco/Chew • Breast: Second leading cause of death. • Reproductive: Ovary and uterus (Women) or testicular and prostate (Men) cancer. • Leukemia: Blood-forming tissues in the bone marrow.

  49. What does the graph below tell us about Cancer?

  50. Mind Map Organizer • Using the information we have learned today and from past units, create a mind map using the space on your paper. We will work on the first a little together before letting you work on your own.

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