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Future Projects and Challenges in Online Dissemination and Standardization at INE

Explore upcoming projects and challenges in online dissemination and standardization at INE. Enhancing internal communication, metadata standardization, and accessibility are key focuses. Stay informed and engaged with the latest initiatives.

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Future Projects and Challenges in Online Dissemination and Standardization at INE

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Future projects & challenges Future projects & challenges María- Luz Seoane (mseoane@ine.es)

  2. Future projects & challenges Future projects & challenges Publications (paper & PDF) IT tools for online dissemination 1

  3. Future projects & challenges Publications (paper & PDF) Projects - Overviews:several titles (e.g. Panorama of the Industry) - PDF format: increase accessibility by including hyperlinks to INEbase & use of thumbnails (e.g. tentative in Yearbook 2008) 2

  4. Future projects & challenges Publications (paper & PDF) Challenges - Standardisation: layout of new products procedures (e.g. Quality control) • Enhancement of internal communication - Use of protocols 3

  5. Future projects & challenges IT tools for online dissemination Projects • continue with standardisation & use of visual tools • include metadata in a standardised way • increase accessibility • expand INEbase history with new titles 4

  6. Future projects & challenges IT tools for online dissemination Challenges - select the most suitable standard for exchange of metadata (SDMX - ML)?? - reach the highest level in accessibility in the medium term - E-archiving (web) 5

  7. Thanks for your attention

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