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Lunar Lander Attitude Control Scale Up

Lunar Lander Attitude Control Scale Up. Josh Lukasak Attitude Group Lead Lunar Decent Phase Lead 02/12/09. Attitude Problem. Current Google Lunar X Prize System 4 kg of Hydrogen Peroxide for 3-axis stabilization.

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Lunar Lander Attitude Control Scale Up

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lunar Lander Attitude Control Scale Up Josh Lukasak Attitude Group Lead Lunar Decent Phase Lead 02/12/09 [Josh Lukasak] [Attitude] (1)

  2. Attitude Problem [Josh Lukasak] [Attitude] (2) • Current Google Lunar X Prize System • 4 kg of Hydrogen Peroxide for 3-axis stabilization. • Wet mass of the Lander, including lunar surface deliverables, of 250 kg. • Wet mass of the Lander could increase by nearly 100 times. • Is it feasible to 3-axis stabilize this large of a mass with thrust scaling at the same rate as mass?

  3. Mass Estimates [Josh Lukasak] [Attitude] (3)

  4. [Josh Lukasak] [Attitude Group Lead] (4) Back Up Slides

  5. Mass Calculations [Josh Lukasak] [Attitude Group Lead] (5) • M=F x r • M is the induced moment • F is the force or thrust • r is the radius from the force to the center of mass • m is the time averaged mass • M is the induced moment • g is the gravitation constant of 9.80665 m/s^2 • Isp is the specific impulse of Monopropellant Hydrogen Peroxide • L is the distance from the thruster to the center of mass

  6. GLXP Calculations [Josh Lukasak] [Attitude Group Lead] (6)

  7. DNEPR Calculations [Josh Lukasak] [Attitude Group Lead] (7)

  8. Falcon 9 Calculations [Josh Luksak] [Attitude Group Lead] (8)

  9. Ares V Calculations [Josh Lukasak] [Attitude Group] (9)

  10. References [Josh Lukasak] [Attitude Group Lead] (10) Rauschenbakh, Boris, Michael Ovchinnikov, and Susan McKenna-Lawlor. Essential Spaceflight Dynamics and Magnetospherics. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. Prop Group- Thrust numbers (2000 N) and the ability to scale the thrust at the same rate as the mass. Structures Group- The faring diamter sizes for each Launch Vehicle. 2.7 meters, DNEPER, 4.6 meters, Falcon 9, and 10 meters, Ares V. Ops Group- The Lunar Decent Mission Time of 222.1 seconds.

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