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Presentation by Dr D ebbie Holley, Reader, Education & Technology f ollow me on twitter@debbieholley1 m ore on my website d rdebbieholley.com. https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=vGmBqYslhzIw1M&tbnid=-z8TYVcLVZzryM :&. A challenge!

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  1. Presentation by Dr Debbie Holley, Reader, Education & Technology follow me on twitter@debbieholley1 more on my website drdebbieholley.com https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=vGmBqYslhzIw1M&tbnid=-z8TYVcLVZzryM:&

  2. A challenge! Students are ‘expecting academic staff to take a lead’ in supporting them with ‘learning on the move’ In your view is this what an academic should do? Save 07950080672 to your phone contact list Text your answer in under 160 characters to Debbie (space) then type your answer and press send

  3. Technology is becoming embedded and Wearable…. Talk to the hand…the gloves essentially have a speaker unit inside of the thumb of the glove and a microphone inside the pinky.

  4. The EU European Commission, 2011a. Transferability of Skills across Economic Sectors: Role and Importance for Employment at European Level. (Online) Available at: http://www.ec.europa.eu/social/BlobServlet?docId=7124&langId=en European Commission, 2011b. Key competences for lifelong learning. (Online) Available at: <http://europa.eu/legislation_summaries/education_training_youth/lifelong_learning/c11090_en.htm Eurostat, 2013. Eurostat statistics on Information Society. (Online) Available from: http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/information_society/introduction EU Skills Panorama, 2012. Digital Competence Analytical Highlight, prepared by ICF GHK for the European Commission. (Online) Available at: http://euskillspanorama.ec.europa.eu/docs/AnalyticalHighlights/DigitalCompetence_en.pdf Digital Literacies defines those who exhibit a critical understanding and capability for living, learning and working in the digital society JISC (UK) 2013

  5. Technology Is ubiquitous (its everywhere!) For Pachler et al (2010:3) it is now accepted that mobile devices have a number of important characteristics which make them attractive from an educational perspective, including increasing portability, functionality, multimedia convergence, ubiquity, personal ownership, social interactivity, context sensitivity, location awareness, connectivity and personalisation

  6. What phone do you have? Samsung? HTC? iPhone?

  7. Mobiles have transformed how we communicate – it’s a new way of life

  8. About sharing Communicating Inside and outside the classroom And learning?

  9. Are we welcoming technology into the classroom? Or are we experiencing digital dissonance?

  10. Thanks to Dr Cristina Costa for sharing the image

  11. “11- 16 years olds… have high levels of access to Web 2.0 technologies…little evidence of ground breaking activities and only embryonic signs of criticality, self management to metacognitive reflection” Whilst most expressed an interest in using in using online technologies to support familiar school activities, such as presentations or for communication, learners seemed cautious about other activities associated with Web 2.0 tools, such as the shared construction of knowledge in a public format “ Luckin et al 2009

  12. Situated learning This what our children do at school! In teacher training, this learning takes place in the context in which the new skills will be used and this learning can be said to be situated (Lave and Wenger, 1991).

  13. What works? Personal ownership Collaborative learning Classroom dynamics Outdoor learning Bridging home-school divide

  14. What should our response be? These students are using context based information to work on marketing theory. As they walk into a wifi ‘hotspot’ information is sent to their mobile phone (CONSENS EU project) Narrated examples of three mobile projects available from here: http://archive.learnhigher.ac.uk/videoresources/mlearning/

  15. Bradley, C. and Holley, D. (2010). An analysis of first-year business students’ mobile phones and their use for learning, ALT-C, "Into something rich and strange" - making sense of the sea-change Nottingham, UK, 7-9 September. Conference ‘best paper’ award. Students are ‘expecting academic staff to take a lead’ in supporting them with ‘learning on the move’ Bradley & Holley 2010

  16. Example: In FHSCE we have the technology! We use Txttools https://www.txttools.co.uk/preloginjsp/index.jsp To get feedback in different contexts To text our major project students weekly study tips in class and when out on placement To engage large classes in discussions – like you have done Enhances student satisfaction & minimises low level disruption

  17. “To possess the machines [they] only need economic capital; to appropriate them and use them in accordance with their specific purpose [they] must have access to embodied cultural capital either in person or by proxy” Bourdieu 1986 The challenge is how to develop the classroom of the future…. And it is a collaboration with our students..

  18. References Holley, D., Sentance, S & Bradley, C (2011). Balancing the demands of in-school placement with out-of-school study’ available electronically from http://escalate.ac.uk/8140 [accessed 10/10/2013] JISC 2013 http://www.jisc.ac.uk/guides/developing-students-digital-literacy Lave, J. and Wenger, E., 1991.Situated learning:legitimate peripheral participation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Luckin, R., Clark, R., Graber, R., Lohan, K., Mee, A. and Oliver, M (2009) Do web 2.0 tools relly open the door to learning? Practices, perceptions and profiles of 11-16 year-old students Learning, Media and Technology, Vol 34, No.2, June 2009, 87-104 Pachler, N., Bachmair, B. and Cook, J. (2010). Mobile Learning: Structures, Agency, Practices. New York: Springer. Interesting people: Professor John Cook http://people.uwe.ac.uk/Pages/person.aspx?accountname=campus%5Cjn-cook Kevin Burden University of Hull http://www2.hull.ac.uk/ifl/ces/staff/kevinburden.aspx Dr Cristina Costa University of Strathclyde http://www.strath.ac.uk/cll/staff/drcristinacosta/

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