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HBr , ( updated 101213; slide 12) V(m+i) / HBr +(v+) spectra analysis

HBr , ( updated 101213; slide 12) V(m+i) / HBr +(v+) spectra analysis https://notendur.hi.is/~agust/rannsoknir/Crete/PPT-131206.pptx. HBr , V(m+5), J´=0, Gaussian fits to HBr + (v + ) peaks. https://notendur.hi.is/~agust/rannsoknir/Crete/PXP-131206.pxp. Baseline Type : Constant

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HBr , ( updated 101213; slide 12) V(m+i) / HBr +(v+) spectra analysis

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Presentation Transcript

  1. HBr, (updated 101213; slide 12) V(m+i) /HBr+(v+) spectra analysis https://notendur.hi.is/~agust/rannsoknir/Crete/PPT-131206.pptx

  2. HBr, V(m+5), J´=0, GaussianfitstoHBr+ (v+) peaks https://notendur.hi.is/~agust/rannsoknir/Crete/PXP-131206.pxp

  3. BaselineType: Constant y0 = 0.03 +/- 0 Peak 0 Type: Gauss Location = 1.6254 +/- 0.0018921 Height = 0.12362 +/- 0.0072314 Area = 0.0086841 +/- 0.00050824 FWHM = 0.065993 +/- 0.0044679 Fit function parameters Location = 1.6254 +/- 0.0018921 Width = 0.039633 +/- 0.0026833 Height = 0.12362 +/- 0.0072314 Peak 1 Type: Gauss Location = 1.8112 +/- 0.0010983 Height = 0.24415 +/- 0.0066662 Area = 0.021318 +/- 0.00058294 FWHM = 0.082029 +/- 0.0025972 Fit function parameters Location = 1.8112 +/- 0.0010983 Width = 0.049263 +/- 0.0015598 Height = 0.24415 +/- 0.0066662 Peak 2 Type: Gauss Location = 1.9863 +/- 0.00054468 Height = 0.49805 +/- 0.0068995 Area = 0.042509 +/- 0.00058974 FWHM = 0.080182 +/- 0.0012878 Fit function parameters Location = 1.9863 +/- 0.00054468 Width = 0.048154 +/- 0.00077342 Height = 0.49805 +/- 0.0068995 Fit completed 12:45 6. desember 2013 Y datawave: root:wave11[275, 322] X datawave: root:wave10 Chisquare: 0.0058548 Total fittedpoints: 48 Multi-peak fit version 2.00 https://notendur.hi.is/~agust/rannsoknir/Crete/PXP-131206.pxp

  4. HBr, V(m+5) HBr, V(m+5), J´= 0, GaussianfitstoHBr+ (v+) and HBr+ *(v+) peaks https://notendur.hi.is/~agust/rannsoknir/Crete/PXP-131206.pxp; Gr3, Lay3

  5. BaselineType: Constant y0 = 0.03 +/- 0 Peak 0 Type: Gauss Location = 1.4912 +/- 0.0013104 Height = 0.14398 +/- 0.0063173 Area = 0.0093315 +/- 0.00041027 FWHM = 0.060885 +/- 0.0031006 Fit function parameters Location = 1.4912 +/- 0.0013104 Width = 0.036565 +/- 0.0018621 Height = 0.14398 +/- 0.0063173 Peak 1 Type: Gauss Location = 1.6255 +/- 0.0016053 Height = 0.12423 +/- 0.0062398 Area = 0.0086194 +/- 0.00043374 FWHM = 0.065182 +/- 0.0038007 Fit function parameters Location = 1.6255 +/- 0.0016053 Width = 0.039146 +/- 0.0022826 Height = 0.12423 +/- 0.0062398 Peak 2 Type: Gauss Location = 1.8112 +/- 0.00094142 Height = 0.24412 +/- 0.0057123 Area = 0.021321 +/- 0.00049963 FWHM = 0.082046 +/- 0.0022262 Fit function parameters Location = 1.8112 +/- 0.00094142 Width = 0.049274 +/- 0.001337 Height = 0.24412 +/- 0.0057123 Peak 3 Type: Gauss Location = 1.9863 +/- 0.00046678 Height = 0.49805 +/- 0.0059129 Area = 0.042508 +/- 0.0005054 FWHM = 0.08018 +/- 0.0011037 Fit function parameters Location = 1.9863 +/- 0.00046678 Width = 0.048153 +/- 0.00066281 Height = 0.49805 +/- 0.0059129 Fit completed 13:12 6. desember 2013 Y data wave: root:wave11[257, 321] X data wave: root:wave10 Chi square: 0.0058436 Total fitted points: 65 Multi-peak fit version 2.00 https://notendur.hi.is/~agust/rannsoknir/Crete/PXP-131206.pxp

  6. PeakscaneasilybefittedbyGaussianfunctions. ERGO: It is a goodapproximationtoassumeindividualpeakstorepresent Ionization of one J+ (i.e. J+ = 0) level (and not e.g. (thermal) rotationaldistribution) This makes sence , sincethetransitioninvolves: Q line, J‘‘ = J‘ = 0 two-photonresonancetransitionfollowedby J´= 0 to J+transition(s) -and in thelattercase (2) themostprobabletransition is likelytobethe J´= 0 -> J+ = 0 transition (see for examplehttps://notendur.hi.is/~agust/rannsoknir/papers/jcp97-2891-92.pdf)

  7. HBr, E(0), J´= 1, GaussianfitstoHBr+ (v+) and HBr+ *(v+) peaks https://notendur.hi.is/~agust/rannsoknir/Crete/PXP-131207.pxp, Gr:4,Lay3

  8. Peak 3 Type: Gauss Location = 1.7875 +/- 0.0018818 Height = 0.12223 +/- 0.0022788 Area = 0.019086 +/- 0.00081219 FWHM = 0.14668 +/- 0.0066127 Fit function parameters Location = 1.7875 +/- 0.0018818 Width = 0.088093 +/- 0.0039713 Height = 0.12223 +/- 0.0022788 Peak 4 Type: Gauss Location = 1.957 +/- 0.0012576 Height = 0.19446 +/- 0.0024252 Area = 0.026884 +/- 0.0007338 FWHM = 0.12988 +/- 0.0028025 Fit function parameters Location = 1.957 +/- 0.0012576 Width = 0.077998 +/- 0.0016831 Height = 0.19446 +/- 0.0024252 BaselineType: Constant y0 = 0.018768 +/- 0.0015388 Peak 0 Type: Gauss Location = 1.2936 +/- 0.0031788 Height = 0.024038 +/- 0.0025784 Area = 0.0017106 +/- 0.00027058 FWHM = 0.066854 +/- 0.0090887 Fit function parameters Location = 1.2936 +/- 0.0031788 Width = 0.04015 +/- 0.0054583 Height = 0.024038 +/- 0.0025784 Peak 1 Type: Gauss Location = 1.4682 +/- 0.0031111 Height = 0.106 +/- 0.0035818 Area = 0.012393 +/- 0.00089374 FWHM = 0.10984 +/- 0.0052706 Fit function parameters Location = 1.4682 +/- 0.0031111 Width = 0.065963 +/- 0.0031653 Height = 0.106 +/- 0.0035818 Peak 2 Type: Gauss Location = 1.5936 +/- 0.0047969 Height = 0.066292 +/- 0.0025593 Area = 0.0085986 +/- 0.0010523 FWHM = 0.12185 +/- 0.013002 Fit function parameters Location = 1.5936 +/- 0.0047969 Width = 0.073179 +/- 0.0078085 Height = 0.066292 +/- 0.0025593 HBr, E(0), J´= 1, GaussianfitstoHBr+ (v+) and HBr+ *(v+) peaks Fit completed 16:02 7. desember 2013 Y data wave: root:wave1[240, 322] X data wave: root:wave0 Chi square: 0.0011427 Total fitted points: 83 Multi-peak fit version 2.00 https://notendur.hi.is/~agust/rannsoknir/Crete/PXP-131207.pxp, Gr:4,Lay3

  9. Summary: HBr, V(m+5), J´= 0 BaselineType: Constant y0 = 0.03 +/- 0 Peak 0 FWHM = 0.060885 +/- 0.0031006 Peak 1 FWHM = 0.065182 +/- 0.0038007 Peak 2 FWHM = 0.082046 +/- 0.0022262 Peak 3 FWHM = 0.08018 +/- 0.0011037 HBr, E(0), J´=1 BaselineType: Constant y0 = 0.018768 +/- 0.0015388 Peak 0 FWHM = 0.066854 +/- 0.0090887 Peak 1 FWHM = 0.10984 +/- 0.0052706 Peak 2 FWHM = 0.12185 +/- 0.013002 Peak 3 FWHM = 0.14668 +/- 0.0066127 Peak 4 FWHM = 0.12988 +/- 0.0028025

  10. Linewidthsarelarger for E(0) than V(m+5) (and V(m+i) in general!) • Thissuggeststhatlifetime(s)(?) areshorterfor E(0) in general! • At first sightthisseemstocontradicts(?) withthelinewidth • date for the REMPI spectra(https://notendur.hi.is/~agust/rannsoknir/papers/jcp138-044308-13.pdf ): • whichsuggestthatLinewidths of the V(m+5) (and V(m+4)) aregenerallylarger (seenextslide) • (Actuallythis does not hold for V(m+5), J´= 0, however!!) • Judgingfromthe KER spectra for • V(m+4) (seePPT-131111.ppt/ https://notendur.hi.is/~agust/rannsoknir/Crete/PPT-131111.pptx) • E(0) (seeHBr-E0-KER-131106.ppt/ https://notendur.hi.is/~agust/rannsoknir/Crete/HBr-E0-KER-131106.pptx) • V(m+5) (seePPT-131112.ppt/ https://notendur.hi.is/~agust/rannsoknir/Crete/PPT-131112.pptx) • It seems as if linewidthsof the V(m+5) (and V(m+4)) aresmallerthanfor E(0), hence • Thatlifetimesof the V(m+5) (and V(m+4)) arelargerthan for E(0)! • BUT arewe talking aboutlifetimes of the E(0) and V(m+i) states or broadeningassociatedwith • differentionizationprocesses?

  11. https://notendur.hi.is/~agust/rannsoknir/papers/jcp138-044308-13.pdfhttps://notendur.hi.is/~agust/rannsoknir/papers/jcp138-044308-13.pdf

  12. Possibleexplanation(?): H+ + Br (3/2)/Br*(1/2) DominantE(0) transition involvesmore autoionization, i.e. transitionto a superexcitedstate/ repulsivestate an dissociation (to form H + Br**) tolowereffective lifetime of HBr+(?) H + Br**(5s) Dominant V(m+i) transition involves less autoionization/ moredirect ionization/HBr+ formation Ry V/Ion-pair