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American Revolution 1760-1791. Causes and Effects. What is a revolution?. A revolution is an overthrow or replacement of an established government or political system by the people governed . time line of events Brain pop: Causes of the American Revolution. French and Indian War.
American Revolution1760-1791 Causes and Effects
What is a revolution? A revolution is an overthrow or replacement of an established government or political system by the people governed. time line of events Brain pop: Causes of the American Revolution
French and Indian War Who fought in the French and Indian War?
. Who fought in the French and Indian War? NO! The French and Indians were on the same side! They fought together against the British. What were they fighting over?
What were they fighting over? LAND! The French settled and claimed a large part of land west of the English colonies. They hunted for fur along with the Indians.
Who won the war? This was a hard fought war that lasted 7 years. It ended with the Treaty of Paris giving a large part of land to the colonies east of the Mississippi River. This was a very expensive war for England To help pay for the French and Indian war Britain taxed, or charged a fee, to the colonists for all paper goods sent from England to the Colonies. This tax was called the Stamp Act.
Boycott the taxes! The colonists did not like this! They felt unfairly taxed by the King of England. The Colonists did not get a say in the taxation laws. This is called taxation without representation. They decided to boycott, a protest in which people refuse to buy something. Britain continued to tax imports, goods brought in from Great Britain. These goods included glass, lead, paint, paper and tea.
Riots and uprisings The colonists were angry with England’s attempts to tax the colonies. There were many riots against the British troops sent from England to enforce the taxing. One of the most famous riots was the Boston Massacre.
A visit to Boston A trip to yesterday: Historical Boston
Boston Massacre March 5, 1710 a few boys in Boston noticed British soldiers standing guard. The boys threw snowballs at the guards. The guards fired shots into the crowd that caused a riot in the streets. Five colonists were killed in the attack. American Newspapers called the event the Boston Massacre.
What was the Boston Tea Party? After the Boston Massacre, Great Britain lifted the tax on all imports except tea. A group of colonists dressed as Native Americans and snuck onto three boats in the Boston Harbor. They dumped 342 chests of tea into the Harbor. Why do you think that they dressed up like Indians? Chapter 11 Lesson 2: The colonies rebel: group activity Pg. 70 of Language Support Handbook
Ready for War! Britain was not letting go of control of the colonies. They continued to pass a series of laws the the colonists called the Intolerable Acts. Some of the colonists joined forces against Britain. These colonists were called Patriots. Many of the colonists remained loyal to England. They were called Loyalists. The Patriots held a meeting in 1774 to form an army in case of war. This became known as the FirstContinental Congress.
War Begins in Lexington, Massachusetts 600 British soldiers were sent in secret to Lexington in order to arrest patriot soldiers. A Patriot, Paul Revere, heard of the attack and set out on his famous midnight ride to warn the soldiers. The Patriots called together a group of 70 soldiers known as minutemen. They were trained to be ready in a minute’s notice. The patriots were no match for the 600 soldiers and began to retreat. A single shot rang out as they scattered. No one knows who fired that first shot at Lexington that began the Revolutionary War!
Map the Battle Chapter 11 Lesson 3: The Revolution Begins Activity Pg. 71-72 of Language Support Handbook.
Declaring Independence Patriot soldiers continued to fight against the British and finally regained control over Boston. After this victory, the colonist officially declared independence from Great Britain. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. The Second Continental Congress met and approved the document in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on July 4, 1776.
Declaration of Independence The first part of the document states that all men are created equal and born with certain rights. These rights include life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The second part lists grievances against the British government. The third part is a formal claim of independence.
What do you know about the American Revolution? How did Great Britain plan to pay for he French and Indian War? Ask for a loan Tax imports to the American colonies Make the French pay By doing nothing to pay back the debt
How did the Boston Massacre start? With a fist fight With a shoot out With a riot With a snowball fight
What is a boycott? A type of bed A tax on paper products A protest in which people refuse to buy something Goods brought into a country
Which of the following items was NOT included in the Declaration of Independence? All men born with certain rights A long list of grievances against the British government A Constitution for the government of the colonies A formal statement of independence from Great Britain
Where was the shot that started the Revolutionary War fired? Boston England Tennessee Lexington
Which event is NOT a cause the American Revolution? Taxes on tea Taxes on paper Boston Massacre The King of England died