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Si x Ge 1-x and Si x Ge 1-x O y Films as a Thermal Sensing Material. Mukti Rana and Donald Butler University of Texas at Arlington Electrical Engineering Dept. Arlington, TX 76019 Based in part by work supported by the National Science Foundation ECS-0322900.
SixGe1-x and SixGe1-xOyFilms as a Thermal Sensing Material Mukti Rana and Donald Butler University of Texas at Arlington Electrical Engineering Dept. Arlington, TX 76019 Based in part by work supported by the National Science Foundation ECS-0322900
SixGe1-x and SixGe1-xOyFilms as Sensing Material • Both SixGe1-x and SixGe1-xOy are conventional semiconductors • High TCR (~-5%/K) can be obtained with moderate resistivity value (~104 ohm-cm) from a suitable combination of SixGe1-xOy • Iborra et. al (2002) reported a TCR of -4.21%/K from RF Sputtered SixGe1-xOy • García et. al (2004) reported a TCR of -5.1%/K from PECVD a-Si1-xGex:H,F.
Deposition: SixGe1-x and SixGe1-xOy Films • Cosputtering from Ge + Si regions target. • RF magnetron Sputtering at 160 W and 10 mTorr pressure. • SixGe1-x deposited in Ar environment. • SixGe1-xOy deposited in Ar:O environment.
Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analysis of Si0.1188Ge0.8472O0.034 Film By Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
Transmittance: Glass Substrate used for Depositing SixGe1-xOy andSixGe1-xThin Films
SixGe1-xOy andSixGe1-x : Normalized Hoogie Coefficient for 1/f-noise (αH/N) determined at 10 Hz frequency and other properties