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Chapter 7 Life in the New Nation Chapter 8 Growth of a national Economy

Chapter 7 Life in the New Nation Chapter 8 Growth of a national Economy. With independence from G.B., Americans gained the right to determine their own destiny. American Scholars and Artists. Mercy Otis Warren Hosted political meeting in her Plymouth home

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Chapter 7 Life in the New Nation Chapter 8 Growth of a national Economy

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  1. Chapter 7 Life in the New NationChapter 8 Growth of a national Economy

  2. With independence from G.B., Americans gained the right to determine their own destiny.

  3. American Scholars and Artists • Mercy Otis Warren • Hosted political meeting in her Plymouth home • Wrote several plays encouraging independence • Encouraged other women to take up scholarly interests

  4. Benjamin Rush • Doctor, Scientist, & Revolutionary • Signed the Declaration of Independence • represented PA in the Continental Congress • Study and teachings of medicine in Philadelphia.

  5. Benjamin Banneker • Writer, inventor, mathematician, & astronomer • Published first almanac

  6. Charles Willson Peale • Skilled artist, soldier, PA representative, scientist, & inventor

  7. Phillis Wheatley • Enslaved as a child but was taught to read & write • Published poet

  8. Republican Virtues • Self reliance, hard work, frugality, harmony, & sacrificing individual needs for the good of the community • Looked for women to set the standards • Could teach these qualities to men • Schools started educating females to support the Republicans

  9. Social Changes • 1780- population 2.7 million • 1830- population 12 million in 24 states • About 90% came from births • Average family had 5 kids • Declined to 3 by 1870 • High infant mortality rate • 130 of every 1,000 births • Median age was 17 in 1820

  10. Women preferred a long period of getting acquainted with suitors before they committed to marry • Courtship • Used by women to get to know a potential partner & to negotiate the terms of their future life together

  11. For most women getting married was a matter of survival

  12. Religious renewal • Church membership declining in the 1790’s. States started cutting support • The Second Great Awakening • Began in KY & TN & attracted a large number of people

  13. New Denominations • Baptists • Named for their beliefs about baptism • Only those who are old enough to understand Christian beliefs should be baptized • Baptism by dunking people completely under water

  14. Methodists • Grew out of the beliefs of British Minister John Wesley • Attracted followers because • Focuses on the person’s relationship with God • Preachers were common folk • Spread their message through a system of traveling ministers called circuit riders • Held frequent & exciting camp meetings

  15. Unitarians • believed that Jesus was a human messenger of God but not divine himself • God is a loving father, not a stern judge

  16. Mormons • Book of Mormon by Joseph Smith • Foretold that God would soon restore a truer, simpler church, free of ministers • Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

  17. Millennialists • William Miller determined that Jesus would return to the world • March 1843 • Called the Advent or the Second Coming • Preached that only the people who knew of the Advent ahead of time & believed in it would be saved & go to heaven • Followers were called Millerites or Adventists • Number between 50,000 & 100,000

  18. Crossing the Appalachians • U.S. need room to expand the trans-Appalachia area is where Americans settled in early 1800’s.

  19. Several main roads west • From Northeast- Mohawk trail into west NY • From Philadelphia- Forber’s Road to Pittsburgh & then voyage west on the Ohio River • From Baltimore- went to Pittsburgh on Braddocks Road • From Mid- Atlantic States- Cumberland Road or National Road • From South- Great Valley Road or Richmond Road

  20. Daniel Boone • Employed to cut Wilderness Rd through the Cumberland Gap • 1792- 75,000 pioneers settled in Kentucky • Became the 15th state

  21. Settling the Wilderness • Diverse people settled in trans Appalachian • Young energetic generation crossed.

  22. Expanding into Florida • Americans already occupied Florida. • Spain saw little hope of keeping Florida and decided to get whatever it could in exchange for land. • Spain & the US agreed to control the Natives living within their borders & to prevent them from attacking each other’s territories

  23. Gold Rush • January 1848- gold was discovered • August- 4,000 gold crazed prospectors swarmed the land • Mostly unmarried men • 10% were Chinese • Impact on California • Bad for Natives • Made them slaves in their mines

  24. Brought commercial prosperity to cities along the Pacific Coast • Mining towns usually had short lives • Ghost towns • Number 1 important in attracting settlers to the West- Gold Strike of Sutter Mill

  25. The Great Plains & The South West • Plains Indians • Nomadic • Hunted bison • The Impact of the horse • Natives acquired them through trade & raids on Spanish settlements • Changed most about Native life

  26. Nature of warfare & the division of labor • Some groups didn’t change their ways, while for others the horse completely changed their way of living

  27. The Decline of Villages • Some nomadic groups developed into warrior cultures • Comanche drove the Apache & Navajo into Spanish New Mexico • Controlled the southern plains • Agricultural natives suffered because they were caught between settlers & nomadic groups

  28. Texas fights for Independence • Stephen Austin received permission from the Mexican government to fund a colony for hundred’s of families & east Texas • By 1825 1,800 people moved there

  29. Found fertile land for growing cotton • Mexican policy promised cheap land, protection of the Mexican government & a multiyear tax break if they settled in Mexico • 1830 Americans outnumbered the Mexicans • Government worried that they were losing Texas through immigration • Passed a law prohibiting further American settlement & outlawed the importation of slaves

  30. By 1835 30,000 Americans lived in Texas • Demanded more political control • 1833- Gen. Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna took power in Mexico (made himself dictator) • More demand for self government

  31. October 1835 start of the War for Independence • Sam Houston was named Commander in Chief • Santa Anna led an army to put down the rebels

  32. Battle of the Alamo • Less than 200 Texans prepared to resist Santa Anna • Lasted 13 days • Texans inflicted heavy casualties on 4,000 Mexicans

  33. Morning March 6th, Mexican soldiers forced their way inside • Ordered to take no prisoners • 180 Texans dead • March 2, 1836 Rebels declared TX independent

  34. By the end of the month, seemed it was going to fall • Santa Anna divided his force to finish off the rebels • April 21st the rebels surprised Santa Anna • Rally cries of “Remember the Alamo”

  35. Captured Santa Anna • Forced him to sign the Treaty of Velasco & recognized the republic of Texas • Later renounced the Treaty but didn’t try to retake Texas • Elected Sam Houston President

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