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Year 11 Standards Evening

Year 11 Standards Evening. 16 th September 2014. KS5 Results A2 Summary. The average grade achieved overall was just below a ‘B’ grade. (A 'B' grade is equivalent to 240 points and our average point score per qualification was 226 points.)

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Year 11 Standards Evening

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Year 11 Standards Evening 16th September 2014

  2. KS5 Results A2 Summary The average grade achieved overall was just below a ‘B’ grade. (A 'B' grade is equivalent to 240 points and our average point score per qualification was 226 points.) 35% of A2 grades achieved were at the highest grades (A or A*). 61% of A2 grades achieved were grade B or higher. 85% of A2 grades achieved were grade C or higher. 100% of A2 grades achieved were grade ‘E’ or above. 100% of our students achieved 1 or more Key Stage 5 qualification at grade A*-E. 99% of our students achieved 2 or more Key Stage 5 qualifications at grades A*-E. 95% of our students achieved 3 or more Key Stage 5 qualifications at grades A*-E. We are especially proud of the 20 students (15% of Year 13) who achieved 3 or more A’Levels at the highest grades (A*/A).

  3. KS5 Results A2 Summary What our Year 13 2013/14 leavers are doing now The average grade achieved overall was just below a ‘B’ grade. (A 'B' grade is equivalent to 240 points and our average point score per qualification was 226 points.) 35% of A2 grades achieved were at the highest grades (A or A*). 61% of A2 grades achieved were grade B or higher. 85% of A2 grades achieved were grade C or higher. 100% of A2 grades achieved were grade ‘E’ or above. 100% of our students achieved 1 or more Key Stage 5 qualification at grade A*-E. 99% of our students achieved 2 or more Key Stage 5 qualifications at grades A*-E. 95% of our students achieved 3 or more Key Stage 5 qualifications at grades A*-E. We are especially proud of the 20 students (15% of Year 13) who achieved 3 or more A’Levels at the highest grades (A*/A).

  4. Our journey… Nearing the end of a seven year partnership/beginning of a two year partnership Extra – Curricular Clubs/Enrichment Leadership opportunities Role models

  5. Courage and Courtesy Courage: Brave Fearless Bold Courtesy: Polite Kind Considerate

  6. Preparing young people for the future… Central to achieving this is the school’s motto ‘Courage and Courtesy’. We recognise the importance of developing and providing all our students with the courage, confidence and communication skills they require to flourish and succeed, but also to promote traditional values of courtesy, respect and good discipline.

  7. Time for reflection… Thank you for the challenges we are faced with. May we see them not as obstacles, but as opportunities to see things from a different perspective. May we have the determination and the resilience to take up and succeed at the challenge… ...and then to enjoy the transformed view.

  8. Courage and Courtesy We can achieve anything

  9. Communication Parental bulletin Every Thursday Please ensure the school has your email address Twitter Show my homework

  10. 75th anniversary celebrations 3rd October 2014 – Community Open Morning 17th October 2014 – Gala Dinner 27th Feb – Gala Concert at the Gordon Craig 17th May 2015 – 75th Jazz Spectacular, reunion, workshop and Concert

  11. Mrs Paice Head of Year 11

  12. Structure of pastoral care Role of the Form Tutor Student Services Class teachers/HoDs/HoFs

  13. Expected standards Uniform Respect Timekeeping Rewards & Sanctions

  14. Home-School Communication Phone calls & Letters Planners & Emails Parent & Information Evenings Show My Homework Twitter @kt_school @KTHeadteacher

  15. Keeping in touch We use an online homework planner called Show My Homework and we use Twitter to make announcements you may be interested in

  16. SMHW All students were asked to register with SMHW last year. Students and parents were issued with a unique username and password. SMHW is even mobile friendly so parents and students can access homework on the move via a smartphone app. If you’ve lost it or not done it, please email Kcowell@ktemplar.herts.sch.uk Courage: Brave Fearless Bold Courtesy: Polite Kind Considerate

  17. Other Useful Things You May Not Know Courage: Brave Fearless Bold Courtesy: Polite Kind Considerate Wisepay is by far the easiest way to pay for school expenses Our twitter tag is: @kt_school Mr Litchfield’s twitter tag is: @KTHeadteacher

  18. Key Dates for the Year Group 17th & 24th Oct: Tim Foot ‘Revision Cracked’ 20th Nov: KTS Sixth Form Open Evening 24th Nov – 5th Dec: Mock GCSE Exams 15th Jan: Parents Evening 27th April – 26th June: GCSE exams 2nd July: Year 11 Prom 20th August: GCSE results please see the handout for a more comprehensive list

  19. Mr. Clayton Assistant Head Teacher in charge of pastoral care

  20. Whole School Care Attendance Safeguarding Learning Environments Game consoles

  21. Thank you for attending Staff will be in the Hall & Dining Room until 7pm9

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