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DMM Ventures, Inc is the Home of ARTEMIS, an information sharing and analysis suite of services that optimize the effectiveness and efficiency of information exchanges through your enterprise. But just having more information does not automatically lead to better business decisions. That is why we incorporate analytic services into ARTEMIS to help make sense of all that information. Analyzed information is your intelligence and better Business Intelligence leads to better business decisions that you can see at the bottom line in better ROI, increased market share & higher sales.
Example of the a Default Page when a user logs on. This example is for an Administrator. Also note this is an example of the graphical navigation capability. ARTEMIS also provides a text-only navigation capability.
ARTEMIS matches Users with Processes. This is an example of selecting various process for ARTEMIS to analyze.
ARTEMIS provides the means to assign roles to Users. ARTEMIS uses Roles in two ways. One is depicted here. The other is as an Information Provider or as an Information Requester. Users can play either role, but not simultaneously.
Besides Users, their Roles, and the Processes they are associated with, ARTEMIS provides the means to assign Report types. These types, based on templates created (or stored) complete the linkages in ARTEMIS.
ARTEMIS has several features that increase the effectiveness and efficiency of information exchanges within a firm. The heart of this is a database of words and phrases that users, if granted permission as part of their Role, can update or modify. This allows users to keep their own jargon and let ARTEMIS negotiate the exchange.
Besides the basic update/modify features, the database can be search either by word, phrase, or meaning.
Another usability feature is called Smart Keys. Users granted permission can program these to speed entry of data.
ARTEMIS supports various means of analysis. For example, users can select to run ARTEMIS ‘off-line’ where are inputs are specified. Or they may choose to run ARTEMIS real-time where some inputs come from outside the firm. Users can also specify value-of-information parameters for both their Requester role and their Provider role. These parameters may be specified by an Administrator. Note too the user can specify whether they prefer the Graphical Navigation or Menu Navigation look.
ARTEMIS has several ways of alerting users. This screen shows where they make their choices.
The heart of ARTEMIS functionality is the sharing of information, generically called Reports, and the optimization of those exchanges between Requesters and Providers based on their respective value-of-information (VOI) parameters. Requesters request Information Requests (IR) and Providers answer those with a Filled Request (FR).
ARTEMIS tracks a user’s IR and, if they have permission, search other IR. Many times in a firm folks just do not know where to find things. And often the same information is needed by more than one user. The Search function helps both those cases. Think of it as your firm having their very own Knowledge Base; after all, that is exactly what it is: your knowledge.
This screen shows the heart of ARTEMIS from the day-to-day user’s perspective. Here, users can enter what they are looking for and various metadata on who they might expect can answer their query and when they need to information. The next couple of screens show more detail on this page.
In many cases, folks need the same information over and over again with little or not variation in that request. The copy function allows users to send the same over and over again. For requests that might be slightly different, users can create templates. Again, these tools speed up the exchange process that takes place and hence makes it more efficient and less costly.
This detail from the IR screen shows how the word/phrase (or lexical) database (DB) helps. Just like most Smartphone's, as you enter letters the list of available words in the DB narrows. The next screen shows this with phrases.
Selection - Mouse/Ctrl+Space: To select a listed word, use the up/down arrows to highlight the word and press Ctrl+ Space, or simply, click on the word. ARTEMIS supports most popular browsers: IE, Safari, Mozilla and Opera.
As mentioned already, Smart Keys also speeds up the enter process.
The Optimization heart of ARTEMIS depends on VOI parameters.
If a Requester does not know who best to send the IR to, they can send it to a Bulletin Board where folks can search and find the IR they can answer. Or they can subscribe to a RSS Feed.
This last part of ARTEMIS is usually the province of CIO or Information Workers. It shows, in the next few screens, how ARTEMIS calculates the optimum exchange of IR and FR for the firm. The CIO can then use these facts to change flows or look for new processes. ARTEMIS provides a means of testing these changes before implementation to ensure they really do make information exchanges more efficient in the firm.
For dynamic models, ARTEMIS needs to know over what timeframe you wish the analysis to cover. As short or as long as you like!
Make Tables (Providers) and Use Tables (Requesters) allow analysts to decide on which processes 9hence users) and reports they wish ARTEMIS to include in the analysis. Generally, analysts will want to select all of both. ARTEMIS combines these and analyzes the results called Technical Coefficients or TC. The next two screens show the before calculation and after calculation of TC screens.
Analysts can drill down by clicking on a cell. It tells the analyst the details on reports. This helps them isolate any problems.
Once the TC data has been saved (if desired) and the time slices for comparison decided (again, if desired) then final step is to Run ARTEMIS and this is what you get: a depiction of the state of optimal information exchange between processes in your firm. This also allows drill down. So what you have is Actual versus Optimal. The colors mean:Green: Actual values = Optimum values. Red: Actual values < Optimum valuesYellow: Actual values > Optimum values
All this data can be exported to the usual MS Office applications. The next slides show the export of the As Is/Could Be comparison report. One shows the whole firm and one shows broken down by specific processes. The last shows by time slice.