Choosing the right white Not all white wedding is the same, same, not all are suitable for every bride's white wedding dress. In fact, there is a wide spectral band. White Dere Kiang 11034 spectral range from white, pearl white, blue and white to cream. Soft light or dark ivory are also popular. White wedding dress can be decorated with colorful, colorful flowers such as the collar line, upper body gold embroidery lace, and even add bold colors such as red or black.
Color selection technique to bring out the beautiful and noble qualities of the skin, so you need to know their skin color, that is, color attributes. Color attribute is everyone born with skin tone, the body is composed of three colors. Melanin (Melanin), hemoglobin (Hemoglobin) and red pigment (Eden 2287) in the ratio of combination of different results, the ratio of pigment composition is determined by genes, so the "skin color attribute" life is not will change. "Skin color property" consists of "Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter" Four Seasons properties.
Its white skin tone, pink, blue, green peach, and yellow is the normal tone. In general, black hair, dark-skinned women, suitable for whitening; Ella Rosa Be101 blonde with pale ivory; black hair, white skin, blue with pearl white; red hair with a deep golden ivory; and our black hair and yellow skin with ivory or off-white best.