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Example Journal


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Example Journal

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Presentation Transcript

  1. My Journal

  2. What is a journal? It is writing about events, experiences, and ideas. This can be very plain and simple or it can be very personal & important.

  3. What can I write about? You can write about: What happened to you recently. About things that you have been thinking /dreaming of. The things that interest you / you spend your time doing.

  4. How much should I write? Is this too much or too little? It can be just a couple sentences. or It can be many paragraphs or pages. Be comfortable when you write.

  5. Why should I write? The more you practice; the more you become better at English & at expressing yourself (very important part of English) You will have a history of your life. It is interesting to read your old journals.

  6. Journal Examples August 15th 2013 Today was amazing! I woke up early and traveled to Kushiro to meet my friends. We bought some food at the combini and Then drove in our cars to Mt. Meakan. It was the perfect day for hiking. We spent 5 hours there and something surprising happened - John confessed to Mary! They are now boyfriend and girlfriend. . .

  7. Make it fun! ^_^

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