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Senior English 10/1/12

Senior English 10/1/12. How does a paper like the CP Research paper, or any part of the culminating project require “mental courage”? Why can’t a man living in the US be buried in Canada? Limivorous – mud eating .

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Senior English 10/1/12

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Senior English 10/1/12 • How does a paper like the CP Research paper, or any part of the culminating project require “mental courage”? • Why can’t a man living in the US be buried in Canada? • Limivorous – mud eating. Goals – Focus on completing research notes. Decide what to include in the body of your paper. Homework – Continue to gather facts for the research paper and put them on notes pages with links attached.

  2. Senior English 10/2/12 • What academic or life skill does the culminating project fulfill that regular classes cannot? • Many months have 31 days, how many have 28? • Nidorous – resembling the smell or taste of fat. Goals – Continue to work on the Culminating project. Homework – Make sure your have what you need to work effectively in class tomorrow.

  3. Senior English 10/3/12 • Which is the best predictor of success; intelligence or work ethic? Why? • What did the cook name his son? • Turophile – a cheese fancier. Goals – Be productive, make progress on Culminating Project. Homework – Make sure you have what you need to make progress in class tomorrow.

  4. Senior English 10/4/12 • What is the most exciting thing that could happen through completion of your culminating project? What will mean the most to you? • What did the hamburger name her daughter? • Wham – meatless ham made of textured soy. Goals – Be productive, make progress on Culminating Project. Homework – Make sure you have what you need to make progress in class tomorrow. Don’t forget the Vocab6 Quiz tomorrow, week 6 words.

  5. Senior English 10/5/12 • Five minutes to review for the vocabulary 6 quiz. • Why do doctors have to keep their temper? • Ephemeromorph – biologist’s term for a form of life so low that they cannot be classified as animal or vegetable. Goals – Be productive, make progress on Culminating Project. Homework – Make sure you have what you need to make progress in class Monday.

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