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Join us at the 5th Grade Open House to meet the teachers, learn about the curriculum, and discover how we support student learning in Social Studies, Science, ELA, and Math.
Welcome! 5th Grade Open House
The Team: Mrs. Hackbarth ghackbarth@lakeshorecsd.org 926-2785 Social Studies & Science
The Team: Mrs. Lewis klewis@lakeshorecsd.org 926-2780 ELA
The Team: Mrs. Schmidle jschmidle@lakeshorecsd.org 926-2728 Math
Ixl math • Each student has been given a user name and password for IXL math. The District has purchased this for every student in the district. Please encourage your child to use this program and use it often. We will be offering an after school Scholar’s Club so that children who are unable to do IXL Math at home will be able to practice it at school. This is an excellent program and truly reinforces skills taught daily in class!
Sample Word Problems In the Past: Present: • Anthony has 5 baseball cards. Jeff has 2 more then Anthony. How many baseball cards do Anthony and Jeff have altogether? • Answer: 12 baseball cards • Jacob brought 280 blue and red paper cups. He used 1/3 of the blue ones and ½ of the red ones at a party. If he had an equal number of blue cups and red cups left over, how many cups did he use altogether? • Answer: Jacob used 40 blue and 80 red cups. He used 120 cups altogether. Jacob started with 160 red cups and 120 blue cups.
Ela: • Module 2: Researching to Build Knowledge and Teaching Others • Unit 1: Building Background Knowledge: How Scientists Communicate About the Living Things in the Rainforest • Unit 2: Case Study: The Most Beautiful Roof in the World and the work of rainforest scientist Meg Lowman • Unit 3: Reading and Writing like a Scientist: Observing Nature, Conducting Research and Creating a Field Journal Entry • Module 1: Becoming a Close Reader and Writing to Learn: Stories of Human Rights • Unit 1: Building Background Knowledge on Human Rights • Unit 2: Case Study: Esparanza’s Story • Unit 3: Culminating Project: Readers Theater: Esperanza Rising, From Novel to Script
Ela: • Module 4: Introduction: Gathering Evidence and Speaking to Others: Natural Disasters in the Western Hemisphere • Unit 1: Building Background Knowledge: The Science Behind Natural Disasters • Unit 2: Comparing and Contrasting Literature about Natural Disasters: Eight Days and Dark Water Rising • Unit 3: Research on natural Disasters of the Western Hemisphere, Humanitarian Organizations and Writing on Opinion Speech • Module 3A: Considering Perspectives and Supporiting Opinions: Sports’ and Athletes’Impact on Culture • Unit 1: Building Background Knowledge: The Importance of Sports in American Culture • Unit 2: Case Study: Promises to Keep • Unit 3: Expert Groups Research and Writing an Opinion Letter
Example: • Heidi • By: Johanna Spyri • How does the final paragraph contribute to the reader’s understanding of the story? • It suggests that Heidi will make the most of her new surroundings. • It shows that Heidi will feel uncomfortable in her new home. • It indicates how poor the family is. • It shows how tired Heidi is.
grair • Fluency: • Focus on reading with accuracy, speed and expression • Reading passages that will be practiced aloud at home as well as school. • Grammar: Developing an interactive notebook • Implementing and constructing a 3-D graphic organizer that is aligned to the Common Core • Words Their Way: Our new Spelling program • Lists based on word patterns (long vowels: CVCe) • Include ‘Word Sorts’: matching words with the rules that they match (bake: CVCe)
Read, Read, and read some more • Your child has recently taken the STAR assessment. • They’ve been given their reading range and should be reading only books from that range. • Go to www. Arbookfinder.com to find books within your child’s reading range and interest level • Hunger Games: 5.3 • Is the reader ready to understand the deeper themes within the book? ( survival of the fittest, graphic violence, societal roles) • http://www.arbookfind.com
http://www.google.com www.engageny.org
New York State Common Core K‐8 Social Studies Framework • Social Studies Education in the 21st Century: • Rationale: • In the interconnected world of the 21st century, it is necessary to revise the New York State Social Studies Core Curriculum to ensure that teaching and learning in Social Studies are rigorous and prepare students to be college and career ready. (The standards IN Social Studies are lumped within non-fiction reading and literacy standards. The SS framework is still in the draft form.)
Social Studies Grade 5: The Western Hemisphere • Grade 5 Social Studies is based on the history and geography of the Western Hemisphere, including the development of cultures, civilizations, and empires, interaction between societies, and the comparison of the government and economic systems of modern nations. It also incorporates elements of some of the social sciences. The course is divided into eight Key Ideas that cover a time span from prehistory into modern times.
Grade 5 Social Studies • The Grade 5 Social Studies program • stresses geographic, economic, and social/cultural understandings related to the United States, Canada, and Latin America.
Science • To meet Common Core State Standards in Science, the Elementary Science Program at Lake Shore stresses learning that is hands-on, process-oriented and inquiry–based. It encourages students to critically think rather than just memorize.
Science • Themes: • Physical:includes the study of matter, energy and it’s changing forms • Earth: includes the Earth’s Changing crust and protecting the environment • Life: includes plant and animal life, ecology, populations and communities • Health: includes awareness of our body system with a focus on the Respiratory System. • Kits: • Ecosystem: Understanding Ecosystems and their delicate balance of life by building an “Ecotower” • Electromagnetism: Construct an electromagnet, buzzer, simple and complex motors • Rocks & Minerals: Explore and identify defining characteristics of sedimentary, igneous & metamorphic rocks
Parent – Teacher Conferences • December 4th & 5th, 2014 • March 12th & 13th, 2015 • **Students have a ½ day** • Please contact us sooner if you have questions or concerns regarding your child’s progress.
5th Grade Scholar Club • Coming Soon… • Monday: Math Scholars • Tuesdays: ELA Scholars • After dismissal – 4:00 • 1.) All students will be invited to stay after school to review, reinforce and enrich their skills in ELA and/or Math. • 2.) Please pick up and complete the form allowing your child to attend. • **You must provide transportation for your child or you may car pool as long as a note is provided.**
School expectations: • Wait to be called on to speak. • Keep hands, feet, and objects to self. • Follow directions the first time. • Complete assigned tasks and be prepared. • Use kind words and actions.
Classroom Management System Fun Friday “Time Out” Stick 1 = 5 minutes Stick 2 = 5 minutes Stick 3 = 10 minutes Stick 4 = 10 minutes Stick 5 = No FF time 1.) If your child has unfinished or missing school or homework, he/she will have the opportunity to get caught up during our Fun Friday period. 2.) A weekly note will be sent home in the Friday Folder to inform you on your child’s progress.
Tickets: • Students are awarded tickets for meeting and/or exceeding expectations. • Examples: • Class participation • Showing good effort with a difficult task • Helping another student • Being prepared • Tickets are drawn every other Fridays • for our lucky winners! (Feel free to • donate to our Loot Bin! )
Homework • Your child will have daily homework, and we expect them to complete it as best they can. • If you notice that your child is struggling with the material please contact us so that we can help come up with a solution. • Homework should take approximately 45 – 60minutes. (10 minutes/grade level) • Encourage your child to ask his/her Study Buddy for HELP.
Homework • Please : • check and help your child empty/organize papers in his/her take-home folder daily. • check your child’s agenda and homework nightly, and sign the agenda after you have seen the completed work (or big brother, babysitter, grandma…) • consider putting the myHomework app on your phone/i-pad/i-pod,etc. • https://myhomeworkapp.com
Friday Folders: • You will find: • 5th grade newsletter • Highland Happenings • Important notices • Tests/quizzes • Please empty and sign the folder to be returned on Monday
We need your child! • Attendance is crucial for your child’s success! • School begins at 8:35, and so does our first assignment of the day. Your child is starting behind if he/she is late and will have to make up the morning work for homework. • Please schedule vacations/appointments around school hours. • If you plan a vacation, please enjoy it. Work will not be given to your child prior to your trip. However, the work your child missed must be completed along with their daily work. If your child is gone for a week, they have a week to complete any missing work.
Camp Seven Hills • Stay tuned for more information in the Spring... • June 17 – June 19 • Day 1: Evangola State Park • Day 2 & 3: Camp Seven Hills • Student cost = $40 • Evangola State Park Chaperones = $5 • Camp Seven Hills Chaperones = $40
What your Child needs to do to get to camp: • Camp is a learning experience that is a PRIVILEGE for your child to attend! • Students must: • Follow team/school expectations • Complete school/homework
Camp Fundraisers: • Stay tuned for more info… • Poinsettia Sale: November 7th – December 1st • Poinsettia Pick up: December 9th at the Highland Holiday Concert • Candy Bar Sale: Start date will be in October and will be used to help defray the student cost of camp.
Thank you! • Thank you… • For sharing your child with us. • For your support • For joining us tonight • We can’t wait to see what this years brings!