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Hadar Swersky - Lack of Knowlege of ADHD can Worsen the Condition

Hadar Swersky is a serial entrepreneur, currently focusing on battling loneliness, supporting better aging and innovating through AgeTech. Hadar is also the author of u201cWinning in business with ADHD

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Hadar Swersky - Lack of Knowlege of ADHD can Worsen the Condition

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  1. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition characterized by inattention, impulsive behavior, and hyperactivity. It is usually diagnosed in childhood, but symptoms of ADHD can continue unrecognized through adulthood and adolescence, so it may not be diagnosed for the first time until someone is an adult. With appropriate treatment, children and adults with ADHD can live successful, highly creative lives. Hadar Swersky states that people with ADHD have trouble focusing on tasks and controlling their attention, which can make completing a project challenging. ADHD can limit a person’s ability to study or work, and it can result in anxiety, stress, and depression. Some people with ADHD also find it tough to sit still. They might be quick to act on impulse and become easily unfocused. While children of any age can experience distraction and impulsiveness, these traits are more visible in those with ADHD. ADHD may develop in one of three ways. A doctor may find that the disorder has: a predominantly hyperactive and impulsive presentation a predominantly inattentive presentation a combined presentation People with ADHD experience impulsivity, hyperactivity, and inattention in varying degrees. Hyperactivity and impulsivity Some or all of the following might be apparent in someone with ADHD: running or climbing at inappropriate times seeming constantly “on-the-go” and unable to sit still having difficulty taking turns in conversations and activities talking and making noises excessively fidgeting or tapping the hands or feet taking unnecessary risks Inattention Below are some behaviors associated with inattention that a person might notice in someone with ADHD: becoming distracted and having difficulty focusing on tasks daydreaming appearing to not listen while others are talking

  2. making “careless” mistakes having difficulty with time management and organization avoiding tasks that need prolonged focus and thought frequently losing everyday items having difficulty following instructions Females with ADHD may be more likely to have trouble paying attention, while males may be more likely to experience hyperactivity and impulsivity. This may be one reason why more males than females receive diagnoses of ADHD. Hyperactivity can be simpler to spot than inattention. Adults and children tend to experience the same symptoms of ADHD, and these can create problems in relationships and at work. The effects of these features vary widely from person to person, and a person may find that their experience of ADHD changes over time. Not everyone with ADHD is noisy and disruptive. Hadar Swersky says that most children with ADHD get a diagnosis while they are in elementary school, but some might not do so until adolescence or adulthood. No single test can recognize ADHD, and the symptoms can overlap with those of other conditions. This can make it hard to diagnose. A doctor will carry out examinations to rule out other potential causes, such as hearing or vision problems. A doctor may ask questions to learn more about the person’s behavioral patterns. They may speak with the individual, members of their family, and any other caregivers. Many children experience hyperactivity and inattention. For a diagnosis of ADHD, the symptoms should meet specific criteria, including having a significant impact on daily life and schoolwork.

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