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General Event Management

General Event Management. A G E N D A. 1. GEM Introduction. Module Description. 2. Module Integration. 3. LIVE Demo. 4. Conclusion. 5. Q & A. 6. GEM Introduction. GEM Introduction.

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General Event Management

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  1. General Event Management

  2. A G E N D A 1 GEM Introduction Module Description 2 Module Integration 3 LIVE Demo 4 Conclusion 5 Q & A 6

  3. GEM Introduction General Event Management/ GEM Introduction

  4. GEM Introduction • Complete, sophisticated, easy to use and fully integrated IT solution for the administration of any large event or manifestation in different areas like sports, fairs, conferences etc. • GEM application modules are integrated and fully operate in any combination of modules regardless of the number of selected modules • GEM can be used for technological management and support of various major events, but the main target of this particular Solution are sport events General Event Management/ GEM Introduction

  5. GEM Introduction • GEM platform is also targeted for events of varying scale, from small events with couple of hundreds of participants to large ones gathering many thousands of participants • Cross platform, extensible, modular, scalable, web-based software solution for successful and reliable managing of large scale sporting and other types of events • Enables smoother and more efficient running of the manifestation for organizer General Event Management/ GEM Introduction

  6. GEM Introduction Modularity Ensures easy customization including the addition of new capabilities or removal of the existing capabilities as necessary when integrating the application to fit specific event needs Scalability Management of small scale events with a single operator (e.g. solution running on a single notebook) up to large scale sport events (several redundant servers or cloud) with large number of simultaneous users General Event Management/ GEM Introduction

  7. Main GEM modules • Web Registration • Accreditation • Badging • Event Calendar • Accommodation Management • Workforce & Volunteers Management • Uniform management • Arrival & Departure • Transportation General Event Management/ GEM Modules

  8. Additional GEM Modules • Fees payment • Request processing • Call center support • Catering Management • Hotel Booking • Ticketing • Rate Card • Medical services - interface • Security services – interface • Assets & Material Management • Fair Stand Manager General Event Management/ GEM Modules

  9. Modules Description General Event Management/ Modules Description

  10. Web Registration Used by delegation official to register participants over the Internet Organizers distribute username/password combination to delegations Bulk registration supported (Excel sheet template) Delegations & participants themselves will insert the names and data into the system Significant reduction in the amount of work and time for the Organiser General Event Management/ Modules Description / Web Registration

  11. Accreditation Main module Main task to identify the participants who will be attending the Games Holds the information that all other modules will be working with Totaly configurable to support different configuration of Events Categorization & grouping of all participants General Event Management/ Modules Description / Accreditation

  12. Badging Organizing information on an participant’s badge in a way that assures all necessary data for security system Printing & delivery of the Accreditation card Access control rights and zone planning Full-color photo Accreditation badge production General Event Management/ Modules Description / Badging

  13. Badging Real-time Accreditation badge creation Batch pre-printing of Accreditation badges Search filter to easily find the desired accreditation cards for printing Print and pick-up scheduling Support for several identification methods (Bar code, RFID) General Event Management/ Modules Description / Badging

  14. Event Calendar Contains schedule of all sport and non sport events of interest Public (participant) & private (organizer) access to Event Calendar Connected to all other applications (Accreditation, Transportation, Arrivals/Departures) All changes in different SOLUTION applications General Event Management/ Modules Description / Event Calendar

  15. Event Calendar Full Event categorization and grouping Full Venues/Facilities categorization and grouping Searching and filtering of data by: • Time and date • Event category/group • Venues/Facilities category/group General Event Management/ Modules Description / Event Calendar

  16. Accomodation Accommodation planning & management An easy way for assigning participants to the accommodation facilities Intuitive graphical interface Authorized user can easily assign participants to accommodation resources Search information about persons, departments, locations, assignments and their dependencies General Event Management/ Modules Description / Accomodation

  17. Accomodation Accommodation facilities management Accommodation facilities blueprints management Accommodation facilities categorization and grouping Facilities resources management categorization & grouping Facilities resource categorization and grouping General Event Management/ Modules Description / Accomodation

  18. Workforce & Volunteers Management Staff management & staff hireing solution Registration of the workforce/ volunteers Assignment of the tasks and schedules to the workforce/ volunteers The registration done via Internet through link on the official Web site The workforce & volunteers will enter all their personal data as well as their profile and skills General Event Management/ Modules Description / Workforce & Volunteers Management

  19. Uniform Management Keep track of uniform quantities calculation, sizes, models… When applying for an Accreditation the applicant should also send information about his/her size for the uniform General calculation of the number of staff, volunteers, officials and other staff to dress LOC will be able based on these inputs to calculate and purchase correctly the amounts, models and sizes General Event Management/ Modules Description / Uniform Management

  20. Arrival & Departure Enable organiseres to control the arrival and departure dates of all the accredited persons Critical for organisation of the transportation, meals, hotel rooms and the village accommodation Manage a list of accredited VIPs and the related protocol General Event Management/ Modules Description / Arrival & Departure

  21. Arrival & Departure Support the planning and tracking of arrival and departure timelines for individuals and groups Manage the daily schedule of VIPs Initial information about flights and arrival and departure dates of each participant from Accreditations General Event Management/ Modules Description / Arrival & Departure

  22. Transportation Mange all aspects of transportation Keep track of the different vehicles used during the Games Driver management Itineraries of the general vehicles Active and free vehicles and their availability General Event Management/ Modules Description / Transportation

  23. Fees Payment Fees payment application provides basic functionalities for managing fees related to Event On every Event there is a number of different fees that must be paid by participants Fees payment is integrated with other modules and fees are calculated according to user profile entered in accreditation module General Event Management/ Modules Description / Fees Payment

  24. Request Processing Purpose is to provide easy management of various requests from accredited persons Maintenance service requests, catering services requests, extra equipment requests Request status tracking Requests are dispatched by SMS or email Request statistics General Event Management/ Modules Description / Request Processing

  25. Call Center Support Provides call center staff with interface to access all publicly available information related to the event Acts as an access portal for publicly available information from all other application modules Can be easily browsed, searched and retrieved by the call center staff General Event Management/ Modules Description / Call Center Support

  26. Catering Catering providers management Restaurant management Info about food preference from Web registration/Accreditation Meal types management Orders management Delivery management Cost management Statistics & reports General Event Management/ Modules Description / Catering

  27. Hotel Booking Designed to simplify the task of online hotel room booking Allows room inventory management that includes visual attributes for both the hotel and the actual rooms Reservation interface for administrators and authorized users Rooms availability interface Manage data from the Accreditation and Arrivals and Departures modules to facilitate better scheduling Reporting unit of the module supports accounting and cost tracking General Event Management/ Modules Description / Hotel Booking

  28. Ticketing Supports the tickets selling for various types of events May be used for selling tickets in box offices as well as online Supports venue, event and ticket type customization Venue configurability allows multiple seating capacities based on the type of event or the time of day The module can be configured to support permission based constraints so that certain users can only purchase tickets for certain sections/sessions/times General Event Management/ Modules Description / Ticketing

  29. Rate Card To enable delegations, sponsors, broadcasting stations, media and others to buy equipment, services or to rent resources (conference rooms, furniture, video beam...) Rate Cardmodule includes management and time scheduling for resources and services that will be rented Management and approval of delivery General Event Management/ Modules Description / Rate Card

  30. Medical Service Interface Manages all of the medical (and medical-related) provided data Includes information about physicians and available facilities. Provides calendaring application for scheduling medical visits for Participants. Help desk for finding the most appropriate medical facility in case of emergency. Use participants medical-related data from Accreditation database. General Event Management/ Modules Description / Medical Service Interface

  31. Security Service Interface Provide web based interface to security services and authorized security personnel. Aggregates security related data from all other modules (accreditation data, event calendar, workforce, etc.) Allows storing of additional security related information for each participant, group, team, etc. General Event Management/ Modules Description / Security Service Interface

  32. Assets & Material Management Module is used for asset tracking and inventory monitoring. Stock management (reporting on the state of stock, registering input and output before, during and after the event). For asset management, additional functionality is in managing location, quantity and the person in possession of the asset. General Event Management/ Modules Description / Assets & Material Management

  33. Fair Stand Manager Stands planning & management An easy way for assigning participants to the expo facilities Intuitive graphical interface Authorized user can easily assign participants to fair resources Search information about persons, companies, departments, locations, assignments and their dependencies General Event Management/ Modules Description / Assets & Material Management

  34. Modules Integration General Event Management/ Modules Integration

  35. GEM Packages General Event Management/ Modules Integration

  36. Integration Example 1 • Transportation can be organized on time • Is entered during web registrations • This info is used by accreditation staff to prepare for participants arrival • Information about Arrival & Departure General Event Management/ Modules Integration

  37. Integration Example 2 • Volunteers couldbe registered online • Uniform types, sizes, quantity is calculated Info is automaticaly transfered to accreditation module • Workforce module – management of volunteers General Event Management/ Modules Integration

  38. Resources Synergy General Event Management/ Modules Integration

  39. LIVE DEMO General Event Management/ Live Demo

  40. Conclusion General Event Management/ Conclusion

  41. What we do : • Software that have modules for every needed aspects/sector • Possibility for software customization based on your needs • Involving local companies/industry in many aspects of organization • Trainings for employees, volunteers and other staff to work independently on “Train the trainer” basis General Event Management/ Conclusion

  42. We provide: • Necessary experts direct on the field • Previous successful references that guarantee you next success • Transfer of Know How & Technology • One of the best solutions and you would be getting it for a lower price General Event Management/ Conclusion

  43. BENEFITS • Enhance guests’ experience – Games quality • Increase safety and security level • Generate new and higher revenue streams • Reduce costs (Infrastructure, Assets) • Improve event operations and staff productivity • Know-how transfer & increase • Reduce the Risks  General Event Management/ Conclusion

  44. Successful Event …the foundation for the great image of the host city & country! General Event Management/ Conclusion

  45. Questions & Answers General Event Management/ Questions & Answers

  46. Contact GEM Technology Jurija Gagarina 14n/2 11070Belgrade Serbia Phone: +381 1139 87 462 Email:office@gem-technology.com www.gem-technology.com General Event Management/ Contact

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