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Event Management

Event Management. Seven Steps to an Organizing a Success Project. Step 7: Evaluate the Event/Program. Step 6: Implement The Event. Step 5: Promote the Event. Step 4: Seek out Resources. Step 3: Create an Action Plan. Step 2: Select One Idea. Step 1: Generate Ideas.

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Event Management

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Event Management

  2. Seven Steps to an Organizing a Success Project Step 7: Evaluate the Event/Program Step 6: Implement The Event Step 5: Promote the Event Step 4: Seek out Resources Step 3: Create an Action Plan Step 2: Select One Idea Step 1: Generate Ideas

  3. The 5C’sto Event Management • Committee- form committees to help divide up the workload and to better focus on specific jobs. • Checklists-help to make sure nothing is missed. • Critical Path Plan– big label for a timeline. • Contingency Plan – a back-up plan. • Crisis Management – Don’t panic, and always prepare for the unexpected.

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