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Event Logs Management. Anthony LAI , CISSP, CISA Founder & Editor InfoSec Hong Kong. Why do I come up an idea to present this?. First of all, I am not the event log expert but the one suffered from event log burden. Think of ideas to improve it in a bank.
Event Logs Management Anthony LAI, CISSP, CISA Founder & Editor InfoSec Hong Kong
Why do I come up an idea to present this? • First of all, I am not the event log expert but the one suffered from event log burden. • Think of ideas to improve it in a bank. • No budget and complicated approval process there , forcing me to seek for free software.
InfoSec Hong Kongwww.infosechk.org • Goal • Promote security awareness to public and education sectors. • Our advantages • We act as a bridge between security concepts and commercial solutions • Members • Over 370 registered members • Enjoy discounted products from our sponsors • Current Status • Over 64,000 visit since Aug 2004 • News, seminar, training, advertisement, consultancy service for SMEs. • Future • Reflect the voice to government from public and focus on more security education and provide solutions to public. • It is a long term commitment • Invitation for more commercial sponsorship
Author Profile • Anthony Lai a speaker for the International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium, Inc. [(ISC)2®],the non-profit international leader in educating, qualifying and certifying information security professionals worldwide. (ISC)2 issues the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) and Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP) credentials and related concentrations to those meeting necessary competency requirements. • Anthony is also a founder and editor of the “InfoSec Hong Kong” Website with over 300 registered public members. He currently is a chapter leader of OWASP (The Open Web Application Security Project- HK Chapter) and serves as a program committee member in PISA (Professional Information Security Association) and ISSA (HK Chapter). • His major interest is in web application security, various penetration tests and forensics. He is a column writer on information security in Hong Kong local newspaper – “Apple Daily”. He has certified as CISSP and CISA.
What will I cover? • Event Logs Monitoring Problems • Solutions (You may most concern about it) • Demonstration (You may most be interested in it ) • Experience sharing among all of you.
Real-Case: Event Log Monitoring Problem in a Bank • It have 50 systems, and 12 windows servers and other legacy systems. • In the past, the one taking the information security officer just use his “X-Ray” Eyes to scan over all the Logs print-outs (over 400~600 papers) to detect errors every working day (Remark: I believe he is readily a superman, otherwise, he will be blind!) • No filtering, No selection for critical events. • Use half day to review the logs. • No standard document about log review process. • No solutions from other branches in other countries.
Real-Case: Event Log Monitoring Problem in a Bank Their current solutions: Print out the event logs with heaps of papers, and glance over it and then chop, chop chop with their signature. Package them up and put into the inventory Auditor has no comment on this kind of log review process.
The Challenges • Bureaucratic approval process ( I can’t count how many tiers I need to pass even I just want to get a few thousand dollars) • Free and cost saving • Efficient to solve the problem • Shorten the log review time • Automate the log download process • Patch the log file with appropriate headers and format. • Save our world, save papers! • In addition, increase the opportunity to detect any critical events and suspicious activity. • No one has knowledge in this area.
What did I suggest to bank? • Long Term • Security Operation Center (SOC) • (but I think it is too early because I cannot find they have put some efforts in Incidence Response Planning and Implementation) • Logs Filtering and Processing Server • Short & Mid Term • Commercial event log review software
Roadmap to building log processing standard • Log Nature and Element • Define the elements needs for a log records • What are the critical events? • Operation • Log patching, download, process and retention as well as purging. • Review • What are we looking at? • The procedure to report any suspicious events.
More challenges from my observation • Various systems with various standard in logging -> Hard to integrate. • Cultural problem and political problem • No one thinks about the system infrastructure.
Event Logs Monitoring Tools • Microsoft Log Parser 2.2 http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcenter/tools/logparser/default.mspx • Kiwi Syslog Products: http://www.kiwisyslog.com/Syslogs • Remstats - http://remstats.sourceforge.net/release/log-server.html • Set up a Linux log server http://www.linuxsecurity.com/content/view/117514/49/
Log Parser • Search for Data - Search for the logons of a specific user among the events in the Windows Event Log: C:\>LogParser "SELECT TimeGenerated, SourceName, EventCategoryName, Message INTO report.txt FROM Security WHERE EventID = 528 AND SID LIKE '%TESTUSER%'" -resolveSIDs:ON
Log Parser (2) • Create Reports - Create custom-formatted HTML reports.
Log Parser (3) • Calculate Statistics -Calculate the distribution of the HTTP response status codes from your IIS log files: C:\>LogParser "SELECT sc-status, COUNT(*) AS Times INTO Chart.gif FROM <1> GROUP BY sc-status ORDER BY Times DESC" – chartType:PieExploded3D -chartTitle:"Status Codes" And produce a chart formatted as desired:
Log Parser - Syntax Examples: LogParser "SELECT date, REVERSEDNS(c-ip) AS Client, COUNT(*) FROM file.log WHERE sc-status<>200 GROUP BY date, Client" -e:10 LogParser file:myQuery.sql?myInput=C:\temp\ex*.log+myOutput=results.csv LogParser -c -i:BIN -o:W3C file1.log file2.log "ComputerName IS NOT NULL" Help: -h GRAMMAR : SQL Language Grammar -h FUNCTIONS [ <function> ] : Functions Syntax -h EXAMPLES : Example queries and commands -h -i:<input_format> : Help on <input_format> -h -o:<output_format> : Help on <output_format> -h -c : Conversion help
Log Parser – Sample Output Server EventID Total ------- ------ ----- HKGKABS1 528 420 HKGKABS1 529 1 HKGKABS1 538 419 HKGKABS1 539 1 HKGKABS1 576 420 HKGKABS1 578 2 HKGUATS1 528 73 HKGUATS1 538 71 HKGUATS1 576 73 HKGUATS1 578 11 …………. Statistics: ----------- Elements processed: 1130 Elements output: 10 Execution time: 0.19 seconds
From logs download to output reports (1a) • Automatic Download strTarget = ""“P:\SecurityLogs\log\t_Server1.txt""" Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set objExec = objShell.Exec("cmd.exe /C dumpel -f " & strTarget & " -s Server1 -d 1 -l security -c -format dtIucs") strPingResults = LCase(objExec.StdOut.ReadAll) ‘dumpel is an executable to download logs
DUMPEL Usage: dumpel -f file [-s \\server] [-l log [-m source]] [-e n1 n2 n3..] [-r] [-t] [-d x] -d <days> Filters for event last days (number larger than zero) -e nn Filters for event id nn (up to 10 may be specified) -f <filename> Output filename (default stdout) -l <name> Dumps the specified log (system, application, security) -b Dumps a backup file (use -l to specify file name) -m <name> Filters for events logged by name -r Filters out events logged by name (must use -m too) -s <servername> Remote to servername -t Use tab to separate strings (default is space) -c Use comma to separate fields -ns Do not output strings -format <fmt> Specify output format. Default format is dtTCISucs where t - time d - date T - event type C - event category I - event ID S - event source u - user c - computer s - strings From logs download to output reports (1b)
From logs download to output reports (2a) strTarget1 = ""“Q:\log\window\script\Daily\header.txt""" strTarget2 = ""“P:\SecurityLogs\log\" & genmonth & genday & "t_Server1.txt""" ‘Copy log files to target directory with appended header Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set objExec = objShell.Exec("cmd.exe /C copy " & strTarget1 & "+" & strTarget & " " & strTarget2) strPingResults = LCase(objExec.StdOut.ReadAll) `Invoke and run Log Parser, it outputs chart. Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set objExec = objShell.Exec("cmd.exe /C P:\SecurityLogs\Logparser.exe file:P:\SecurityLogs\EventIDDistrib_Overview.sql?sourcefile=P:\SecurityLogs\2005log\" & genmonth & genday & "t_Server1.txt+destfile=P:\SecurityLogs\BarChart\" & genmonth & genday & “Overview_Server1.gif -i:csv -o:CHART -charttype:BarClustered -categories:ON -values:ON -charttitle:Event_Logs_Overview_Report_" & genmonth & genday & “Server1 -legend:ON -groupsize:1024x700") strPingResults = LCase(objExec.StdOut.ReadAll)
From logs download to output reports (2b) ‘Output CSV file with logs breakdown Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set objExec = objShell.Exec("cmd.exe /C P:\SecurityLogs\Logparser.exe file:P:\SecurityLogs\EventIDDistrib_with_selected_event_ID.sql?sourcefile=P:\SecurityLogs\log\" & genmonth & genday & "t_Server1.txt+destfile=P:\SecurityLogs\BarChart\" & genmonth & genday & "Selected_Server1.csv -i:csv -o:csv") strPingResults = LCase(objExec.StdOut.ReadAll)
Event Logs Review Process (3) • Add the header to the beginning of the file. • Date,Time,EventID,SourceName,Dummy,Server,Description . They are used in the SQL query. • SQL Query in the EventIDDistrib_with_selected event_ID.sql: SELECT StrCat(TO_STRING(EventID),Description) as EventID_And_Source,Count(*) as Total FROM %sourcefile% To %destfile% WHERE EventID in (529; 530; 531; 532; 535; 537; 539;608; 609; 612; 613; 614; 615; 616; 617; 620; 624; 625;626; 627; 628; 629; 630; 631; 632; 633; 634; 635; 636;637; 638; 639; 640; 641; 642; 643; 644; 645; 646; 647;648; 649; 650; 651; 652; 653; 654; 655; 656; 657; 658;659; 660; 661; 662; 663; 664; 665; 666; 667; 675; 676; 677) GROUP BY EventID_And_Source
Final Log Review Report Element • Scope and Content • Which servers do we monitor? • Grand Total Figures: • It shows no. of logs for each event for every server • Group the events into different categories: • Appendix with detailed event statistics • Statistics with no breakdown. • Detailed statistics breakdown with log description • Appendix of selected critical events
Event Group Event Suspicious Finding After Following Up (Yes/No/No Occurrence) Audit Log and Policy Access/Change 517, 612 No Occurrence Account Lockout 539,644 No Failed Account Access 529-535, 537 No Account Profile Change (Normal User/Administrator) 608, 609, 624-630, 642-647 No User Role/Group Change/Addition 631-639, 641, 648-667 No Domain Policy & User Database Change 640,643 No Group the events for the management report
Windows Server Event Event ID Message Type Description Risk (H/M/L) 512 User Windows NT is starting up 513 User Windows NT is shutting down 514 User An authentication package loaded by Local Security Authority 515 User A trusted logon process registered with Local Security Authority 516 User Internal resources allocated for queuing of audit messages exhausted 517 * User Audit log cleared 518 User A notification package loaded by Security A/C Mgr 528 User Successful Logon 529 * User Logon Fail 530 * User Logon Fail-A/C logon time restriction violation 531 * User Logon Fail-A/C currently disabled 532 * User Logon Fail-specified user A/C expired 533 * User Logon Fail-User not allowed to logon at this computer 534 * User Logon Fail-user not granted requested logon type at this machine 535 * User Logon Fail-specified A/C's PWD expired Critical EventsSelection Different parties will have different risk ranking on particular event.
Challenge again… • How to justify the event is not suspicious? • How to filter out those duplicated event logs further? • We need to keep an eye on any new patch or/and updates, it may add some new event we have not captured.
Current weakness • No co-relation could be drawn. • No short-cut, all manual effort in investigation
Incidence Response or Ignorance Response? • Again, log filtering and review is not a goal, we need to response any irregularities once it is discovered. • One more mindset from CEO: “We are doing “XXXX” business, not “information security”! • If the IR is reviewed once a year due to the coming of HKMA, generally, the staff and management awareness is lacking, it is hard to go ahead, may be, people may response with ignorance.
Summary • Logs are here, but not the one you desire. • Logs are obtained but useless if you don’t know how to review. • Logs are reviewed but useless if there is no process to response. • Shorten the Fault Detection Time. However, it needs management support. • As an system architect, they may need to discuss with other architects and security officer about log facilities for better management and integration.
Resources • An unofficial Log Parser support site http://www.logparser.com/ • Log Parser Toolkit (book) http://www.syngress.com/catalog/?pid=3110 • How to generate web-based report (I have discussed with others in http://www.logparser.com) , search “How to create a customized HTML report?” in the forum. • Understanding Windows Logging • http://www.windowsecurity.com/articles/Understanding_Windows_Logging.html • Tutorial and Tools • http://www.windowsecurity.com/pages/search.asp?query=Log+Monitoring
Any questions? • Please feel free to share with me. • You could reach me at anthonylai@infosechk.org or anthonylai@owasp.org