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QUANTUM PHYSICS. WHAT IS IT? A group of scientific theories and studies that at first pretended to find an explanation for several phenomena that classical physics could not give account of. Such as: The theory of atoms
WHAT IS IT? A group of scientific theories and studies that at first pretended to find an explanation for several phenomena that classical physics could not give account of.
Such as: • The theory of atoms • The laws of mechanics Galilei and Newton postulated, which are still taught in schools
Why “quantum” physics? It is called quantum physics because these theories are based on Max Plank’s discoveries related to atoms. He found out that certain magnitudes are not continual, as classical sciences had believed for years, but discrete.
To explain this fact we could try to imagine that we want to measure the number of people who attend Language V per year. We cannot say that as an average, the number increased 2.4 people this year because people cannot be cut into pieces. So, these indivisible amounts of “something” are called quanta. In other words, a quantum is the minimum unit, smaller than a particle, or “the smallest, indivisible amount of something”.
Take into account that for example, a proton, an electron or a neutron are very tiny particles, since they are all elements that form only one atom! • Energy is one of the magnitudes measured by scientists that had always been considered continual. However, after Plank’s discovery, the concept of light, time, energy, matter, etc. changed radically.
Therefore, some physical parameters that had always been considered continual, in fact, increase per quantum. For example: Temperature Matter Speed Energy Time, etc. In the quantum world things increase by leaps, one by one! And a quantum cannot be subdivided.
Implications for our tridimensional world: • The proportion in which these forces operate in our reality is not big enough to produce considerable differences if we apply the quantum model or the classical model to explain it. • However, scientists today are using these laws to make cell phones, microwaves and laser ray machines work!
But what happens if we apply these laws to measure some parameters such as speed, matter, time or energy in macrocosm? (That is to say: the rest of the universe beyond Earth).
Through these kinds of experiments scientists have discovered that although the way in which quanta operate microscopically and macroscopically is different, results depend on the amount of energy, time, speed, etc… that we take into account to make our experiment. Therefore, a new approach to study universe emerges from these postulates.
The main scientific brains in this field : Max Plank His “Quantum theory” explains reality at a microcosmic level.
Albert Einstein His “General theory of Relativity” explains reality at a microcosmic and macrocosmic level.
Einstein’s theory postulates that: E=m.C² It means that: the amount of energy is equivalent to the amount of matter accelerated to the Speed of Light multiplied by itself. (Speed of Light: 300.000 km per second) That is to say, that if we accelerate enough any portion of matter, then we will have energy!
Therefore, we can say that : Energy is the same as matter, and matter is the same as energy. The speed of light is always constant in the whole universe. Differences in the results of experiments depend on relative factors such as time, place, matter, etc, but the speed of light is always the same.
A. A. Friedman Theory of “Space Curvature” According to its postulates, space is not lineal, but curved, and this fact has to do with the conceptions of time and light.
Heisenberg • According to his “Principle of Uncertainty”: we cannot know the position of a particle at the same time that we know its speed. • Both parameters are proportionally inverse: that is to say that the more certain we are about a particle’s position ,the less certain we are about its speed.
J. J. Thompson: • By studying electricity, he proved that electrons are particles. • Particles pass their energy from one to the other, as in a row .
George Thompson • J. J. Thompson’s son. • By studying electricity, 30 years later he discovered that electrons are waves. • Waves move in all directions, by cycles and do not spread their energy in only one direction but in many directions at the same time.
Both of them! And both of them won Nobel prizes for their discoveries. An electron is not a particle that spreads linearly or as a wave. It is an atomic particle whose energy propagates as a quanta package (in only one direction) or as a wave, according to the experiment, and therefore, can behave in different ways.
Now, considering that human beings are made up of billions and billions of particles, if you had to describe your life, what would you say?
Imagine a timeline from the moment you were born and think of your own behavior. If each possibility you could think of was a particle and you had to describe the decisions you have made so far: Would you say that you move along time as a particle or as a wave? Or both?
Some ideas to reflect upon: • Do you think that you tend to consider all the possibilities available to you? Or do you think that you tend to behave in the same way repeatedly? • How predictable is the position that you may have in your universe? • How do you know that all the possibilities you are taking into account are the only ones that exist?
So, how does science account for reality after having found out a truth that had been unknown for thousands of years?
All these discoveries are so amazing that sometimes even scientists cannot agree with each other Let’s see their explanations for these phenomena:
First explanation: • Quantum theory is a description of a reality that accounts for a more profound truth. • Implication: The physical world is not absolutely real. Today scientists ask themselves: Does the moon exist if we are not looking at it? Does a tree make any noise if it falls and there’s nobody there listening?
Second explanation: 1. It postulates that a quantum does not exist unless we observe it. What exists is a cloud of possibilities that collapses when we are observing it, but returns to the cloud after we cease to pay attention to it. • This has an enormous implication to understand that particles have “free will”. That is to say that they do not have a fixed position, although they are prone to appear in certain positions.
Could you compare yourself to a particle in the universe? Do you believe in free will or in fate?
2. It postulates that we create reality if we are observing it. So scientists ask themselves: What is reality?
Third explanation: The world is an infinite number of components and at the same time an indivisible whole. This explanation is in line with oriental conceptions of existence. Implications: Observers and observed are interrelated and affect each other during observation.
Fourth explanation: Reality consists on a great number of parallel universes Implications: All the possibilities occur at the same time but in different universes.
Fifth explanation: Universe behaves following a different logic than the one we are accustomed to. Implication: The habits and systems that we are used to are not real or logical.
Sixth explanation: Reality is made of ordinary objects with their own attributes that may or may not be observed.
Seventh explanation Consciousness creates reality. Implications: Only a conscious observer is able to create reality. Everything has to do with our degree of consciousness.
Eighth explanation Heisenberg’s dual world: Reality has two aspects: “What happens” and “What could happen”
Which one do you agree with?
What is amazing about these eight explanations is that they are all able to predict the same results for the same experiments and for every experiment. And so, nowadays all of them are considered as valid!
How do these phenomena affect us? Quantum physics has revolutionized human conception of the universe, mankind and God. However, quantum physics cannot explain yet some phenomena related to human nature.
AGEACAC In Mendoza there is a centre where some of these phenomena are studied in more detail: Asociación Gnóstica de Estudios Antropológicos y Ciencias de América Confederada
Here we study and experiment by ourselves these laws and learn to use them to take advantage of them. We have some explanations for questions that quantum scientists have not proved yet, like for example:
Why are these previous eighth explanations all valid at the same time? • Are there more laws, besides the constant of light that can be applied to all the universe? • How do these laws affect human being’s life? • What’s the meaning of life considering these new approaches?
Science Human beings need to have an absolute knowledge of reality. We need to experiment it by ourselves and give account of any universal phenomena.
Philosophy We need to know which are the implications of this knowledge in our lives and how we can profit from universal laws.
Art Human beings are able to create their own future from choosing among an infinite number of possibilities. Human beings can become artists and create new worlds at will. Gnostic researchers are also interested in finding about human nature in literature, plastic, music, etc.
Mystic Gnostic researchers try to give account of some phenomena that official science cannot explain yet, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, intuition, etc.
Some discoveries that transcend quantum physics: • Regarding antimatter and black holes • Regarding the seven dimensions of the universe (official science is only able to explain phenomena in the tridimensional world) • Regarding the curvature of time • Regarding the origin of universe
Regarding the particles’ real behavior and its causes • Regarding eternity: For official science, eternity means a straight line that continues endlessly. However, it seems that the dimension in which this solemn state is comprised has nothing to do with the classical conception of time.
Regarding the entrance to the fourth dimension: Official scientists have already been able to penetrate the fourth dimension, because they have made an atom disappear but they do not know where this atom went. (That is why they’re building a giant particle accelerator, known as “god’s machine”, to try to immaterialize bigger portions of matter)