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Instructional Technology Exhibit

Instructional Technology Exhibit. Stephen Rao Shannon Harris Michael Galeone. “Frameworks of Educational Technology” British Journal of Educational Technology Vol 39 No 2 2008. “21 Century Classrooms: Changing Scenerio ” Learning Community Volume One, June 2010. Technology.

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Instructional Technology Exhibit

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Instructional TechnologyExhibit Stephen Rao Shannon Harris Michael Galeone

  2. “Frameworks of Educational Technology”British Journal of Educational TechnologyVol 39 No 2 2008

  3. “21 Century Classrooms: Changing Scenerio”Learning Community Volume One, June 2010 Technology Chalk and Talk Lecturer Facilitator Student Centered Teacher Centered

  4. A Trip to the Past and and Future of Educational Computing: Understanding it Evolution; “Contemporary Educational Tehcnology”, 2011Article classifies educational computing into three main periods.

  5. Pioneers

  6. Learning Theorists

  7. Websites: http://people.lis.illinois.edu/~chip/projects/timeline.shtml

  8. Websites: http://www.instructionaldesigncentral.com/htm/IDC_instructionaltechnologytimeline.htm

  9. Website: http://www.nwlink.com/~donclark/history_isd/addie.html

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