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Age of the Christian Roman Empire III. Augustine, East V. West, and the Rise of Papal Theology. Eusebius Pamphili Eusebius of C æsarea c. 260-340. The Father of Church History Friend of Constantine Extreme Moderate Proposed compromise in Council of Nic æa A Historian but not a theologian
Age of the Christian Roman Empire III Augustine, East V. West, and the Rise of Papal Theology
Eusebius PamphiliEusebius of Cæsarea c. 260-340 • The Father of Church History • Friend of Constantine • Extreme Moderate • Proposed compromise in Council of Nicæa • A Historian but not a theologian • Bishop of Cæsarea, who could have been bishop of Antioch, but refused preferring a quieter life
Sophronius Eusebius Hieronymus St. Jerome 340-420 • Scholar, Monk and Theologian • An ascetic who punished himself with grammar • Promoted/Inspired Scholastic Monasticism • Had a vision declaring him a Ciceronian, resulting in his giving up of the Classics • Traveled often between the E. and W. Empire • Ordained as a presbyter in the church but lived too itinerant of a life to be a pastor
St. Jerome 340-420 • Led a Monastery in Bethlehem where he spent many years studying and translating • Inspired a group of women to become severe ascetics including one of his patrons St. Paula • Passionate even to an overzealous degree • Wrote Prolifically, but his life’s work and greatest achievement was the Latin Vulgate translation of the bible • The Vulgate became the standard for the bible for the next 1100+ years
St. Paula • Was a 36 year old widowed mother of 5 when she met Jerome and was inspired to deepen her ascetic life • Lived an extremely ascetic and holy life • Learned Hebrew in order to be able to properly sing the Psalter with Jerome • Traveled to Bethlehem with her daughter Eustochia and founded the female counterpart to Jerome’s monastery in Bethlehem • Died in 404 leaving her daughter with all of her debts gained by many acts of charitable giving
Ambrose 340-397 • Through a miracle became bishop of Milan • Sold his riches and gave to the poor • Emphasized that the Emperor is in the church not over it. • Denied Theodosius communion until he repented for the massacre in Thessalonica • Played a large part in the conversion of Augustine • Died praying, with accompanying signs and miracles that occurred after his death
Aurelius AugustinusSt. Augustine 354-430 • Born to a Pagan father and a Christian Mother • Became a Manichee for ~10 years • Saved Later in life • Preeminent Scholar and Theologian • Post conversion gave up career as Rhetorician/government official
St. Augustine 354-430 • An active apologist and theologian • Lived simply with monastic tendencies • Appointed against his will as Bishop of Hippo • Wrote many works • Confessions, City of God, Retractions, The Letters, Questions and Responses, Many various Religious-Apologetic-Polemic works • Died 430 AD during the Vandal Siege of Hippo
East v. West The rise of the Papacy
Papacy in the East • Oligarchic • 5 co-equal bishops • Rome • Constantinople • Jerusalem • Antioch • Alexandria
Papacy in the East • Greek mindset in theology, open to the new, lacking in stability • Lacking in a consistent and well made translation of the scriptures • Constant shifts in Theology • Prone to Heresy • Post 622 disrupted by Mohammedean Conquests
Papacy in the West • Autocratic • Authoritarian and very very Roman • One Bishop over all, THE Pope, just as one Emperor over all the people • Primacy of Rome as descendant from Peter • (though descent from Peter and equality with Paul are all debated issues)
Papacy in the West • Imperialistic Theology • Absolute Monarchy desired • Little to no shifts in Theology • Rigid Orthodoxy • Jerome’s Vulgate provided a stable and fairly accurate source for scripture • Post barbarian conversion was relatively free from political strife
Rise of the Papacy • Rome was always honored • Rome kept interfering • ‘Cause they said so • Gained political influence over the Emperor -> greater influence over the people • ‘Cause they said so
Pope Leo I 440-461 • Leo The Great • Powerful Theologian • Firmly believed he was the successor of Peter, and Peter was the ruler of the Church • Peter died in Rome therefore his spiritual power remained with Rome • Emphatically spoke of his authority
Pope Leo I 440-461 • Not with the Pope = not part of the church = not part of Christianity = not saved • The concept of the all powerful Pope was not immediately or universally accepted • Obtained an edict from Western emperor Valentinian III, saying papal decrees have the force of Law, and all bishops should obey them • Left 96 Sermons and 173 Epistles, the first large collection of works left to us by a Roman Bishop
Pope Leo I 440-461 • Saved Rome from being destroyed twice • 452 AD from Attila the Hun • 455 AD Vandal King Genseric pillaged for 14 days, but didn’t burn and murder