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Welcome Back to School. Mrs. Huth 7 th Grade ELA. Seating Chart. You should have received a colored pocket that is labeled with a number. Find the matching card on the desks and take a seat in that desk. This is your seat unless otherwise decided by me
Welcome Back to School Mrs. Huth 7th Grade ELA
Seating Chart • You should have received a colored pocket that is labeled with a number. • Find the matching card on the desks and take a seat in that desk. • This is your seat unless otherwise decided by me • Finally, wait for further instructions.
Who is Mrs. Huth This is my little family!!! This is my big family!!!
More About Mrs. Huth… • I love reading and writing, singing, playing guitar and piano, spending time with my family, scrapbooking, and sleeping. • I graduated from high school and got married in the same year…went to college and worked three jobs…and now the course of fate has brought me to the world of educating fine young students such as yourself. • I also teach one night a week at Palo Alto College
What will I be doing this year? • Reading • Writing • Researching • Creating • Communicating
Expectations • I expect you to come to class on time and prepared to learn. • I expect you to respect others, yourself, and the teacher • I expect you to not give up on yourself, the teacher, or the content. • I expect you to take responsibility for only yourself • I expect you to follow all rules and policies set forth in the Student Handbook
Policies and Procedures • There are a number of procedures in my class and some will be learned as we get to those specific activities or situations. • However, I want to go over a few procedures and policies so that you are prepared to start the year off successfully.
What to do the minute you cross the threshold… • As you walk in the door, please grab any materials that are listed on the Agenda board. • Sit in your assigned seat • Begin your warm-up. You will have the first 5-10 minutes of class to complete this bell work independently and quietly. • There may be times you will be asked to share your bell work with the whole class or with a partner.
Warm-Up Schedule • Mystery Monday (On Mondays, the bell work will be a mystery. It may be an Everyday Edit, a writing prompt, reading appetizer, independent reading, etc.) • R.T. (Reading Tuesdays) (On Tuesdays, students will complete a reading appetizer in which they will read a short text, either given by me or in their IR books, and respond using the skills learned in class) • Wordy Wedenesdays(On Wednesdays students will be doing a word study of either academic or everyday vocabulary words) • Thinking Thursdays (On Thursdays students will be complete a writing appetizer that requires a deep level of thought) • Freewrite Fridays (On Fridays students will be writing a 10 line freewrite on the topic of their choosing or complete a free activity from the Friday Menu)
Agenda Board • The Agenda Board is very important as it explains • what materials you need • what the objective of the day’s lesson will be • the activities/lessons that will be implemented • any notes that pertain to you. • It is your responsibility to check the Agenda Board as you walk into class in order to ensure the best practice in following procedures.
How we are learning? • This board will give you an idea about how we will be learning today. (Groups, stations, independent, etc.) • This area also gives you a red or green sign that will indicate whether or not technological devices will be used that day. • If it is red…put them away!!! • If it is green then wait for direction on how to use your devices!!
Tardies and Absences • If you are tardy for any reason, you will need to go to the office to get a tardy slip. No exceptions!!! • When you are absent, you need to get the work that is in the folder for the day you missed. • This is your responsibility!!! • All absent work is due three days after you were absent. • I will be happy to provide tutoring or help when needed on absent work.
Grades • Grades are based on the scale presented in the student handbook. • Grades are not given to you…you earn them!! • I believe in second chances when it comes to grades; however, when you redo an assignment, it must be within two days of receiving the grade.
Discipline System First Infraction: Verbal Warning Second Infraction: Orange Off-task slips given Third Infraction: Ticket or referral depending on the offense • When you are off-task or misbehaving in class you will be given an off-task slip. • This orange slip will tell you • what the infraction was (i.e. talking, texting) • the date • what I am asking you to do to correct the behavior • It will also ask for your signature • I will hand you this slip and you will be responsible for signing it and returning it to me. • Even if you do not want to sign the slip, it will still go towards your ticket process and possibly result in a conversation with parentsand/or administrator. Disclaimer: The teacher reserves the right to skip automatically to an office referral pending the level of severity with the behavior.
Pink Slips • When an assignment is not turned in on-time, the teacher will give the student a pink slip which will indicate • the name of the assignment • the date it was assigned/due • the reasons that the student gives for the missing assignment. • This pink slip will be signed and turned back into the teacher. • From there the teacher and student will have a conversation about whether the assignment can still be turned in for partial credit. • You will be assigned Homework Hall during lunch with Mrs. Bryan when an assignment is not turned in on time!!
Classroom Respect • You have the unique opportunity of being taught by someone who has what is called Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. • What this means is that I prefer to have everything labeled, organized, alphabetical, etc. • Now, I realize that things can not be in perfect order 100% of the time especially when we are working so hard on an activity. • However, the expectations that I have regarding classroom materials is that everything should be put back in the place it came from in an organized fashion.
What do I do Next? • When you are finished with the activities/assignments for the day, you may do one of the following: • Read Independently • Write Creatively • Complete any missing work or homework • See if you can assist other classmates when appropriate.
Turning in Work/Graded Work • Please place all completed work in your class turn-in bin. • When the work will continue on to the next day, please place it in your notebook in the class crate. • There will be periodical notebook checks so your notebooks should be kept neat and organized.
Classroom Discussions • In my class expect to have daily conversations about what we are reading and how it relates to us as individuals or what we are writing and how it relates to our specific circumstances. • During these conversations, I expect : • everyone to participate in the talking and listening aspects • you to respect others’ opinions and stories and to help others to feel safe within this classroom • you to stay on task in order to gain the most out of our conversations.
Dismissal • Plain and Simple…you are dismissed by me…not the bell!!! • Please stay in your seats until you are dismissed from class. • It is not over until the “red-head lady sings!!!”
Other Procedures to come…. • Library/Media Center • Progress Reports • Reader’s/Writer’s Notebooks • Warm-Ups • Working Cooperatively • Emergency Drills • Intercom Announcements • Assemblies • Substitute Teacher
What to expect from me: • I will be respectful of who you are as a person, your individual experiences, and your belongings. • I will treat you fairly and show equity in the lessons, activities, and conversations. • I will do everything I can to help you succeed in class and in life. • I will be prepared and passionate in my teaching strategies. • I will never give up on you!!
Inspirational Quote “When the world says ‘Give Up,’ hope whispers, ‘try it one more time.’ ”