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Understanding Political Geography: Nations and States

Explore the political organization of space with an emphasis on territories, sovereignty, and multinational states. Learn about stateless nations, nation-states like Israel and Pakistan, and the complex relationships between states and nations.

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Understanding Political Geography: Nations and States

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  1. Unit IV: Political Organization of Space Mrs. Vazquez

  2. Political Geography • organization & distribution of political phenomena

  3. Territory • effort to control land • world divided by borders • countries (or “states”)

  4. Sovereignty • From your textbook define

  5. I. States 1. independent political unit 2. w/ defined territory 3. must be recognized by others

  6. World States • 195 recognized by UN

  7. What happened to state size?

  8. Issues defining states • some territories not recognized: • Taiwan • Tibet

  9. II. Nations • A cultural unit bound by sense of shared beliefs/customs

  10. Remember garreau 9 nations quiz??? For example— Native Americans who never gave up their land to white settlers — are mainly in the harshly Arctic north of Canada and Alaska. They have sovereignty over their lands, but their population is only around 300,000.

  11. “Stateless Nations” • Nations without a country • Palestinians • Kurds • Basques

  12. Multinational State A State with more than one nation. State that contains two or more ethnic groups with traditions of self-determination that agree to coexist peacefully by recognizing each other as distinct nationalities. The Former Yugoslavia

  13. A multinational state is defined as a state which contains several different ethnic groups yet their members identify themselves with the state, irrespective of which ethnic group they come from. Bosnia is classed as an multinational state, yet the ethnic groups of Bosnia often associate with other identities than Bosnian. This is primarily down to the geopolitical locations of several provinces within Bosnia: Republika Srpska and Herzegovina. Republika Srpska has a large Serb population and Herzegovina has a large Croat population. Bosnia and Herzegovina

  14. Africa: Most countries in Sub-Saharan Africa are former colonies and as such not drawn along national lines, making them truly multinational states. Thus, the largest nation in Nigeria is formed by the Hausa-Fulani, with 29% of the population; similarly, the largest nation in Kenya are the Kikuyu with 22% of the population.

  15. Multinational State • The United Kingdom is an exceptional example of a nation state, due to its "countries within a country" status. The United Kingdom which is formed by the union of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, is a unitary state formed initially by the merger of two independent kingdoms, the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Scotland, but the Treaty of Union (1707) that set out the agreed terms has ensured the continuation of distinct features of each state, including separate legal systems and separate national churches.

  16. The Nation-State • a nation & a State (country w/ homogenous culture) • A state whose territory corresponds to that occupied by a particular ethnicity that has been transformed into a nationality • about 20 countries Exs: Iceland, Portugal, Poland, Japan, Albania, Belarus, Sweden, Italy, Israel, Iran

  17. Nation State-Israel • Israel's definition of a nation state differs from other countries as its concept of a nation state is based on the Ethnoreligious group (Judaism) rather than solely on ethnicity, while the ancient mother language of the Jews, Hebrew, was revived as a unifying bond between them as a national and official language. • Israel was founded as a Jewish state in 1948, and the country's Basic Laws describe it as both a Jewish and a democratic state. According to the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics, 75.7% of Israel's population is Jewish.[26] Large numbers of Jews continue to emigrate to Israel. Arabs, who make up 20.4% of the population, are the largest ethnic minority in Israel. Israel also has very small communities of Armenians, Circassians, Assyrians, Samaritans, and persons of some Jewish heritage. There are also some non-Jewish spouses of Israeli Jews. However, these communities are very small, and usually number only in the hundreds or thousands.

  18. Pakistan-Nation State • Pakistan, even being an ethnically diverse country and officially a federation, is regarded as a nation state due to its ideological basis on which it got independence from British India as a separate nation rather than as a unified India. Different ethnic groups in Pakistan are strongly bonded by their common Muslim identity, common cultural and social values, common historical heritage, a national Lingua franca (Urdu) and joint political, strategic and economic interests

  19. Part nation State • when a nation overlaps the boundaries of multiple States/you have multiple nations states the same nation (Arabia) • Arabs in North Africa

  20. Types of Relationships Between “states” & “nations” d. Stateless nation a. nation-State b. multi-national State (Cyprus) c. part-nation State (Arab)

  21. Spatial Characteristics of States • Smallest: • Vatican City City-states: • Singapore, Monaco, San Marino Microstates: Andorra, The Vatican • Largest: Russia

  22. 5 basic shapes: • Compact (Uruguay, Zimbabwe, Poland) • Prorupt (extension out; Thailand) • Elongated (Chile) • Fragmented (difficult to defend; Philippines, Indonesia) • Perforated (country that surrounds another; South Africa

  23. B E A D C

  24. Relative Location • size and shape matter! • absolute & relative location matter! Ex: Singapore, Switzerland • Landlocked countries usually at disadvantage • Bolivia

  25. They can be grouped in contiguous groups as follows :Central Asian cluster (6): Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan European cluster (9): Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Kosovo (partially recognized), Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Serbia, Slovakia and Switzerland Central and East African cluster (10): Burkina Faso, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Mali, Niger, Rwanda, Uganda, Ethiopia, South Sudan South African cluster (4): Botswana, Malawi, Zambia, ZimbabweCaucasian cluster (3): Armenia, Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh (unrecognized) South American cluster (2): Bolivia, Paraguay

  26. Boundary Types 1. Physical: mountains, rivers, lakes 2. Geometric: lines of latitude/longitude

  27. 3. Cultural: separated by language/religion • India & Pakistan

  28. Boundary Origins 1. Antecedent: border before populated boundary that was created before the present day cultural landscape developedEx: U.S. 2. Subsequent: border drawn after 2 types: • Consequent (Ireland & N. Ireland) • Superimposed (British India)

  29. Consequent • Ireland & N. Ireland

  30. 3. Relict/relic Boundary: historical boundary, no longer valid. Great wall of China, Berlin Wall

  31. U.N. Convention of the Law of the Sea • Territorial waters: 12 NM out • Exclusive Economic Zone: 200 NM (fish, mineral resources) a sea zone over which a state has special rights over the exploration and use of marine resources stretching 200 nautical miles from the coast. The country that controls the EEZ has rights to the fishing, whaling, etc., as well as the raw material resources. -Median-line principle: in situations where there is less than 400 nautical miles

  32. Types of Boundary Disputes 1. Positional: over border 2. Functional: over policies (immigration) • Resource (oil) • Territorial - irredentism

  33. Capital Cities: • usually centralized (“core” area) Primate City:dominates economic activity • some capitals relocated: • Forward Thrust Capital (Abuja, Brazilia, Canberra, Islamabad)

  34. Nigeria - Abuja

  35. Nigeria - Abuja

  36. Geopolitics Ratzel’sOrganic Theory: countries are living organisms MackinderHeartland Theory: land-based power (pivot area Europe) Spykman Rimland Theory: naval power

  37. Forms of Government Unitary: centralized gov’t (strong capital) Federal: gov’t organized by territories

  38. Nigeria’s Federal Government: Allows states within the state to determine whether to have Shari’a Laws

  39. Centripetal Forces • promote cohesion • nationalism • unify • better transportation/communication

  40. Centrifugal Forces • challenges to the state • ethno-nationalism • devolution (autonomous regional gov’t); regionalism • inequality

  41. Ethnocultural Devolutionary Movements Eastern Europe devolutionary forces since the fall of communism

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