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Earth -Moon Scale and Orbit

Dive into the scale, orbit, and characteristics of Earth's Moon with this resource prepared by the Lunar and Planetary Institute. Discover fascinating facts, visual aids, and essential information for educational workshops. Explore the Moon's size, relative distance from Earth, and orbit dynamics. Uncover details about the Moon's rotation, gravity, and unique features like the near and far sides. Enhance your teaching with engaging content about Earth's captivating satellite.

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Earth -Moon Scale and Orbit

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  1. Earth -Moon Scale and Orbit By the Lunar and Planetary Institute For use in teacher workshops http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/multimedia/gallery/Earth_Moon.jpg

  2. Earth’s Moon What’s the Moon like? What do people see when they look at the Moon? http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA00094

  3. http://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/mapcatalog/LandingSite/index.htmlhttp://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/mapcatalog/LandingSite/index.html

  4. How Big is the Moon? http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/multimedia/display.cfm?IM_ID=1757

  5. Moon Size ~ 1/4 width of Earth Radius of 1080 miles Gravity ~1/6 of Earth’s http://grin.hq.nasa.gov/IMAGES/SMALL/GPN-2000-001444.jpg

  6. Relative Size and Distance of Earth and Moon? http://nix.ksc.nasa.gov/info;jsessionid=gfuzp418gewa?id=C-1979-00910&orgid=2

  7. Earth and Moon to Scale If Earth were a basketball, then the Moon would be a tennis ball, 23.5 feet away http://visibleearth.nasa.gov/view_rec.php?id=1624

  8. Moon Stats No light of its own!!

  9. Moon Rotation Spins on axis (rotates) once every 27.3 days Tilted ~1.5 degrees (Earth = 23.5)

  10. Moon’s Orbit Orbits (revolves around) Earth every 27.3 days Elliptical orbit (not a perfect circle) • 360,000 km 406,000 km • 224,000 miles 252,000 miles http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/multimedia/display.cfm?IM_ID=442

  11. The Moon rotates in 27.3 days. The Moon orbits Earth in 27.3 days. Because the Moon rotates and revolves at the same rate, we only see one side The Near Side The NEAR side There is NO DARK SIDE There is a FAR side….

  12. And the Backside! The FAR side http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA00304

  13. Moon Stats Moon’s orbit around Earth is inclined about 5 degrees to Earth’s plane of orbit around the Sun Ecliptic plane Moon’s orbital plane Moon Earth Sun Image created by LPI staff

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