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Diaphragm. Dr. Hassan Shaibah. Diaphragm Function:. Primary muscle of respiration Increase vertical diameter of thoracic cavity Increases abdominal pressure )Urinations, defecations & Parturition “Childbirth”) Weight lifting Thoracoabdominal pump ( blood & lymph back to the heart).

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Diaphragm Dr. Hassan Shaibah

  2. Diaphragm Function: Primary muscle of respiration Increase vertical diameter of thoracic cavity Increases abdominal pressure )Urinations, defecations & Parturition “Childbirth”) Weight lifting Thoracoabdominal pump ( blood & lymph back to the heart)

  3. Diaphragm features: has: 1)Muscular part • 2)central tendon part (support heart)

  4. Diaphragm Separate thorax abdomen

  5. Level may vary according to: • respiration • Setting vs. standing • distention of abdominal viscera)

  6. J From side shape like inverted J

  7. Dome shaped muscle

  8. Right dome higher than left

  9. Has 3 origin: 2) Costal part lower 6 rips 3)Vertebral part 2 crura and ligaments 1)Sternal part “post. Xiphiodprocess”

  10. Insertion central tendon part

  11. 1 2 3 Left crus 1st 2 lumbar Right crus 1st 3 lumbar

  12. Has 3 ligaments 1)Median arcuate ligament ( 2 curua connected) Cross over Aorta

  13. 1 2 2) Medial arcuate ligament L2 to TP of L1

  14. 1 2 3)Lateral arcuate ligament L1 to TP 12th rib

  15. 3 main Openings: Caval Esophageal Aortic

  16. Location of the 3 main Openings I Ate (8) 10 Eggs At Midnight (12)

  17. Structures passing through the openings Aortic T12 Aorta , thoracic duct & Azygos vein Sympathetic trucks pass posterior to Medial arcuate ligament Superior epigastric vessels between sternal and costal part

  18. Caval opening IVC & branch from RT phrenic n

  19. Esophageal opening • Esophagus • Vagus • esophageal branch from left gastric vessels

  20. Aortic opening • Aorta • thoracic duct • SomtimeAzygos vein

  21. Nerve supply Motor phrenic nerve (C3-5) Sensory : 1)Central part by phrenic n. 2)Peripheral part lower 6 intercostal nerves

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