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Pollution After Japan Tsunami

Pollution After Japan Tsunami. Types of pollution caused by the Japan’s Tsunami: Water pollution Soil Contaminants and physical contaminants; Oil spills; Nuclear pollution . Water Pollution.

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Pollution After Japan Tsunami

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  1. Pollution After Japan Tsunami

  2. Types of pollution caused by the Japan’s Tsunami: • Water pollution • Soil Contaminants and physical contaminants; • Oil spills; • Nuclear pollution

  3. Water Pollution • A worldwide contamination (developed countries) of the ocean water are due to land runoff, bringing contaminants into the water, such as chemical fertilizers, detergents, sewage, herbicides, etc.

  4. Water Pollution • Nitrogen-rich fertilizers increase algae when flowed into the ocean. This latter robs the oxygen from the water causing no marine life possible. • Everything comes back into the food chain, where we end up consuming ourselves.

  5. Water Pollution • Other common pollutants would be solid wastes such as plastic bags, and other solid items dumped in to the oceans where aquatic animals mistake them as food.

  6. Water Pollution • Oil spills (in this case) is due to immersion and damages of cars and boats. • Possible of light oil and heavy oil spills: • Light oil: highly flammable, highly toxic, evaporates quickly • Heavy oil: less toxic, but high life span over water. Hardens on shore coasts, can suffocate aquatic life in water

  7. Video • This video showing the water washing everything away, but also how people were trying to reach to higher grounds • http://www.youtube.com/user/RussiaToday#p/u/60/vC0OFT8WWHk

  8. Explanation of the nuclear byproduct • Iodine 129 and Iodine 131 • Thyroid constantly absorbs iodine • Cannot tell apart from radioactive and nonradiactive iodine • Prevention: • Raise concentration of stable iodine in blood • Iodized table salt is useful to maintain health, but strong but NOT anti-radiation! • Excess or too little is not good for health: • Thyroid disease

  9. Explanation of nuclear byproducts • Cesium 137 • Increase risk of cancer • Higher concentration in muscles than in bone and fat • Decay time: 30.17 years • Prevention: • Cesium in environment cannot be avoided • Remains short time in body and eliminated through urine.

  10. Nuclear Pollution • Contamination of the air: • Forced up to higher atmosphere, particles would be carried around by the jet stream • Contamination of the ecosystems: • Iodine -131 (through milk, accumulated in thyroid) • Farm in Hitachi, 27 times higher than acceptable • Dairy farm in Iitate, 18 times higher than acceptable

  11. Nuclear Pollution • Cesium 137 (damage cells, increase risk of cancer) • 4 times higher than normal • Human contamination: • Over exposure to radioactive environment • Human body a walking contamination

  12. References • http://www.greenlivingtips.com/blogs/164/Effects-of-oil-spills.html • http://www.ehow.com/about_5434352_oil-spills-affect-ocean.html

  13. References • http://www.ehow.com/facts_5933006_do-oil-spills-affect-animals_.html • Soil pollutants: http://ocean.nationalgeographic.com/ocean/critical-issues-marine-pollution/ • Nuclear contamination: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/21/world/asia/21japan.html?_r=1&pagewanted=2

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