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Hormones. Martina Tycová, Tereza Mlatečková. What are hormones?. from Greek word „horman“ = drive activity organic substances biocatalyzer are secreted by plants and animals carry out communication between organs, tissues and cells are first messenger. carry out - uskutečnit.
Hormones Martina Tycová, Tereza Mlatečková
What are hormones? • from Greek word „horman“ = drive activity • organic substances • biocatalyzer • are secreted by plants and animals • carry out communication between organs, tissues and cells • are first messenger carry out - uskutečnit
Hormones create endocrine gland. gland – žláza create - tvořit
Pituitary • a major edocrine gland in vertebrates • consists of two parts: anterior pituitary (adenohypophysis) posterior pituitary (neurohypophysis) • the anterior pituitary is called the „master gland“, because it secretes several hormones → affects the other endocrine glands • products hormon somatotropin = growth hormon vasopresin = has effect bloodpressure oxytocin = causes the uterus to contract during birth anterior – přední posterior - zadní
Thyroid gland • main hormons of thyroid contain 3-4 atoms of iodine in molecule • 90% iodine in body go through thyroid gland • hormons of thyroid influence proteosynthesis • thyroxin regulates the rate of metabolism • trijodthyronin (T3)+thyrosin = stimulate synthesis mRNR and proteins, support differentiation of cells • calcitonin – declines concentration of calcium in a blood In parathyroid is one important hormon parathormon, which operates metabolism of calcium and phosphate. His deficiency provoke convulsions. Total deficiency implicate death. decline – snižovat provoke – vyvolávat convulsions – křeče implicate - způsobovat
Adrenals Hormons from the adrenal cortex regulate glucose and a metabolism. • are important in helping an individual cope with stress • adrenalin – seperate out into the blood at stress → implicate increasing concentration of glucose • noradrenalin – increase blood preassure
Pancreas • Synthesises 2 important peptid hormons – insulin and glucagon Insulin • supports production and storing of lipids and carbohydrates, increases synthesis of protein, makes possible entry glucose to tissues, absence of insulin implicate disease diabetes Glukagon • Supports degradation of store substances, has an oppossite effect than insulin Storing -zásobní
Sex hormons • Secrete steroids hormons Female • Estrogens – support growth of sexual organs, evolution of secondary sexual signs, implicate excluding sodium and water in our body, decrease level of cholesterol in blood • Progesterons – prepare sexual organs for gravidity Male • Testosterons - support growth of sexual organs, evolution of secondary sexual signs, are necessary for ageing sperm Secrete – vylučovat excluding - zadržovat Evolution – vývoj ageing - zrání