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Embracing God’s economy. Leigh Metcalf. 1. Don’t apologize when you preach God’s word on Giving! Luke 16:9-15 The word mammon is used three times by Jesus in Luke. If we don’t teach Gods people about money who will? If we don’t teach our people how to handle money who will.
Embracing God’s economy • Leigh Metcalf
1. Don’t apologize when you preach God’s word on Giving! • Luke 16:9-15 The word mammon is used three times by Jesus in Luke. • If we don’t teach Gods people about money who will? • If we don’t teach our people how to handle money who will. • You get what you preach.
Mammon is not money but a spirit that rests on money. • We redeem our money by giving the first portion to God. • Joshua Chapter 6&7 Cursed or Consecrated. • A curse is a consequence of disobedience.
A curse is a consequence of disobedience. • Mammon talks! • Mammon promises identity, security, significance, peace, joy, if you had more money you would be happy, more money you would have a better marriage, people would listen?
Jesus never told anyone that the answer to there problems is they need more money! • The spirit of antichrist is the spirit of mammon.
2. Don’t apologize for preaching Gods word on tithing. • The righteousness of grace always exceeds the righteousness of the law! • Jesus said you have heard it said thou shall not kill. John 1 “I say to you don’t even be angry at your brother”
“You have heard it said don’t commit adultery, but I say to you don’t even look at a woman” • Tithing was around way before the law. • The Garden of Eden.
God said you can have all the trees except one that belongs to me. • He says about money you can have all the money you make except the first ten percent. • The Garden of Eden.
Tithing is about your heart, its about first fruits, and the firstborn. • Ex 23:19 “Bring the first of the firstfruits of your land.” • The Garden of Eden.
Prov 3:9-10 “Honor the Lord with your possessions with the firstfruits” • Ex 13:1-13 “ When your animal has a firstborn you give it to me, you sacrifice it to me, If it’s a clean animal you sacrifice it if its unclean you redeem it with the sacrifice of a clean animal. This is talking about tithing. It takes faith to give the first one. • The Garden of Eden.
He didn’t say when your animal has ten give me one. He said give me the first one when you only have one and only the promise of more. • He was the firstborn and the Firstfruit. • The Garden of Eden.
Were you born clean or unclean? • OT principal the clean had to be sacrificed the unclean had to be redeemed with the sacrifice of a clean. • The Garden of Eden.
Were you born clean or unclean? • The clean had to be sacrificed to redeem the unclean. • Jesus is Gods tithe! • He is Gods firstfruits. He is Gods firstborn!
God gave Jesus in faith that you would believe. • While were yet sinners Christ died for us! • Tithing is all about giving in faith. Giving the first portion to God. • God is always first.
Tithing is about giving the first to God First born and firstfruits. • Why did God accept Ables offerings and not Cains? (before the law)
The reason is Able gave of the first born, Cain did not give of the firstfruits. • Gen 4:3-5 “And in the process of time it came to pass that Cain brought an offering of the fruit of the ground to the Lord. (notice it never said firstfruit) Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and the Lord respected Abel and his offerings. But he did not respect Cain andhis offering.”
God says when you give the first portion to me it redeems the rest. It breaks the spirit of mammon. • He gave us the law for two reasons • 1. To show us His righteous standard • 2. To frustrate us to come to Christ
Jesus not only died for you but He lived for you! • Its about your heart every time you get paid the first check that goes out is who you honor with your money.
3. Don’t apologize for preaching Gods word about giving. • Giving is different than tithing. Tithing is not giving tithing is returning. The bible doesn’t use the word give when it talks about tithing it uses the word bring. WHY? • You cant give something that doesn’t belong to you.
You cant designate your tithe either because its not yours. • Mt 25 The parable of the good steward. • God said you’re a wicked and lazy servant because you only gave me what is already mine. • Tithing is the training wheels of giving you get your people tithing and it removes the curse and brings the blessing on them so they can be givers.
Matthew 7:1 • Luke 6:37-38 • Jesus is the subject of the Bible the main theme and focus. • Giving is the action!
God so loved the world He gave! • You’re here today because He gave. • Jesus gave His life for you. • You’re here today because you gave your life to Jesus. • Exodus 13