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Welcome to 5th grade! Discover new curriculum highlights, upcoming events, and learning goals in Math, Science, Reading, and Writing for September. Stay informed on teacher updates and important dates.
September 2019 “IN THE NEWS” WITH 5th GRADE ESS 5TH GRADE NEWSLETTER • Homework Reminders : • Read each night for 20 minutes • Practice math skills • Come to class prepared with pencils, notebooks etc… Welcome to a fabulous start to the 5th grade! We are so excited to introduce your students to a new curriculum, and help prepare them for their next venture… middle school! But hold on, we’re quite a bit away from that so we’ll be focusing on day-to-day procedures, expectations and ways to be successful in fifth grade for now. Included in this newsletter is information regarding the learning goals by Measurement Topics for Math, Reading and Writing. We have also included the new skills for Science and how the thinking and academic success skills are incorporated for the first quarter. Calendar Date Reminders: 9/12 Back to School Night6:30-8 pm 9/30 No school 9/26 Doughnuts with Grownups 10/2 Walk to school day 10/4 Early release day/ GT Town Hall Mtg. and PTA Meeting 10/9 No School 10/14 Open House 10/25International Night In this Issue: Mrs. Bess’ Math News Ms. Eggleston’s Science & Social Studies Updates Ms. Teymurian’s Read All About it! Things to Know… Please Remember to sign up for parent conferences. They will be held starting November 9th . Contact your child’s homeroom teacher to confirm a time… Contact us at: 240-740-0620 carol_d_eggleston@mcpsmd.org altagracia_novaton-bess@mcpsmd.org leleh_teymurian@mcpsmd.org Happy Birthday to our August and September “Pandas”!
Mathematics with Mrs. Bess During the month of September, students in Mathematics 5 will apply foundational understandings of properties of operations and the base-ten system to multiply multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm and measure the volume of a rectangular prisms. They will also learn to identify, write, evaluate, and interpret numerical expressions. Students use parentheses to formulate expressions, including expressions that represent applications of the associative and distributive properties. Instruction for students in Mathematics 5/6 focuses on multiplication with fractions. The learning progression is designed to develop critical understandings about multiplying fractions rather than simply addressing the algorithm for the computation. While computing these products may seem simple, it is critical to first build a strong foundation of the meaning of multiplication with fractions. In preparation for work with ratios and proportional reasoning, students apply understandings about multiplication to compare the size of a product to the size of one factor based on the size of the other factor, without calculating. The special case of multiplying by 1 is related to fraction equivalence. Developing understanding of multiplication as resizing is an opportunity for students to reason abstractly and make generalizations. Homework will be handed out on a daily basis. Please look for graded work to come home weekly. Let’s have a “Mathemagical” year!
Reading with Ms. Teymurian In September, students read and analyze adventure stories. Students will be able to demonstrate flexibility as they adapt ideas, questions and strategies during the reading process. We will begin the marking period examining the characteristics of adventure stories and describing the impact of a narrator’s point of view. Students will be able to accurately quote text when drawing inferences and use details to determine the theme of a story. Students focus on reading traditional stories, specifically tall tales and legends. Students will examine the characteristics of tall tales and the use of figurative language, specifically hyperbole, to recount the story. Key details are then synthesized to determine theme. Students analyze elements of plot, with emphasis on the exposition, rising action, climax, and falling action, and look at how the narrator’s point of view influences events. The majority of reading instruction is provided during small-group instruction. Guided reading provides an opportunity for students to develop skills and strategies while reading instructional level text. Sample learning tasks may be used or modified for small group instruction.
Science and Social Studies with Ms. Eggleston SCIENCE /NGSS For Unit 1, We are very excited to delve into our study that includes Matter and its Interactions, and Energy, Waves. Our continuing study of the Earth’s place in the universe and Life Sciences unit which includes Ecosystems, Heredity and Biological evolution will be taught in quarters 3 & 4. We will continue learning about the Engineering Design and Process and incorporating S.T.E.M. activities throughout the year. In Social Studies Unit 1… we will be discussing the concept of “conflict vs. compromise”. We will be re-visiting the formation of the 13 colonies, the last unit studied in fourth grade, and how issues and concerns of the colonists led to the causes of the “Revolution” and a new nation founded on the principles of democracy.